"Timer, not much time," Kitty mutters, "plus he's holding a detonator, can't see if I can get it clear safely - he said 'all over the building -'" She's had experience with sabotage. That experience does /not/ involve training with explosives. Easing away from the stairwell now, out of the way. For once, nobody's paying attention to the masked woman in black. They've got other things to be thinking about. Forward, closer to the family argument. Closer to the walking bomb. Real /smart/, Pryde. Real survival-prone. Brown eyes gone very, very wide. Weasel isn't running. She's walking calmly, steadily, towards Kurt, to stand in front of him. "Yes, it ends tonight," she agrees. "But not this way." Don't you remember why we're here? Don't you see that killing them all makes them right? A hand lifts to place on his cheks, fingertips stroking fondly through fur. I'm your mother, I love you, don't do this. I'm not leaving you to /die/, stupid. Words that never reach her lips. Eyes become her true, glowing yellow as she turns her back to the room, all on him. Don't kill everyone, it's not you. "Undo it. Disarm it," she bids him softly. She knows he's smart enough to. How much time? "Where is it?" And for god's sake, put the mask on. Behind them, bewildered partygoers grow enough spine to approach the pair. "Hey, what the fuck's going on? Man, you can't just blow this place up." One reaches for Weasel's shoulder, to pull her out of the way. Another turns a frown on Kitty and turns to face her off. "And who the fuck are you?" And why does everyone but us have masks? Somehow, a closer look at the detonator and the bomb Kurt carries puts fear in their expressions that they didn't have before. As if being nearer made them more real. And fear turns to uncertainty, and confusion, as lungfuls of air grow tainted, colourless, odourless, but head-fuzzing all the same. In a way completely unconnected with the way Kurt's head is fuzzy. Likewise, the bulk of the party pounding towards and down the stairs slow, movements slurring, and they take on that bewildered look. Those at the top were stopping anyway, on seeing the obstacle at the bottom, but fear of what they have seen and set themselves in the past is only slightly more prominent than fear of the funky-looking muscleguy below. And besides, he can't stop them /all/, right? One man slips and tumbles down the stairs, probably quite painfully. Limbs start to grow unsteady and too liquid for true support. At Colossus' rear, the four guards approach warily with weapons drawn, no-one quite willing to take the first step and risk really pissing this person off. Because... wow, big and shiny. "What the hell is this?" Kurt asks, finally seeing Kitty. "Some sort of goddamn intervention?" Sure, they're all here for him. He's willing to believe it. "I'm not disarming anything, and don't you touch me like that!" Kurt yells, taking a step backwards. "Decide you want to be my mom again? I'm not your son, okay?" He throws the mask across the room as hard as he can, and doesn't look to see where it lands. "You're not...fighting for nothing," Kurt says, starting to feel dizzy. "You're just a criminal." A step backwards nearly makes him stagger, and he gets a hand on the wall. "What the hell?" "Well, for fuck's sake," mutters Pete, reshouldering the rucksack and pulling his taser from his pocket. He finally steps forward - which would be coming up behind one of the guards advancing on Piotr - and prods at the guy's neck. "We don't fucking have time for any of this. Timer, you said? 'Kinnell's he doing, Kitty? Rasputin, plan 'e'. Not f, not wholesale, but just - got to get up there, he called me something a while ago--" Pete gestures impatiently at the mess of slowly-groggying people between him and the stairs. "Keep him coherent, try," he says into the hands-free. Colossus steps into the stairwell entrance and hunches down a bit, still keeping him taller than most of them, his expansive size closing off the passage, ignoring the people approaching from behind, as he assumes their weapons can't hurt him, although he does glance back to them a couple of times. He picks up the guy that fell first near him, and brandishes his ever-limpening body as a warning... and then Wisdom changes the plan. New order of business, GET UP THE STAIRS. Simple enough... He stomps up the stairs, arms widened from wall to wall and scooping everybody up and hoisting them, forcing them backwards. His face turns ANGRY - scare scare scare - "BACK.... UP!!" he bellows, figuring it's safe, what with cover blown. He plows this mass of schmucks back as best he can, shouldering the slumping limpening bodies and hauling them up... "Sedative," Kitty says aloud, listening over the handsfree with half an