Weasel: Sharp and unpleasant, this girl has a shrewd look to her, which is probably why she is generally referred to as 'Weasel', the slinky rodent pictured on the back of her stained jacket. Mid-brown hair is scraped back from her angular face, that bears sharp brown eyes missing little from underneath an often-frowning brow and a thin-lipped mouth so often pressed in tight, displeased lines that it seems set that way now. Her skinny form is clad in simple, unflattering shirt and jeans, both of which are oversized for her frame and hang baggily off her. The jeans bear a looping chain and hems which are frayed and constantly muddied from dragging on the ground as she walks, obscuring the battered sneakers on her feet. Pete Wisdom: Look, it's an overly thin, wiry Englishman of average height. A Study In Black: unruly black hair that needs cutting, black turtleneck and gloves, leather jacket, black jeans and gum-soled boots. His face is pale and scarred, the vestiges of old fights and accidents; the only bright thing about his appearance is his eyes - they're a clear and alert blue. His movement is reserved, his manner controlled - expending as little waste energy as possible. He carries a black rucksack, apparently fairly full. Piotr: This is a very tall and very well-built Caucasian man that looks to be in his mid to late twenties. He has short black hair and piercing dark eyes that let you know immediately that, despite any words or deeds to the contrary, he bears a tragic burden at all times. He speaks with a thick Russian accent and is clad in dark clothing - black pants, boots, and a tight black T-shirt that is stretched snugly across his massive chest, accenting his impressive development, with a sleeveless black pleather jacket hanging off of his frame, revealing his sizable arms in what could be an intimidating fashion in the right circumstances. Kitty: A slim and athletic woman in her mid-twenties, shoulder-length brown curls pulled sharply back out of her smudged face, braided and knotted at the base of her skull to keep from letting a strand escape. Her expression is stubborn and set, her large eyes wary. She's dressed all in black: black turtleneck, black jeans, black gloves, black boots. Nothing about her shows so much as a glint of light. Her movements are balanced, calculated, choreographed by a persistent trace of paranoia held in check by the rush of adrenaline. Kurt: Kurt seems to be continuously in shadows. Not in a dark, angsty way, or even in the sense that he sticks to the shadows. Seriously, it looks like he's in shadowed lighting, no matter what the brightness of the conditions around him. This is partly due to the fact that every inch of exposed skin is covered by very short, thick, indigo fur. His hair is thick and curly, uncombed, and of a slightly darker shade than the fur on his body. His face is narrowed and angular, eyes almond shaped, though there are no pupils of any sort discernable, they appear to be a uniform yellow. His lips are thin, and somewhat pouty, and when his teeth are visible, the canines are notably longer than normal. Jaw tapers to a strong chin. When standing up straight, Kurt is about 5'9. His current outfit is all black leather. A wide collar exposes black spandex underneath. The leather is open at feet, and hands, with a small aperture at the back, where a several foot long tail, the same dark indigo color as the rest of him, with a barbed end, protrudes. Along the collar, tracing around the shoulders and arms, the outsides of his legs, and in simple patters on the chest, are bands of gold. Each hand has but two fingers and a thumb, and each foot three toes, two at the front, and the heel itself seems to make a third, capable of grasping. The dark side of midnight in the darkest corners of the city, where shadows gather and clump, orange-edged by streetlight, what little can be seen of the moon offering no pure shimmer of silver. Few linger in the streets off Southland Drive; the few that do make shadow-shapes of themselves, thicker blacknesses with low voices and clandestine grasps of drugs and sex and blood. A block off Southland, deeper into the craven heart of the Badlands, an old apartment building sits squat and hunched, windows boarded up and closed against the outside. Light leaks out between boards in places, as if the edifice was covering its face with inefficient fingers. The doors are all firmly closed, and whatever goes on within seeks to give nothing away to the outside. A