Kitty called Kess earlier in the morning and invited her by - she had, apparently, news. Of course, the delivering of said news has been slightly belayed by other important things. Like cookies, and drinks (coffee? hot chocolate? mulled cider? Kess can have just about anything she likes, as long as it's warm). Because, to put it bluntly, it's /horribly/ cold out. Kitty fusses. Kess arrives not too much after she was called - enough time to kiss and cuddle Tulio goodbye and pull on warm clothes. Not that she's too bothered by the cold, but Kitty isn't the only one that fusses. Arriving, she requests hot chocolate - caffiene in the bird is a dangerous thing, and alcohol and warmth may well put her to sleep. And she likes to pile sugar in the chocolate for extra sweetness. She smiles, coat shed and wings folded to her back, watching Kitty fuss with fond amusement. It's so nice to be fussed over. "Everything all right with you?" she asks, in no hurry to get to the news if Kitty isn't. The moments of calm easiness are precious, these days. Ah, avian metabolism. Sugar is indeed a splendid thing. "Just fine," Kitty promises - her hair's gotten substantially longer fairly quickly, it might be noted, curls spilling halfway down her back now, but she doesn't seem to take any notice of it. It might indeed contribute to her general look of vague contentment. "Except for Pete now complaining /twice/ as much, because not only is it cold, he's having to deal with the prospect of tofu for a day. I keep telling him that /one/ day without cholesterol won't kill him. How're you and Tulio? How's he dealing with the weather?" Kess tilts her head to the side, considering the difference in her friend. "Your hair's different." A soft smile approves, mostly because Kitty looks so happy right now. She giggles softly at Pete's complaints and offers a cheery shrug to the questions, a gesture echoed by folded wings. "We're good. You were right - he liked the armour." A flicker of a wider smile at that and a touch of blush - oh, he *liked* it all right. "He complains a bit about the snow, but he doesn't mind it too much." She relaxes into a happy expression. "Might even have some news soon, too." Kitty jokes, "I've been trying to grow it out for six months, and it finally decided to cooperate. All at once." Hot chocolate - made the long way, not instant - is delivered into Kess's hands; sugar is freely available for stirring in to taste. "Bet he liked what was /under/ the armor better," she adds, teasing, and gives a bright grin as she pours herself a fresh cup of coffee. Caffeine may be bad for birdgirls, but it's necessary for Kitties. "News? What kind of news?" Kess flushes pink at the quip about what was under the armour - it's only too obvious how true /that/ is. But she's grinning anyway, curling her hands around the mug and spooning in plenty of sugar, stirring it in thoroughly. It's something for her hands to fiddle with. "Tulio might be buying a club uptown," she says with a hint of excitement, quietly kept for now, confiding in her friend. "It's not settled yet, but... we should know soon." Should she be telling people? Who knows. But she wants to share. It's Christmas! Kitty's eyes widen just a touch. "Seriously?" Her friends are taking over Beacon Harbor's nightlife! Well - pieces of it, anyway. "Kess, that's so cool! That's - just -" ... making Kitty sound like a hyperactive bleached-blonde sixteen-year-old. "... wow." Okay, so she doesn't necessarily mind sounding that way so much. Kess' gaze ducks as she nods, teeth catching at her lower lip. "Yeah," she agrees. Wow. "He wants me to help out, too. Though I know nothing about clubs." She looks momentarily overwhelmed, almost lost, in a glazed, happy way. She won't know where to start, but she'll be there, trying anyway. She reaches over to give Kitty's hand or wrist a delighted squeeze. Wrist is easier to catch; Kitty shifts to return the grip, fingers lying for a moment along Kess's forearm. "I guess you get to learn by doing, huh? That's not so bad." And at least she knows her boss can't fire her! Kess giggles softly, shoulders shrugging dismissively, again echoed by her wings. She's only too happy to surrender her forearm to be held. "Yeah. I mean, I managed well enough at the college. This can't be much harder, right?" Her head bobs to the side, birdlike, as she blows on her hot chocolate. The future's looking hopeful for her - who ever knew she could have these things, these chances? Not her. But that brings to mind other futures, less hopeful ones, and her smile fades, gaze turning questioning. But she can't bring herself to ask. "Probably not even /as/ hard," Kitty says blithely. After all, it's only people. Right? The more sober look settles Kitty as well, though. "So. I, um." Had something to tell you about. "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" People. Never underestimate people, or how they can affect Kess. But she'll fall off that bridge when she gets there. Her lips give a twitch of an encouraging smile; whatever it is, she can handle it. She's so sure about that. "Might as well start with the bad." See? She's not afraid. "Those things with the black wings?" Kitty says, taking her, apparently, at her word. "They're here. They've