The place is a corner bar like uncountable others in this city - for some reason, in Beacon Harbor, /lots/ of people feel the regular need for a drink. Couldn't imagine why. About the only thing that separates it from every other corner bar is that it's close enough to the apartment Pete used to have that Kitty and Pete both have the layout memorized in disturbingly precise detail - and thus they're willing to be drinking there /at the same time/, instead of one spotting for the other. Because dammit, they /all/ need a drink. And Kitty promised Piotr explanations. And she's /not/ letting Wisdom out of her sight, and ... well, for some reason, the prospect of letting Piotr know where they're currently living was never even raised out loud, in front of him anyway. Kitty's scrubbed her face clean, let her hair down into its usual loose curls, ditched the gloves and the headset, and pulled on a leather jacket - unlike the guys', hers /isn't/ black. She's still looking strained white and more than a little bit unsteady, but after the painkillers she took earlier kicked in, she hasn't been flinching at the prospect of conversation. When she took Piotr and her drink aside, she was even, oh, walking normally without needing to be prompted to avoid obstacles. "So," she says finally, propping her head tiredly in a hand, "I promised you some explanations, didn't I." Piotr has also changed back into his standard street wardrobe, feeling much more comfortable in something non sleeveless - he's never been one to show himself off too much, but it does work when it comes to menacing. His jacket is a cruddy brown color, by the way. He puts back his third shot of vodka rather casually - Them Russians Is Good Drinkers - and shrugs a bit to her, his heart going out to her when seeing how peaked she looks. "If you feel up to it, the information would be nice to have... but if it is distressing at all, we can leave it for another day." Kitty crooks a very small smile. "More distressing to you than to me, I think. I've had time to get used to it." This particular Russian also has a /whole/ lot more body mass to absorb that alcohol than she does. Or than Pete does, for that matter, and the Scotch /he's/ drinking is /not/, unlike Kitty's, half-and-half with water. Kitty glances casually aside, rechecking that nobody but Wisdom is close enough to overhear. "To start with, um... his name's not Kurt Wagner. It's Kurt Darkholme." She pauses, watching Piotr - trying to see whether the name's familiar. Piotr orders another vodka, and listens to Katya... trepidatious as to what she might tell him... anxious to learn about Kurt. "An alternative version of the Nightcrawler I know, I see... obvious judging from what he attempted to do this evening..." He looks away for a moment, as the name Darkholme rings a dim bell. "Where do I know that name?" he asks aloud, almost to her, but more to himself... he furrows his brow a bit... Silence for a moment, Kitty watching quietly till they're alone again. "Try putting it with the first name 'Raven,'" she says then, somewhat resignedly. "Also known as Mystique." And given the pivotal role the blue-skinned shapeshifter has in defining the differences between several timelines she's gotten to take a look at, she's willing to be /that/ name will ring more of a bell. Mystique. That does strike a chord. It's been so long since he really thought about The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants... "THAT name, I recall. A shapeshifting spy, particularly cunning, blue-skinned, rather convinced of mutant superiority." Never had too much personal contact with her, but enough to remember her. She was striking to say the least. But then it dawns on him... "Bozshe moi... Mystique is Kurt's SISTER?" he asks her, looking at her with wide eyes... wondering if it's true, since there wasn't much of a way to tell how old Mystique was, with her shapeshifting ways. Kitty pushes a hand through her hair, gathering her curls at the base of her skull - the same place she knotted them up earlier. They're long enough to do that now. Amazing. It's been years. "Good memory," she says, with a twitch of a half-smile. "... but sorry. Not sister. She's his mom. This Kurt - didn't spend much time in Germany. She came back and got him when he was just a kid. I think he grew up with Rogue for a little sister." Here's hoping Piotr had a Rogue; at the moment, Kitty honestly can't recall. Piotr just looks wide-eyed at her. MOTHER. Wow. He can't quite fathom that, although it makes plenty of sense.. two blue-skinned mutants MUST be related, he supposes. He nods for a moment as he remembers Rogue as Mystique's adopted daughter. "Ah, yes, Rogue..." he says, almost wistfully, remembering people he tries not to think about often. "Well... is there any word on who the father is?" he wonders, curious