private party, a secret meeting, a factory of hate and conspiracy... perhaps all of the above. Across the street, down half a block, smoke curls up to give nicotine scent to the darkness, as Weasel sits atop a dumpster, a bag making a lump beside her. Booted feet swing, but carefully don't bang the sides. Fingers twitch restlessly, flicking the cigarette more often than it needs, its glowing tip bouncing and juddering with nerves. She's not a patient woman at the best of times, and is eager for this thing to be over and done with. Just as soon as the hired heroes get here. There's more cigarette smoke; a man dressed in black - turtleneck, jeans, gum-soled boots, thick jacket, gloves - and carrying a rucksack, nearly expressionless. Low voice, coming into hearing first and then into intelligibility. "...meant to connect in a bit." It takes on a faintly amused tinge. "How are you at smashing things? Still in practice?" Not contributing to the tobacco magnate's evil empire, another, towering man dressed in black - massive arms bared to accentuate the fact that, yes, he does lift heavy things and put them back down quite often - walks in tandem with the first one, responding dryly. "Perhaps a bit rusty, but eager to get back into the swing of things." He even cracks his knuckles for effect, trying to put to bed his nervous nellies. Notably absent from the pair's company is the slight woman Weasel's talked to before. She's elsewhere, apparently, not keeping company with the two here to meet. Either that or, at best, coming from a different direction. Well, /some/ of us might be self-sacrificial enough to put out our cigarettes, but not so Pete. Not tonight, not right now. There's a brief flash of a disbelieving grin at Piotr's statement and a brief under-the-breath, "My god, a pun," and then they're headed in the direction of the low whistle. He keeps his hands in sight and inclines his head slightly as the two men approach Weasel. "All right?" Quiet. Pleasant. Piotr remains silent, as hired muscle is generally expected to do. Best not to betray that his name isn't Bruno and he's not been recently released from prison on multiple homicide/savage barfighting charges. He betrays none of his jitters - he is REALLY out of practice on this sort of thing, but he's getting that rush of excitement because he's actually contributing something again... or at least attempting to. Gameface.. gameface. Imposing, huge guy, throws a good haymaker, scare people. Let Pete do the talking - he's at least good at that. With a slither and a damp thud, Weasel's boots hit the slushy ground as the two men near her. She straightens slowly, eyeing the pair of them closely. The bag dangles from her hand, tugged with her. "Nice night to be out, don't you think?" she offers with a wry twist to her tone. "I take it you're Kitty's compatriots." A hint of a sardonic smile then, twitching up the corners of her mouth. She was expecting these two, but Piotr gets a curious look. Well, hello there big boy, and what about you? "Here to bring the bad boys down?" Closer still, and then stopping - the unspoken decent distance. At this range, it's also possible to detect a slightly elongated earpiece and a clear thin wire from it leading into Wisdom's jacket. A crooked half-grin of bemused resigned irritation tugs at the corners of his mouth and he hooks thumbs into the shoulder straps of his rucksack. "So it is, so we are, and for pity's sake, d'you have to put it that way? No, irrelevant. What've you got, and are you going in?" Piotr makes no indication of responding other than meeting the curious look Weasel gives him with a slightly cocked eyebrow. He watches her movements carefully, just in case there's some annoying 'trap' thing going on. Yes, the talking is Pete's strong suit. He keeps all snide conclusions about THAT little trait to himself. Focus on the job. There's a murmur from that earpiece, audible only to one: "I'm clear. Want me over there, or keeping out of the way?" Weasel just grins at Pete's first question; she wasn't going to answer it, even if he didn't make it rhetorical. "Evidence," is her first answer, with a little lift of the bag by way of explanation. No trap here, just business and plotting. "Stuff they won't get a chance to burn." The curve of her mouth turns sneaky and entirely mirthless. Those bastards won't get out of this that easily. "And yeah, I'm goin' in. I'll even unlock the door, if you ask nice. You guys all set?" An upward quirk of an