--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 From: Seravina At: Wed Dec 25 20:10:36 2002 Fldr : 0 Status: Read To : Pete Wisdom, Kitty Subject: Voice Mail... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merry Christmas, you guys! I know it's not exactly your holiday, and I'm sorry I missed Hanukah--How's Happy Holidays sound? Gracie says hello, an--ooh, so does Katie, I think. I know things are never settled around here, so... instead of waiting for the dust to clear, drop by the shop some time soon, or, after the new year, we're going to be moved to a place on Elm Hollow. I'll warn you, if I don't hear from either of you soon, I'll drop by with gifts! I'll make it cute! ...anyway. Love you guys. Talk to you soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------