shown up at least twice since the solstice. They move in groups and they're not shy of being nasty. You'll know them if you see them. Believe me on that one." Kess sits up straighter at that, eyes brightening, but not in a happy way. "They're /here/?" The warning is well-timed; the birdgirl makes a mental note to wear the armour whenever she goes out flying. Because if she'll see them anywhere, it'll be in the air. "I'll keep an eye out for them." Which means patrolling and trying to track them. "Do we know if they're really angels, or if they're just... winged?" Can I kill them, and how hard will I have to do it? "I don't know the theology of it," Kitty answers, "but they're /bad/, Kess. And in that sentence, 'bad' is a noun, not an adjective." She takes a swallow of coffee, staring down at the cup for a moment. "They're not invulnerable - a guy with a gun took down two of them. But they're not anything short of dangerous, either. They have... weapons. Swords, at least, and they're not made out of metal; I don't know /what/ they do. They're sneaky, they're mean, they like to surround their opponents before moving in, and they /don't/ hesitate to go after noncombatants." And with her eyes still down on the cup, it's a little easier to hide the cold fury. "And the 'they're not invulnerable' was, in case you were wondering, half of the good news. The other half is, they haven't found what they're looking for yet." Kess nods slowly, expression thoughful. She doesn't look perturbed by the description of how dangerous these things are; in the air, she has never been caught, and has great faith in her ability to handle herself there. She nods slowly. "I'm gonna have to pick up something to use on them, then." She's thinking weapons, and sighs as she wishes she had more time for archery practice. She's really not good enough to risk encumbering herself with that thing yet. Her lips press together, and she looks relieved at the last half of the news. "Do we have confirmation on if the heart-thing is what they're looking for?" Because in that case, she knows where to keep them away from. Guard-birdie? Kitty bites at her own lower lip. "We know they're looking for /a/ heart-thing. I'm not sure - if it's the one we thought it was. They've already been to St. Asta's." She hesitates, glancing up and over, looking at Kess steadily. "Kess - I think we know what they're looking for, and where it is. But I'm not sure if it's safe for me to tell you. I'm not worried about you telling them if they threaten you. I /know/ you can handle yourself. I'm worried about what happens if they start doing things to Tulio." Kess goes cold inside at that, brown eyes widening, and her knuckles whiten around the mug. "Tulio? Why would they-- how would they know to do that?" Her gaze darts away, and she has to put her mug down. She'll spill it in her distraction, and it gives her time to think. She just became a danger to Tulio? Definitely needing the weapons and the KILLING of those things. "If it's not the one in the statue at St Asta's, then...." Her jaw tightens as she frowns at the floor. She wants to know. "If they already think I know, then what difference would it make if I actually do or not? I wouldn't tell them." Her frown deepens. "How do they know I know?" Kitty lets out a quiet breath. "I'll take your word for it. Kess, I'm not sure it's /in/ the statue at St. Asta's anymore. Something - very strange happened a couple of days ago." She rakes a hand through her hair. "You can get around town a whole lot easier than I can - if you could maybe stop in at St. Asta's and take a look for me, see if anything's happened to any of the statues, I'd appreciate it. A lot." More coffee is drunk, except that it's not strong enough. "Oh, hell, they probably know what happened already. I don't - Kess -" Kitty's stammering. The caffeine is definitely not strong enough. "I don't know what they know. I don't know if they know about Tulio. Heck, I don't know if they know about /phone books/. I know they've already killed one person, tortured one, and attacked two more. When they went to St. Asta's -" Stammering /and/ disjointed. Wonderful. "An angel came out to meet them. Not their kind. More - much more like Liam. She ... put something in me. Here." Her free hand lifts and is set over her heart. "If the one in the statue is missing - then they're probably looking for me now." And Kess thought she had the bad news already. She looks at Kitty's hand, and lifts one of her own to cover it. Killing, torture, attacks... god, it's almost like home. "I'll check the statues," she promises shortly. It's in Kitty? Maybe? She'd better get a move on making that armour for her friend, then. "They're not gonna find what they're looking for." It's almost unlike her, the firmness and confidence in that, borne by all her determination. Her gaze is almost distant as her mind runs over what she has to do now. Warn Tulio, find a way to keep him safe. Try to find the heart. Hope, hope so much that it's not inside her friend. It's a moment before she lifts her eyes to meet Kitty's, their dark depths troubled but steady. She can do this. Brown eyes meet Kess's, and of all things, Kitty smiles. "I don't care so much if they /find/ it. They're not gonna /get/ it." Funny how their expressions match. Confidence, determination, concentration. "I mean. Come on. You don't think we're gonna let a little thing like this screw up a /wedding/, do you? We'll handle it. All of us." Her hand turns under Kess's, the better to squeeze fingers lightly. Kess returns the finger-squeeze and the smile, though hers is touched with grimness. "Yeah, we will." The grimness fades, relaxes back to something softer. She is /not/ going to let this get her down - now, maybe, she has something she can do, some way she can be of actual help. "We'll beat this. I'll see what I can do about those winged... things." Whatever they are. With any luck, she'll be able to steal one of their swords. Swords are great. Until then, a baseball bat will have to do. Baseball bats are also great. Knives might be better, but Kitty doesn't have any good ones on hand to offer. Just adrenaline and defiance, really. And Pete's gun, but so far as she knows, Kess isn't much with the aiming (and the laws of action and reaction might be a snag, too). "Just be careful, okay?" Kitty says lightly. "I mean, we've only got one Kess around." Kess has very strong feelings against guns, so it's probably a good thing the offer isn't made. Though if things get much worse, she might even be tempted to accept such an idea. She gives Kitty a lopsided smile, and leans over to kiss her friend on the cheek reassuringly. Right here, see? "I'm not going anywhere. And I'm always careful." If somewhat kamikaze. "Don't worry about me, okay?" She'll be fine. She's always fine. See how neat and scarless her skin is? It never leaves marks on her for long. Not to mention that it would be horribly wrong to separate Pete from the gun in question, but ... actually, Kitty's been wishing she had one herself. Kitty grins under the kiss, and leans to return one to Kess's cheek in exchange. "That makes two of us, then. And we're both darned hard to corner anyway. Right?" Brown eyes sparkle. "We'll be fine." Kess' smile relaxes, deepens, as she sits back, and she reclaims her cup to sip at the now-warm chocolate. "Yeah, exactly." So very sure about that. And hard to corner? Oh, she's gotten very good at being /that/. "So, everything set for the wedding, then? The dress is ready, whenever you wanna come try it on." Their future fineness settled, she moves quickly onto happier topics. "Everything except the people part," Kitty admits amusedly. "We're still trying to juggle that. A lot. Some of the guests kind of despise each other, so we're trying to figure out ways to keep everyone behaving." That last sentence is almost laughing. "Plus we're not actually sure if everyone we'd like to be there is /able/ to be around religion. This city makes /everything/ so weird." Kess blinks, then grins and shakes her head. "I'd help, but... I wouldn't have a clue where to start." Both hands curl around the mug, as she sips at the contents steadily. "This place does have a habit of making things complicated." She blinks, gaze going distant as she thinks about that for a moment, but she shakes those things away. Really too much to dwell on right now. "Clothes, I can help with. The rest? Just tell me what you need." Totally needing guidance there. She's really not even considering these kinds of things for her own wedding yet. Kitty says cheerfully, "Sanity, organization, and about two more years to figure things out. But I'll happily settle for the dress. See, /we/ don't have any idea where to start, either. We'll probably wind up just wandering in and hoping. I mean, it's not like either of us has the faintest clue what we're doing. Actually, you should probably watch, laugh, and take notes to save yourself some of the horrors." Kess giggles softly, gaze settled comfortably on her friend. "I'm sure you'll do just fine. You just have to be there and enjoy yourself. The rest'll sort itself out. And if not, I'll bang heads till it does." Even if those heads belong to some of the guests. Nothing is going to spoil this for Kitty and Pete. Nothing. Kitty teases, "I've never heard of a wedding with a bailiff before." Kess grins and blushes at that. "Well, I'll try and be good. I promise." Bailiff? She can't just be protector-of-the-peace birdie? Kitty rolls her eyes. "You'd be the only one there trying," she assures. "I /know/ Pete's already set up one practical joke. Men!" Bird-of-peace rather than bird-of-prey? Hm. They could, possibly, turn out to be the same thing, if Kess has her way. She laughs at Kitty's words. "Practical jokes?" At a wedding? Oh, this is going to be an experience and a half. She grins, delighted. "Well, I'll /try/," she repeats, brown eyes shining. Wait till they see which among the invited guests show up. If a particular one or two do, there may be no help for any of it. "Thanks," Kitty says more seriously - but not by much. "If all else fails, I'll flee to you to help keep me from beating the groom's head in at the last minute. Right?" Kess grins and giggles softly, nodding. "Sure. I'll be the wedding couple's protection, from each other if need be. But only until you're married." No protecting after that! Especially not in any private place. Ahem. Then they're on their own. "Suddenly," Kitty declares, "I feel much safer. Can't imagine why."