eyebrow, gaze flicking questioningly between them both. Well? Can we go do this, or what? Wisdom gets a slightly distant bent to his expression momentarily, and he says quietly, "Nearly go. Sit tight if you're in a good spot. Which entrance?" His gaze flickers to Piotr, then back to Weasel, and then to her bag. "Presuming you've got copies stashed and others on their way to where they belong, yeah? Won't do anyone any good if it's taken inside and doesn't come out again." As he's speaking this time he's slinging the rucksack off his back and unzipping the main compartment quietly; it's set on the asphalt and he's on one knee, reaching inside. He comes up with three small plastic devices, two-pronged; set aside as these are proffered are three plastic mask contraptions. Piotr gets another glance, this one amused. "We /are/ aiming for as little physical contact as possible." Piotr listens to the exchange, glancing over to the entrance, trying to feel like he knows what he's doing, when he's really not sure how this is going to go down. "And I am here in case our hopes for little collapse into a lot." He grimaces a little... wishing he had the earpiece to Kitty as well. "How many people are we dealing with here?" he asks, generally to Weasel, but he figures Pete knos, too... guy knows everything. He wonders for a moment if he should have a taser himself... nah... he'll just break legs if he has to. "I'd say the east," Kitty's voice replies, still faint. "Sitting tight, check. And I confirm thirty, give or take, mostly nice and trashed." Weasel snorts at Pete, and gives a deft flick of her wrist to send the bag over her shoulder. It thuds against the lid of the dumpster, then slides down to slip through a gap caused by a dent in the side. Now they all know where to find it. "Don't you worry about that." All in hand, backups coming out of her /ears/, really. Just not literally. She looks down at the offered tazer, and takes it with a hint of amusement. "About thirty, most of them on the second floor as of half an hour ago," she tells Piotr, tucking the weapon into a pocket of her jacket and stepping towards the mouth of the alley, boots slushing slightly as she walks. Ah, winter, it makes this so much more fun, doesn't it? She glances down at the masks on the way past, a smirk twitching up one side of her mouth. "Gas, then?" A slight nod of approval. Knock the suckers out. The only thing that sucks more than winter is UFOs. "Brilliant," says Pete, sorting the rest, shoving a couple of canisters from deep in the sack into his pockets, then eyeing Piotr. "Take it. It's still plan b. I'll let you know if we hit plan f and have to hit them a lot. And take a mask, you don't want to be inhaling aerosolized ketamine. Unless you're a club kid with no future." His mask gets slung around his neck, and the taser in a front pocket. Thus Weasel gets her confirmation and her own personal gasmask, too. "Kitty says east entrance. There a central ventilation unit anywhere in the place? Make things a fair bit simpler." Yes, walking. No, not happy about not having blueprints. Piotr isn't used to the superspy regalia, and the more he sees, the more he's surprised Wisdom isn't wearing a tux and sipping a shaken martini. He takes the taser with a bit of reluctance, but he realizes it makes sense. He echoes Wisdom's movements with the gear, although he can just shift to metal to avoid inhaling anything - neat trick he doesn't publicize too much. Mental note: look up aerosolized ketamine, or maybe ask Hank what it is. The snow crunches under his heavy footfalls, looking over the taser again, remembering the manual, although he's never used it in a live situation. "So, just so I am clear, which one is actually Plan A?" Shaken martini? Oh, that's right, Piotr hasn't been subjected to Pete's rants on the mistreatment of alcohol. "Didn't get a chance to check it out," Kitty notes quietly to Pete's question about ventilation. "Sorry." Priorities and limited time, tsk, sigh. Here's hoping Weasel knows. Gas mask likewise pocketed, Weasel pauses by the mouth of the alley, gaze turned towards the boarded-up building. It has little to say right now. "Hmm, round the back, not too far from the east entrance if you're goin' in that way," she says in reply to Pete's question about the ventilation unit. "Might have to kick it into action; shouldn't be too hard." Of course she knows; she knows every inch of that building. Enough to be able to dip a hand into her pocket and hold a folded, somewhat crude plan of the building out behind her. At Piotr's query, she flicks a glance over her shoulder. Yes, what /are/ we doing? The folded paper is duly taken, unfolded, reoriented, scanned, reoriented again, scanned again, and squinted at briefly. Pete gives the two a bright grin. "Improvise like fuck? Neh - it's, yeah, gas. Kitty's lookout at the moment, she's got her own gear with; if we can set the aerosolized ketamine into the ventilation and get that going at its full power, they're too trashed to be able to tell the difference between being rightfully intoxicated and being slipped an invisible Mickey. 