ear - but she's got nothing useful to feed WIsdom right now. "Nobody dies tonight." Somebody's getting in her way? No, she doesn't walk through them - ducks around, her own reactions not slowed, faster and more adept than the Fisters in the room. "/Nobody/, you hear me? You don't have to do this, it's already over. The cops are on their way by now." Because any mob panic that's caused by saying that is going to be forestalled by the glazed dissociation that's going to be coming on pretty fast at this rate. She dodges another body, trying to work her way closer to Kurt. Weasel can undoubtedly take care of herself. I'm not your son. Weasel's eyes widen, flare rawly, at that. No, my son hates me and fights against me; you, *you* are different. "I love you, Kurt." Firm, controlled, she is not going to break down. Now is not the time, and her cracks are well-hidden. "We're here to stop /them/." Let's get this straight. She jerks her shoulder out of the grip of the man behind her, switching her grip on her tazer to shock him with a backward jab. Fuck off. Then she watches Kurt stumble, and cups her hands together, to be filled with another blue-edged rippling. He would have to throw the damn mask away, so she has to sacrifice the tazer to make another one, and she steps towards him to try to clap the thing over his nose and mouth. "Do you want me to die too?" she asks him, half-challenge, half-plea. "Tell me where." Please. Behind her, the Fisters are staggering and clutching at the furniture for support that will never be enough, as the drug works its way through their system. And they can't stop breathing it in. Expression flicker, confused, outraged, denying, afraid. What's happening? There's a bomb, and bodies don't appear to want to work. Grabs are made at Kitty, some merely for support, but to slow, so slow. Gazes seeking understanding follow her, panic increasing. Cops? Did she say *cops*? On the stairs, there are cries at the slow charge of Colossus; they would run, if they could. Find a fire escape, and who's bright idea was it to board up all the windows again? Of course, most of them end up scooped up in that metallic hug, unable to move in time, or much at all, increasingly. And they would so like to obey, really they would. In front of Pete, there's a convulsion, almost a shimmy, as the guard makes a choking noise and goes down. And suddenly, weapons are no longer at Colossus' back, but swung towards the new threat. Whoa, metas all over! We're surrounded! ...by two! Run! Panic! Fire guns! ...you know, this whole being gassed thing sucks. A couple of shots are fired, aim wide of the mark as muscles are unable to deal with the kickback, and the remaining guards stumble. Uh-oh. Kurt sags heavily against the wall, eyes half lidded and unfocused, even the twitching of his tail stopped, drooped. He turns his head away from Mystique, resisting the mask, taking more lungfuls of tranquilizer. He looks at her though, eyes widening with sudden emotion. She said it. "Miss Emotional Control finally cracking?" he says, half mocking, half wondering. "Mom. Two things," he says, holding up all the fingers on one hand. "Firs'. Its inna bathroom," he says, voice slurring. "Toilet tank. Not a lotta time." "You're all completely mad," explains Pete, stepping toward the men with the guns, apparently not even reacting to shots fired in the immediate vicinity, not panicking at the holes in the walls, stepping -toward- them - reaching out, shoving lightly. "Fall the fuck down and get out of my way--" Climbing over, if he has to - trying to get the hell up the stairs. "Well *done*, Colossus." Pause. "I'm never calling you that again. How's this work if we're *both* the Man in Black?" He's trying not to step *on* anyone fallen; the rucksack's making things difficult so he's slinging it off and taking something out and tossing it over the railing, whereupon it makes a thoroughly satisfying WHUD as it hits the ground floor. Taking forever to get into the room where the information's flowing. Forever. "Pryde, status?" Colossus finishes hauling all of the deadening bodies up the stairs, carrying them over and depositing them with a bit of care in the main living room where they all started from, having cleared the way for Wisdom and actually feeling a little swell of pride as the miserable guy that hangs out and performs precautionary sniper services whenever Kitty visits actually approves of him for once, and then for a second he's annoyed at himself for WANTING approval from that guy... and then he shakes it off with the Fisters and looks to face everyone else, eyeing the room, looking for stragglers as instructed, but also wanting to get a look at Kurt, for one thing... so he heads back to the stairwell