about how the Kurt he remembers would take this news... "I never asked," Kitty says ruefully, slumping a little further. Odd how comfortable bad posture can get when you're pretty close to wiped out. "I should've. Should've, apparently, done a lot of things, but -" She shrugs. "He's a hard guy to get in touch with." With the teleporting and all. Piotr nods to her, noting her fatigue and wanting to reach out and rub her back comfortingly, but knowing better than to lay a finger on her with a drunk Wisdom nearby. "Do you know how long he's been here?" He almost wants to ask 'how long have you KNOWN' but there's no real sense in getting antagonistic about being kept in the dark. "Did... did he know any of us? He did not seem to recognize me..." Particularly the back. Oh, that would not be good. Kitty's eyes drop a little, down, a little away: guilty. "Saw him for the first time in May. Hadn't seen him myself since, since June. There was a news thing that mentioned him in September; he helped stop one of the bombing attempts." Serious now, she glances up at Piotr again. "I should've told you, but - it's - Piotr, he grew up with the Brotherhood. He's used to thinking of us as the enemy. Kind of hard to explain. Mystique's been here longer, she's established, and once I knew they'd hooked up - it got even harder to figure out a way to put it that wouldn't make you want to charge out and try to rescue him, and wind up in trouble up to your neck. Should've just trusted you to have more sense than that. I'm sorry." Piotr is, at first, feeling a bit indignant about this, and it shows on his face, as much as me might try to hide it. He has to look away from her for a moment... down at his glass. "I've been stranded here for four years, Kitty..." he starts to say, as though he feels like he's being treated like a silly little brother when he's got more time logged on this world than the two of them combined... but he doesn't continue with any sort of admonition. It's fruitless, and she did just apologize for it. He just sighs to let out that little burr in his saddle out of his system. He hates to admit it, but there might be some weight behind her argument, too. Finding out one of his best friends was here might cause him to do something he shouldn't. "How long has Mystique been here... and is there anyone else I should know about?" It's a good way to make Kitty sort of slide down a couple of inches further where she sits, though, as if she were trying to shrink a bit. "Sorry," she repeats, more quietly. "I just - get worked up where you're concerned. And Kurt. I worry too much." She reaches over to lay her hand on one of his for a moment, less a comforting or even an apologetic gesture than a nervous one: checking to be sure he's really there, really solid. "Nobody else that I can think of offhand - nobody we didn't talk about before. Unless you ever knew Meggan? An, um, fae, from Britain? She's around - we don't see much of her, though." Which leaves the Mystique question still needing an answer, doesn't it. Oops. "I'm not sure how long Mystique's been around. A minimum of a year, her Raven identity has ... a pretty impressive reputation by now." Not in the 'good' sense of impressive, from her tone, at least by Piotr's standards. "Maybe more. Possibly a lot more. We're not exactly on friendly terms; that I know of, we've met up maybe three times, and two of those - well, I didn't know till Kurt showed up tonight that that /was/ her." Piotr feels her touch on his hand briefly. Wisdom's presence keeps the angst at bay, which is at odds with the booze intensifying it somewhat. But it's not nearly as annoyingly strong as it used to be. He shakes his head at the mention of Meggan. Then it clicks for him... Weasel WAS Mystique... THAT was the weirdness he saw. He almost mentions this to her... then realizes she's aware of it, too, so he tries not to make it sound like he's that slow on the uptake. "She seemed eager to help us do some good tonight... even insisting that no lives were taken." he says, evenly. "Should I assume that her assistance tonight was because of ulterior motives, then?" Kitty makes a face down at her drink. Apparently his glossing-over was successful. "I'm not even going to try to guess how deep a game she's playing. But - she'd managed to infiltrate the group before I managed to track them down; she was the one calling in warnings." Keeping the later bombing attempts from actually, oh, /hurting/ anyone. "And she's well aware of how to work the media. The difference is - this time she was doing it for /our/ side. If any of them had died, or even gotten seriously injured, just stopping /this/ group wouldn't've done any good; they'd've spawned a couple of dozen bunches of imitators, now with brand-new martyrs to avenge. In order to stop them for good - we didn't just have to /stop/ them, we had to stop them without hurting them and with enough evidence on hand so that even this place's justice system had no choice but to put them away. She - she got that." Just a little wobbly again. Taking a swallow of her drink and closing her eyes for a moment afterward probably isn't the best way to fix it, but it does help make her feel better. "Got what she wanted. Discredited their faction. Without calling too much attention to ours. Making us look too good would just create a backlash - people in charge of the media don't /like/ us. Don't care most of the time, but won't let us get public support. I don't know - what Kurt thought he was doing there. It sounded like it was a surprise to her to. I've got, got a way to get in touch with her. I'll check and make sure he's, you know. Okay." She's rambling now, and her realizing it is visible: she closes her mouth and gives Piotr a quick, apologetic blink. Piotr nods as he listens to her explanation, not really noticing her rambling, as what she's saying is interesting, makes sense, and reveals a much more convoluted puzzle to solve. "Rather cunning of her then, I suppose..." he mutters, ordering another shot. He would never have thought it through so much. The whole point of the X-Men was to make a show of saving lives and working with humans... perhaps this is the reason it never really solved the larger social issues - creating a public backlash. He likens it to the trend he's witnessed when people get vocally tired of popular TV shows or celebrities - they make no bones about it... but the X-Men were never POPULAR. People just went right to being sick of them. He shakes his head and sighs a bit. "Are you certain your ability to get in touch with her will not be cut off now that you know her secret?" Sometime he ought to get Pete started on that topic. The man can go on for hours dissecting the /exact/ and /precise/ flaws in the X-Men's strategy and why precisely they never reached the levels of acceptance and, yes, popularity that, say, the Avengers did, or the Fantastic Four. Okay, those aren't parallels he'd have used, admittedly - given that he counts "spandex and codenames" as one of the flaws... But that would require both men being /willing/ to sit and talk with each other for hours. Kitty nods up at him, tired, but not /that/ tired. "Yeah. It's Raven I can reach. Not a contact I'm real comfortable with, either, but I'll live with it." Another half-smile, and she straightens up, switching subjects. "Piotr? Thanks. Without you, this would've all gone to - uh, well, we wouldn't've been able to pull this off, tonight. Probably not at all. Definitely not without casualties." Probably starting with Wisdom, as people fled the upstairs down the /un/blocked stairwell. Not that Kitty's mentioning that one out loud. Piotr could possibly be convinced to have a civilized in-depth conversation with Wisdom, especially if his relationship with Kitty gets any deeper than it is. He'll want to really KNOW the man to make sure he won't hurt her. He is still not satisfied that this man is not more trouble than he is worth... but he can really sense that this isn't his Katya... and Wisdom is probably more suited for this Katya anyway. He's admitted that to himself - not that he'd do it out loud. It helps to get past it. He glances over to her as she switches gears and thanks him, causing him to smile a little bit. "Nyet... I did not contribute that much to the effort. I am certain you could have succeeded without me. It is I who should be thanking you for including me in the plan. It... felt good to be doing something proactively again, especially putting an end to that group of misguided souls." Piotr's Katya would've been having /fits/, months ago, about the mere idea of a Kurt Darkholme. Or about drugging opponents. Or about even the faintest possibility that they'd been helping Mystique work toward some goal of her own, /whatever/ that goal happened to be. Or ... yes. "Could've /stopped/ them - this group - but the best outcome I can think of involves one of us bleeding all over the place and at least half a dozen of them dead, and most of the rest involve explosions." Because sometimes /nothing/, but nothing, substitutes for an animate solid steel wall. Stopping people, distracting them, pushing masses of them /up/ a /stairwell/... wow. And then, teasing, "And I didn't see a /bit/ of rust. You're still pretty darned good at proactive, for all your griping about being out of practice." Piotr smiles a little at that, actually blushing a little. He decides not to bring up his near-botching of the plan with the whole mask transfer situation. If he hadn't been in position... well... all of those drugged people would probably still have just passed out before they could escape. It still felt good to be at least semi-useful