'S a disassociative calmative agent, so -" Here his voice takes on a funny tone, not heard here yet "- they'll know perfectly well what's going on, but won't do a bloody thing to fight. Problem is if the ducts are faulty or inadequate. Then we've got to go and catch any trying to have it away on foot. If something goes horribly wrong with that, then you get to polish that rust, mate. There's enough of us should be able to account for everyone. If plan 'a' works, there'll be a lot of us hauling people outside and getting them to the police." He shakes his head briefly, then holds the map back out to Weasel. "Further up and further in, then." Piotr nods at each point, thankful for the explanation and that look from Weasel that gave him the sense that he wasn't the only one that was fuzzy on the details. He's not sure if he really wants to polish that rust or not. He knows logically that plan A works best... but there's a part of him that's itching to scrap... the idea of taking on thirty schmucks in a melee - something he hasn't done for years, and he has to admit there's a certain satisfaction in that from time to time. "Just point me in the right direction..." he says. That sounds tough and confident. He wants to hold up his end of the bargain. Kitty's voice contributes absently, "The way the place looks, 'inadequate' is probably going to be an issue. Not exactly a high maintenance budget. But it oughta do /something/. You okay?" Weasel waves the returned map away; no, you keep it, mine's in my head. And if they get separated, he might need it. "Probably be easier to open the windows and get the cops to come here." Hauling 30 adults out into the snow? Ugh, please no. She shrugs away concern; clean-up is best kept until they've finished making the mess in the first place. "An' yeah, might have to enforce the ventilation a bit." She doesn't sound too bothered by that prospect; let's just all remember the no-martyr rule. "Shall we?" A glance checks the two men over briefly, making sure they don't have any other adjustments to make. "Fine," is all Pete says, in response to - everything, really, it works quite satisfactorially on all counts; he puts the map in his other front pocket. There's no particular inflection. Hey, officially en route. Piotr nods as well... not even bothering with a 'Fine.' He flanks Wisdom and keeps an eye out for any lookouts peeping from the windows. "Any sentries to be concerned with?" he whispers, figuring Kitty will hear everything he says somehow. As he understands it... his job is just to kick back until some people need to be broken or hauled outside. It's a pity that cellphones aren't /that/ good. No comment from the lookout to Piotr's question, or to Pete's monosyllable. Isn't it just great when a plan comes together? 24 hours, and months of waiting for the conditions to be right... at least it's /starting/ off the right way. Weasel's lips press together in an almost-smile, grim and anticipatory and nothing at all to do with mirth or happiness, and she steps out confidently with the boys. "Not on the outside. Better let me go first, though. Be two inside the door." Within the building, the guards chat idly with each other, a pair reclining just within every one of the three doors, each on different sides of the building. Fluorescent lights burned unshielded in alternating strips of bright and dark along the ceilings of the hallways, the decor is old, faded, obscene 70s patterns dwindled into murky images of a neglected time. On the second floor, large rooms hold the celebrators, congratulating themselves and each other for a scare well made, even if no bombs exploded. Again. But they take the little victories where they can. Most are still awake; a couple of lightweights have already succumbed to booze in seeking quieter rooms, for sleep or more energetic activities. Music plays mutedly; people