to monitor it... somewhat taken aback by the mass of Jonestown-looking bodies here... They're not unconscious. Sort of. There's this odd glassy-eyed stare and grin that's characteristic, and deeply disturbing. But the good thing about ketamine is, it /doesn't/ depress breathing much, doesn't screw with the brainstem - it's relatively safe. Only the ones who react badly enough to spit the evening's intake of alcohol back up are likely to be at risk, and that only if they try to breathe the results. Kitty relays back to Pete, voice forcibly unshaken despite the gunfire. "It's where you hid the books - better move /fast/ -" /She/ doesn't look panicked. She doesn't even look nervous. Just intent, shrugging off hands, easing one girl who's about to collapse - it only takes a second to be sure she doesn't hit her head. Doesn't take long, but it slows her down reaching mother and son a little. Which is just as well, since she has no idea what to do when she gets there. "Of course I do." Love you. Stupid. Weasel steps quickly closer to Kurt, abandoning the mask idea in favour of listening to him, trying to catch each soft, slurring word. She'll slip an arm around his waist if he looks like he's going to fall, to ease him down. A nod follows his words, still-yellow eyes leaving his face only long enough to look to Kitty. Did you get that? Go to it, then. "Check the ones up here." Not caring about the state of anyone else in the room right now. "And the second?" she prompts Kurt quickly. Tell me, I need to know. We're not dying here. None of us. The guards fall back with a waver, step, THUD, groaning. Thanks Pete. One even makes a grab for his ankle, weak and unformed, struggling against unconsciousness. Fingertips barely manage to brush the walking man's bootheel. All over the place, limp ragdolls with oddly aware eyes make pathetic bundles wherever they fell or were put. "Second thing," Kurt says, holding onto his mother with both arms now, letting the detonator drop to the floor. It's nowhere near sensitive enough to go off from that. Kurt forces his head upwards, trying to focus enough to see his mother. "I can't feel my legs," he tells her, dead serious, voice hitching with a repressed cry. "Only other bomb is right here," the mutant says proudly, his whole coat wired to blow. Kurt looks around the room, and his eyes go wide at the sight of Colossus. "Wer sind Sie?" "Where I - hah." Pete's, at this point, basically going 'fuck even the pretense of sentences'; he's got what he rescued from his rucksack in hand: wirecutters and a little voltmeter. God knows what else was in that bag. "Er ist ein Freund, Kurt. Haben Sie nicht Angst," calls Pete with a lopsided smile, practically sprinting across the room toward the closest bathroom - he has to jump over people, and it looks kind of stupid. This is going to work. It is. "Fry his, Pryde. Worked with your damnable strawberry jelly." Gone. Bathroom. It's a potty emergency - no, really, it is. That was a beeline of Pete across the living room. Colossus watches the frantic moving about... a little hazy as to what's going on, since he has no earpiece... but he knows there's a bomb somewhere... but this whole scene looks pretty horrifying. Focus on Kurt... the Mad Bomber What Bombs In The Middle of The Well-Laid Plans of Muties And Men. He repeats Wisdom's assurance that he's a freund... a little sad that he's not recognized. He briefly states, in German, that they'll have time to catch up later. Nobody's trying to leave, so he heads back down the stairs to gather up the guards that were tazered down below - better to keep them all in once place. Pete's got that issue in hand. Which is good, because Kitty didn't show much inclination to turn around. She reaches out for Kurt and Mystique. "Let me take care of that one, Kurt." She's not sure if frying the detonator would just plain set it off - C-4 is entirely different from the bomb she disabled that way, once - but there's a chance she can at least get the explosives the hell away from the /people/. Here. His coat. He had no intention of surviving; no intention of dampfing out before it blew. Yellow eyes widen, and Weasel's gaze drops to look down over him, as she wraps both arms around him and lets him slide slowly down to the floor. This form's too small and wiry to be able to hold him up for long, and she needs her hands and to be able to get at that coat. "Oh, Kurt...." What have you done? What have I done? Damn are you getting a scolding when we've all survived this. As soon as she's got him down and supported by the floor, she'll flip his coat open and start to look for the detonator. Not die first, talk later. When he's conscious. A glance to Kitty, wary, and she'll shift to let the girl