Role Play

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This page contains information regarding Role playing with me. Please note I will not Rp with you If you've never done it before. If you don't know what OOC,IC and BIC stands for, than you've never rped. I'm a serious Rper, so I will not Rp with newbies. Also I'm not one of those love sick Role players. Anyone asking to be my pets mate or to date my pet first hand will be ignored. My pets Do Not Date,humans do not animals. They do find mates eventually after they've known them for awhile. Then don't however go through with the whole mating thing to have pups, thats just sick >.<. I usually have them pretend and then create the pup or pups. I Rp my pets normally in the Fan chat boards, in my Guild or even through neomail. Occasionally I will Rp them through Aim. The neopet I rp the most are lupes,which resembles a wolf. You will notice 90% of my pets are lupes. ^^

New Info regarding Rp!

Maturity of opposite Role Player

The reason for this section is to prevent the incedent that happened months ago from repeating itself. I will not Role play with you if you don't respect me or my pets. If you act like a brat or stuck up,then I will just ignore you completly. I know Rping is meant to be fun but lately people make it seems like real work and that to me kills the joy of it. If you really don't care alot about Rping then I'm not the person to Rp with, for I do. I care about what happens to my pets in Rp and won't tolerate anyone who tries to take advantage of that. I learn the maturity of a Role Player bascially shows how much they really care about their actions. I learned this the hard way and will not be making the same mistake twice. If your under 12 then please don't Rp with me unless your mature enough to do so.

My pets don't go searching for a mate right away, they usually want to make friends first. Once my pet knows your for awhile and they really start to like them then yes they will ask yours to be their mate. Once they do I usually Rp though Neomail or even in my guild if you join. I ask that If you do Rp with me, you'd be on at least once a week. If 3 weeks pass and I don't hear from you.. I will assume your not interested in my pet and eventually end their relationship. I won't however have my pet move on untill a certain amount of time passes and I see your not planning to come back. Please note that all my pets are very loyal to their mates. Vincent has been with his mate for over two years and I've become great friends with the Owner of Kelli. ^^ I will never end a relationship between my pet and their mate for stupid reasons. The only reasons I will do this is if your not active or that your actually cheating on my pet {this has happened before -.-}

Pups ^^
Please understand I will not want to have pups right away if our pets just met. I rather wait awhile on that subject since right now I have so many pups from my pets. Though with enough time pass, then yes I will aggree to that ^^ Once pups are expected please understand that we must both agree on his/her name and other important information about them. If theres more than one pup then I will name one and the other owner can do so as well. I will make an account for them if its required or you may. I won't ask to share the account unless you ask first. I will help provide for the pups and even sometimes help paint them as well. Yes I'm very generous in that department, especially if their relatives of Vincent ^.^
Also 3 pups max to a pet please!

Pet Limit!
I will NO longer role play my pets with numerous pets owned by the same owner! What I mean is if your pet is already mates with one of mine, you can't have another pet of yours be mates with another of mine. Why? Because some moron, who won't be named, deliberatly destroyed two pets of mine when she decided to lie to me and break her two pets up with my two pets!! I will however allow close neofriends to do this. Yes only trust worthy friends can rp numerous pets with mine. They are; Tigra6957_,Tyler_18845, Drake_42, lupess_gurl22,Mystical_lupes120,Sandwiched ,Cherryblossom434,Jab0600 and dokuno_yumei. Only them, NO ONE ELSE!!! So don't even bother to ask! I only trust them with this -.- If you have any questions, Please feel free to Neomail me.