are relaxed. Once outside the east door, Weasel knocks in a particular rhythm, and the wood is all but jerked out from under her knuckles. Recognition on the face before her, as she steps inside with a shark smile. "Hey." There's not even a flicker in her expression, as her hand comes out of her pocket and jabs the taser at the guy. Night night, twitchy. Didn't she say she'd open the door for them? Inside the dirty, over used, under cleaned, positively rank bathroom, a new unpleasant smell is added, one that begins to creep out under the doorway. Kurt, wearing the hologram that the members of this party know so well, appears in a flash of light. The drunken slob already in the bathroom, giving homage to the porcelain god, looks up from the dirty bowl to blink bleary eyes at him. "What the--" Kurt's foot catches the man right in the throat, and the party goer is left wheezing, unable to draw breath. "That's one," Kurt says to himself in a strained voice, and throws open the bathroom door. Deference to Weasel. What a nickname. "Apt," says Pete, eyebrows up in dry admiration. "Right. Pryde, round back. Place the big two and see if you can't sort the unit; she says it may need a kicking. Rasputin, I want you on this floor stopping runners. Weasel, if there're any closed off spaces, you'd know where they'd be, mind no one goes in 'em." He reaches in a pocket and offers her one of the canisters, then pulls his gasmask up over his mouth and nose. "Marvellous close range, these." Looks like a can of aerosol hairspray. "Seven minutes. Go." Piotr nods to Wisdom, following his instructions and patting the taser in his pocket for good measure, making sure the door behind them closes once they're in, eyes darting about the place for stragglers. It's good that they're drunk. Should make things a tad easier... "On my way," says the faint voice in Pete's ear, and Kitty is - sacrificing her watch on one of the other doors, easing down through the air from her perch. No talking while she's moving, and not much in the way of paying attention, either. Which is okay, because what she's doing causes the cellphone to complain in bursts of static and fuzz and random electronic noise anyhow. One more bit of equipment fished out once she's on the ground: a flashlight with plain brown paper taped over it, dimming the beam to a dull and reddish glow. Got to be able to see to take a look at the ventilation unit, and no sense either ruining night vision or providing a beacon in the process. Here's hoping the thing's fairly simple. Or maybe even working. That'd be nice, but what are the odds. Let's not all forget Guard No. 2, who gets another swift twitch-making touch of the joystick in Weasel's hand. What a shame, she didn't get to show anyone the Secret Fister Handshake. She's almost grinning as she takes the cannister from Pete, and has to juggle weapon, gas can and mask in order to get the latter on her face. No overt signs that she minds taking orders from him, either - all the little things are filed away in her head for future reference. She fully intends to get more out of tonight than simply unconscious, incarcerated Fisters. A salute flicks prongs mockingly to her temple, before she turns on her heel to march off down the corridor. "Don't get lost now!" Her voice, muffled by the mask, floats back over her shoulder. Oh, there'll be no hiding. Heeeere, Fisters. Upstairs, the party continues, without noticing the intrusion. The other sentries at the doors below pause in their conversations at the sounds of bodies hitting the floor. Or muffled thuds. They wait, and look to each other. Something to worry about, or someone being drunk and falling over? What are the odds? The ventilation unit is a sullen piece of equipment, not currently in use, but it will start if tried. And judder alarmingly and generally protest about being made to do things in this cold, after all this time, when the heating is working quite happily inside. Violence may be necessary to curb its waywardness and coughing splutters. "Okay everyone," Kurt calls as he strides out of the bathroom, recogniznig some faces from the gang, not knowing most of them. "I'm going to make this really nice and simple, okay?" Whether he's got their attention or not, he will in a moment, as he drops the hologram that hides his appearance. Nightcrawler is there in leather costume, with a long black coat covering it. "This," he says, throwing back the coat, reavealing wires and mechanical looking things, and a