in. "You think you can disarm it?" You so much as /look/ at him wrong, and I'll stab you in the heart. It might not be Mystique's area of particular expertise, but she's competent enough herself. But two pairs of eyes are better than one. Everyone else is apparently nearly comatose, except the odd one of two who react badly and shake and throw up all over themselves, so the NPC world is quiet. And slightly twitchy. But mostly quiet. The whole coat phases right off of Kurt at Kitty's touch, and he's left in the leather outfit he arrived here in. It seemed appropriate to wear it on the way out, too. The detonator is already on the floor, near his head, and he watches with glazed eyes as it's found. "Careful," he murmurs, eyes starting to drift closed. There are a couple of muffled curses from the area of the bathroom, but for the most part, it's very quiet. Very quiet. That's a good thing, right? Colossus comes quickly back up the stairs with a few more guard bodies, dropping them off in the living room as well, and then heading back over towards Kurt and the others... trying to assess the situation, realizing that Kurt's strapped himself with them. Bozshe MOI! "If you can get it off of him, give it to me... I can get out of here quickly and smother it if need be..." There's a hint of wondering how well he'll whether that much of a blast, but he's pretty sure he'd survive that... She's got it off of him, but Kitty's shaking. Pulling the coat away. Careful. "I've got it." She doesn't touch the detonator as she gathers it in. "I'm not much with explosives, but disposal I'm good at." That's for Mystique, as she's straightening up - then glancing back to Colossus. "If you can open a window for me?" Seeing as they're boarded up pretty impressively, and all. As Kurt's eyes close, so do Weasel's for a moment, as she brushes his cheek again. Silly, silly boy. Don't kill yourself. When they open, and the furred one has faded under the gas' influence, the yellow glow is blinked away. Back to looking human, snugly masked, and she looks sideways at Kitty. The detonator is in her hand, cradled gently, even if the drop to the floor didn't set it off. A moment of concentration and a hand cupped around shifting molecules, another flicker of a glow over eyes, and she starts to take the thing apart, nodding at the girl. "You do that." Good for you. A slight frown towards the bathroom - not forgetting about the other bomb. But not moving away from Kurt just yet, or calling out in case she distracts. Make progress, damn you. "Heh." Pete appears in the door of the bathroom, holding a dripping plastic bag in one hand, and the voltmeter and the wire-cutters in the other. He flashes Weasel a tight smile, then glances at Kitty and Colossus, leaning against the jamb. "About done yet?" His attention shifts back to Weasel and Kurt, and his expression is rather odd. There's an apology in there, a troubled one. "He'll be all right. It looks a lot worse than it is. Two or three hours, and it'll wear off. Just mind the hallucinations as he's coming out of it." Colossus nods to Kitty and immediately strides towards the nearest window, wrenching off the extensive sealing work with the ease of somebody tearing a stick of butter in half. "Done." He's a little confused though... surely just tossing them out the window isn't considered safe disposal? He looks over to Pete as he emerges from the commode, taking that as a sign that it's been defused, and if he breathed in this form, he'd let out a sigh of relief. His eyes return to Katya... and he hasn't caught much of the interplay between Weasel and Kurt other than SOME sort of strong relationship. Lucky Russian. Katya is going to be in for a very /long/ session of explanations later. "Let me know," Kitty says carefully to Weasel, "when it's safe to move this." Fretting. Want to check and make sure everyone's breathing. Can't. "Pete, I'll get yours, too." And there's a quick, strained smile flashed to Piotr - it's as much as she can manage while holding something with this much random destructive capability, and with an unconscious Kurt /right there/. "Spasibo." Thank you. He won't be all right when she's finished with him. Internal waverings between anger and hurt don't show on Weasel's tightly controlled face, which settles into unimpressed, sardonic lines instead. "Thanks for the warning." Thank you, very much indeed. There's a genuine note underlying her tone. She, likewise, assumes that Pete has done his thing successfully, and looks at Kurt for a long moment. So many questions, but business reasserts itself. And besides, unconscious, so pointless asking any of those /other/ questions now. "When are the police arriving?" The little pair of pliers in her hand continues