again, though. "Well, thank you... but as much as I do not want to admit it, Wisdom is rather adept at keeping things on track," he responds, teasing back a little. "I doubt I would have been as effective without his direction..." He glances Wisdom's way, too, curious if he's eavesdropping, although it occurs to him that there's probably some earpiece hookup going on as they speak. "I am just glad to be of use. Feel free to bring me in anytime." What. He managed it, didn't he? He caught himself. For as long out of practice as he's said he is, that's not so bad. Kitty grins at his return teasing. "Careful. He might be listening." Brown eyes sparkle - though if he /is/ listening, it's not through her cellphone. The hands-free set did not come inside with her, though the cellphone itself did. Hurray, emergency contact methods. "Yeah. He's short on finesse - like you didn't know that already - and he's kind of a bastard, but he's a /clever/ rude bastard." Fondness? Well, yes. "And you better be careful. We might just take you up on that, and start interrupting your sleep at random intervals to come and get shot at." And fondness for Piotr, too, if of a different sort. Hesitation, for a moment. "I did hear gunfire - but you didn't seem to be having any trouble. Still don't. You're okay?" Steel can shrug off some bullets, if they even hit him, but there are a few guns that could actually /hurt/ him. Not that it's likely they had any, but still. Piotr shakes his head and smiles as she calls him a bastard affectionately, the sort of thing that always strikes him as odd. "No.. I had no problem with the gunfire. Wisdom was on the guards behind me quickly when I was mopping up the stairwell, although I doubt they would have done anything to me were he not. They might have escaped, though, and that would not have been good." He knocks back his next drink, with an inhalation and a bit of a 'shhhhyaaah" exhalation, shaking his head a little and smirking. "Sleep just isn't sleep without the threat of interruption. It makes you appreciate it more when you DO get it." he responds. "I'll be expecting the calls." Hopefully, this proved to them that he can be worth the trouble to call out, since they seem to be worried about his competency, or at least his ability to act rationally... ... given that they're both still influenced by unpleasant, and entirely different, memories associated with his counterparts. Wisdom's got the trust issues; Kitty's got the driving urge not to be reading any more autopsy reports. But Piotr handled himself well. Just fine, when it came down to it. And there's an odd sort of pleasure in Kitty's expression when Piotr mentions Wisdom dealing with the guards behind him. Not to mention the /way/ he mentions it. Something relaxes in her shoulders, and she lifts her own glass, grinning a little more broadly. "If you say so. God, I'm glad you don't have a car," she adds half-admiringly, glancing at his emptied glass. "I've got no idea /how/ we're getting home - I mean, I haven't been drinking as much as you two, but I don't even know /how/ to drive, and I'm thinking this just isn't the time for lessons..." Piotr grins to her a bit.. he hadn't thought about the whole traveling-home process. "If worse comes to worst, I can always carry you. I am quite certain I could lift you." He smirks a little bit. "I can lift Pete, too, if need be... although I could also drag him along behind me if he did not wish to suffer the indignity of riding on my shoulder." He smirks a little bit at the image of carrying that guy home like that. Okay, now Kitty's going to put her glass down, because she's really not coordinated enough to manage both holding it /and/ giggling. "I think," she manages weakly, "we can probably manage a taxi." But oh, the image. Oh dear. Piotr nods to her. "A taxi might also be of use... but I could use the fare to buy groceries..." Kitty muses, "Your place is in walking distance from here - I know, I walked up that way often enough." She considers the empty glass again. "I keep wanting to say 'staggering distance,' but for you? I don't think so." Flash of a grin. "But I think the budget'll stretch enough to get you home, too. It's the least we can do after keeping you out all night." Piotr shakes his head. "Nyet. Save your money... for a good Christmas present for me." He smiles mischievously - an odd sort of smile for him. "Good luck getting that man home... call me if you need any help." He stands up from his stool, stretching a bit, and only barely feeling a buzz. "And Katya... thank you." It's a lower-toned, quiet thank you. For the compliments, for getting him out and involved, for touching his hand, for tolerating his angst, for even wanting him around. His eyes make it seem deeper than his words do... but then his lips curl into a smile and a nod to her before he heads out.