Parthans are a race of large, feline predators. They have basically humaniod bodies, but with long, sturdy tails. They also have a thick pelt of fur which varies from individual to individual. Most common are black or orange coats, however. Parthans have a strong sense of honor, but by no means consider honor as important as one's life. Evolved for combat, they excel in the physicial, while lacking in the mental. Parthan warriors are common, but Parthan magic users are rare, and very respected.

Race Resistances
Cold: Somewhat Resistant
Falling: Quite Resistant
Fire: Slightly Susceptible
Magic Cold: Somewhat Resistant
Magic Fire: Slightly Resistant
Psionic: Somewhat Susceptible
Base Statistics
Strength: 14
Intelligence: 8
Willpower: 7
Constitution: 12
Dexterity: 12
Charisma: 7
Free: 3
Racial Bonus

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