whole load of C4, "Is a bomb! But, you should know that, I used to build the fucking things for you!" He was asked to come, and therefore expected no problems with anyone taking direction from him. It's /possible/ he was needed for his ability to play guitar, but highly unlikely. And - he was asked to come; therefore, someone already knew enough. And oh. Oh fuck. There's a familiar voice. And a familiar word. "Pryde," says Pete quietly. "Kurt." Slightly louder - enough for Weasel and Piotr to hear even as they're leaving, he says, "Change of plans number one. Weasel, outside. Pryde, dissuade him - upstairs. Rasputin - sorry. Armor up, give Kitty your mask. I'll sort the vents. _No one dies_." His voice is very calm, and now there really /isn't/ any expression - not even a hint of one - as he starts booking it for where Kitty was working. His voice is trailing off as he's speaking on the hands-free, "When you get up there turn up your volume, feedback regardless, you're the only one of us he'd..." Piotr widens his eyes as he hears the voice... and Wisdom names it as he recongizes it. A million questions race to his mind - KURT is in this town?! KURT is trapped here as well? Why wasn't he aware of this? Why does PETE seem aware of this? And why the hell is Kurt threatening mass murder? He's stunned for a moment, but Wisdom barking an order at him shakes him of it - especially since it contains an order to help Katya, and within an instant he's become The Man of Steel and is charging up the stairs to get the mask to her... and see this with his own eyes. He was great friends with Kurt, and he MAY be of help in the dissuasion process... "Check. Leaving my share here." And the faint sound over the cellphone would be Kitty dropping her equipment, leaving it for anyone who can make it back to the machine, followed by another wave of fuzz and static: hunting the stairwell, and in through the wall to join Piotr. Stairs aren't any slower than airwalking up, and a hell of a lot less draining. Besides, the two of them are the bulletproof ones, and she's small enough to share a staircase with Piotr and not get slowed down. Of course, she's also the lucky one /not/ to have heard Kurt's announcement. Which means that the second she sees him, and the black leather, and the explosives, she's going to be taken - very much aback. Weasel alters course at the voice from above, face taking on a shocked expression under the mask. What the HELL is he doing here? She's already running towards the nearest set of stairs when Pete starts issuing more orders. "Kurt's mine!" Is sent back over her shoulder with a sharp look. That's one command she isn't going to take. Tazer gripped tightly in her hand, she sprints upstairs, with a short headstart on Piotr. And, great, the big fella's following. Everyone go to Kurt! Forget the plan! Bah. She rips the mask off her head, holding to it tightly as she runs into the party, throwing it at Kurt's chest with an angry scowl. "What the fuck are you doing here?" The explosives get a startled look, and a deepening of her frown. "Put that on." The mask, that is. Because she doesn't know if Kitty managed to get the gas in the system yet or not. She's ignoring the Fisters around her, all of whom have now turned to stare at Kurt, mouths agape. The sound of liquid pouring into the scraggy carpet can be heard, as an unattended drink tips in one man's hand. *HUH?* "Hey, what's going on--?" Someone has to be the first to ask, and it's a very tipsy girl, blinking at the blue-furred one. A few are sober enough to realise that bomb means bad, and start for the door. Time to be off, then, because that guy looks not only like a freak, but also a pissed freak. "Shit," seethes Pete, from what little loudness he can hear behind him and through the hands-free; he doesn't alter course. "Kitty, tell Comrade Steelknickers to get the fuck back downstairs and stop people from leaving, or at the very least head them off at the stairwell." He's got to the vent unit, and eyes the flashlight and the big canisters for a moment, then pulls a Doctor and just kicks the thing vehemently in a relatively inoffensive-looking spot. "I think this whole thing's about to go straight to hell. The fuck is Weasel doing? Inform me!" This as he's hoping the sounds the thing is making mean that it's about to work reasonably well, and puts the mask more solidly on, and sets the canisters into action. Hisssss. Kurt is certainly caught off guard by Weasel's appearance, catching