Aika's Cabin
Aika and Skies of Arcadia are properties of Overworks and are used here for simple educational and entertainment purposes. I make no profit off of this site whatsoever. Dont sue me plz!
Omega Psyclone
About the site-written by Spazz
Who is Aika?

Aika is the second member of your party in Overwork's Skies of Arcadia for the Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo Gamecube. She brings fire to your party, both in attacks, and in personality. She's hot stuff, all right. Most of her special moves target whole groups of enemies, so she's very good at 'clearing the room' so to speak. Her most useful move, though, is Delta Shield, which is a life saver against many enemies in the game. While much of the attention of Skies of Arcadia has been put on Fina, Aika deserves her own shrine as well. This is that shrine.

So if she's so cool, how come there aren't any other sites dedicated to her?

I think the main reason that there aren't that many fansites made for Aika is because a lot of people are "intimidated" by her attitude. I know it seems a bit harsh to judge that way, but you have to admit that it is a bit off-putting. Besides, it's been proven that most men are afraid of strong women. What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Actually, xLouisax put me up to the challenge, and Aika the brave ventured up the name (though I use it without permission). The truth is, I think Aika's a really cool character. There are lots of cool characters in Skies of Arcadia that deserve mention, and thanks to the hopeless romantics who like Vyse and Fina, a lot of them don't get any mention at all. I'd love to make a De Loco fanpage and a Doc fanpage, but they probably will never exist, due to my lack of effort, and everyone else's lack of interest. Maybe Yangn would be interested in a De Loco site, but I don't think she has the time. She sure makes some pretty killer De Loco pictures, though.

You said that she was good in a fight, but all she does is die! D=

Woah, there! She's a great room-killer, but if you leave her totally unprotected, she won't stand much of a chance. To be honest, Enrique is probably your only completely rounded character. Everyone else is a specialist. Aika specializes in fire damage, as well as strong magic (not as strong as Fina's, however), and crowd control. She has an afinity towards green spells, so she'll be the first to learn your most basic healing spell in the first dungeon (and thus save your butt against the first boss). She is also there for morale support when the rest of the party is feeling down.

Fina is hot and Aika's a whore!

Well that was immature! You hurt my feelings, little man. Aika and Fina are both "beautiful gals", but they're just pixels and models, nothing to get upset over. However, if you want to get down to the basic facts, here they are: While both girls are good looking, most people like Fina because she doesn't know she's attractive. Guys have a tendancy to want to teach a girl she's good looking, if you know what I mean. ;D Unfortunately, Fina has absolutely no confidence, and strikes me as being quite helpless. Ironically, it's Aika who usually fills Fina in on the basics of culture and life in Arcadia.

It is my belief that were a person like Fina to exist, any relationship they got into would be unhealthy, due to the fact that Fina has no idea what she is doing. The whole load would be placed on the other half, and make their life miserable after a while. Aika has spirit, will, and a good head on her shoulders. She's not afraid to take charge if nobody else will, but will certainly let someone else take the lead if need be. That's the kind of person you want as a companion. Fina is more the kind of personality you'd want as a pet. I'm not saying any more without a lawyer present!

My lawyer is present

**** off!

...I can't find Skies of Arcadia anywhere!

Are you sure? If that's the case, I guess I can help you out. When I first got Skies, I had to order it online because it was sold out at every store here. Thus, I provide you with a link to both the original Skies of Arcadia and Skies of Arcadia Legends. If you don't have a credit card, you could always look at the pictures there, and go hunt for the game at your local store again. Or bug your parents to buy it for Christmas. Or get a job so you can build up some credit.