to pry open the detonator, and she levers the wires out of it carefully. A little snip, and all is safe, but she doesn't know what failsafes the coat might have. "Detonator's safe," she tells Kitty. And wariness starts to creep in; with the crisis over, she's not sure how any of them are going to take her identity. "Six, eight minutes after I give the word." That's what the other, non-present member of the group is taking care of, after all. Thank you, Jack Celliers. Pete holds out the plastic bag for Kitty to collect, then goes to check that the couple of victims with poor reactions haven't actually gone into respiratory arrest. "Better get him clear." Colossus looks around between the three of them, feeling a little lost at the moment. He supposes they know what they're doing, but he's getting a little antsy anyway. He glances out the window to look at what's outside... as if they might have something set up to take care of this.. or look for cops... or feel somewhat useful at the moment... Kitty draws the coat and its burden clear, careful of them, and picks up the dripping bag from Pete. She adds over her shoulder to Weasel, "Mind if I call and check up on him later? I've still got your number." Tone's carefully clear of any emotional load at all, as she threads past Colossus, adding to him, "And - wanna meet me downstairs? I might need a hand up." Through the window he so neatly reopened she goes - being /very/ careful of the explosives. Yes, she's standing on air outside - but she's got the detonator and as much of the wiring as possible bundled on /top/ of her burden, and she lets none of it overlap the windowframe. Straight through clear air. As an afterthought, she nudges the cellphone with her elbow till it hangs up - then starts walking down. Fifteen feet above ground level, ten - at eight she simply lets herself drop. Straight down. Into the pavement and through it, phased, still carrying the hopefully-defunct bombs. Since the street doesn't explode in the next second, presumably they actually /were/ defunct, or at least mostly. Weasel frowns at the detonator in her hand, then tucks it in her pocket. No point leaving it here. Another sharp, sideways glance to Pete, and her lips press together as she nods agreement. I know, I know. Fingers search the unconscious boy's wrist for bracelets she hopes are there, and she gives a sigh of relief as she flicks the hologram on. Then it's a subtle alteration to her shape, a strengthening and filling out under the jacket, and she's moving to pick her son up. No-one else is doing this; he's mine. "I'll leave it in your hands, then," she says, before she grits her teeth and tries to stand. Ugh, other person, heavy. She makes it, though, and settles him over her shoulders, fireman-style. "Try not to get arrested." That really would be a shame. And also counter-productive. And she's missing a pet lawyer to send out for people, so it'd also be a huge pain in the ass. She gives Kitty a tight nod. "He might appreciate it." Then she's turning and heading for the door, to take her son home. And yes, it does look like the bombs are all good. Poor Kurt's never going to get his coat back. Pete gives a tight smile of his own at Weasel's admonition, but it's still got that troubled note lingering somewhere. Maybe more than one, after Kitty's invitation to Piotr. No comments from him. He's busy. Or at least he's looking busy. And wanting a cigarette, dammit, but not till they're all clear. Colossus nods to Kitty and heads down the stairs, pausing to watch her head out the window - he completely forgot she could do that... and as she drops, he realizes what she's doing, and glances back to the others briefly... catching sight of a.. weirdness in Weasel.. some sort of weird shift, but he has no time to observe more as he heads down to meet Kitty as soon as he can, heading out the door back into the winter snow... It probably takes less time to get down the stairs than it does for Kitty to pull herself back out of the pavement. And promptly collapse on hands and knees in the slush, gasping for breath. Here's hoping there's no traffic coming. On the other hand, any traffic that saw Colossus would probably be inclined to take a sudden detour. At this hour in the Badlands, there are few cars around. Weasel takes her time descending, but her steps are steady as she makes her way out of the building. Firmly placed so they don't slip in the slush. She isn't going far; there's a van parked down the block a way, incongruous with dents and rust. But it starts, even in the freezing conditions. She'll let the cops decifer tonight's gift, and see how Kitty and her friends handle the cops. If they stick around at all. Spin-doctoring can wait until the morning.