the mask with one hand, his entire dramatic speech entirely derailed. "What the hell are you doing here!?" Kurt yells at her, yellow eyes wide. "Mah, get the hell out of here! I've got explosives rigged through the whole place!" He sure doesn't sound like he's bluffing, a note of sheer panic entering his voice. Colossus had not expected Kitty to meet him in the stairwell, so he stops and quickly gives her the mask as soon as he sees her, and being stopped before seeing Kurt brings him back to his senses. THINK, Rasputin, you've worked on team ops before - you can't be THIS rusty. He stops for a brief second, having heard Weasel yell out about Kurt, and realizes there's much more going on than he knows, so he just nods and darts back downstairs, feeling sheepish, whispering a 'sorry' as he returns to his post... and now he's hoping against hope that he doesn't have to scrap with anyone... Kitty has, thus, the time to drop, "Later," by way of promise of explanation to Colossus, even as she's catching the mask and fitting it. "He's in place -" she adds to Pete as she's moving. Up the stairs. To the stairwell entrance, wave of static as she ducks out of the way of one fleeing individual - he's Piotr's to deal with. And then she stops and stares at Kurt. And Weasel. Hissing a moment, low-voiced, "This wasn't her plan, news to her, place is rigged to go up -" It's much less obscene than the little mantra getting chanted in her head right now. The ventilation unit chokes at the kick, sputters with outrage, then grumblingly assumes the appearance and demeanour of working machinery. With little spits of protest every now and then, as it carries noxious fumes throughout the building. "Well, they better not go off," Weasel returns to Kurt, scowl still in place. And with him calling her 'mah', not to mention her familiarity with the furred one... well, her cover's nicely blown. And besides, she doesn't have a lot of choice now. "I /said/, put it on." She points at the mask. "We are *not* here to kill people." Sharp eyes fix on her son's yellow ones - don't you dare. Don't undo this. Then there's a rippling across the lower half of her face, leaving behind it a closer-fit, more ergonomic mask than the one she gave to her son, and her eyes give a yellow glow to answer Kurt's. The party-goers are slow to react, but not entirely off the ball. Uncertain looks are exchanged, and more are heading for the exit, slipping away towards the stairs. Words of rigged explosives are just a little too scary. Others are obviously sizing up Kurt and the bomb he carries, and, to a lesser extent, Weasel. She appears to be on their side. Maybe? Wait, what was with the face-thing? Downstairs, all the noise has brought the guards away from their posts, and the four are arriving at the foot of the stairs in time to meet Colossus. At which point they slither to a stop and stare for a moment, before reaching for their weapons. "No, you don't kill people, only our own kind," Kurt seethes at Weasel bitterly, still clutching at the mask with one hand, other holding onto a little detonator. "You're not stopping me. This ends tonight, for good. So unless you want your ashes scattered a bit prematurely," Kurt says, losing the force of his anger, closer to a break down. "Then you better start running." His lips pull into a weak smile, which turns immediately into a frown, his face no longer listening to his orders to keep expression off it. "I, p-put a timer on them. In case I chickened out." "It's released, Kitty, it's starting. Two minutes before everyone gets monumentally retarded who's not wearing a mask. Two to five. Tell me more about the rigging. Whole place? Connected how? Where's the detonator? Timer? Switch? Anything." Pete's getting away from the vent system now, coming back, not going spectacularly far. Would most likely be on the lower floor, to do the most damage - the most wiring, the most explosives. He stops short of where there're running people - Piotr's far better equipped to deal with them. "Or should we let them go, at this point?" Colossus isn't letting anyone go just yet. He'll do his job until Wisdom backpedals on it. He looms large, blocking the stairwell entirely and staring down these people, not letting his worries about the bomb show through. "Do not even try it. Go back upstairs or I will send you back up there myself." He even flexes his shoulders a bit, allowing his metallic skin to glisten in what little light there is. "This is your only warning."