Experience Legend (average per monster)

Piss Poor Poor Decent Good Very Good Excellent Extrodinary Only if ya got balls
0-1,000 1,001-5,000 5,001-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000-100,000 100,000-500,000 500,001-1,000,000 1,000,000-3,000,000

Area XP Alignment Dirs Description
Aydindril ?? ?? 5w, 2d, all n, pay guard, 3n, 2e, 2n, e, n, e, ne, nw, n, ne, e, ne, 2n, e, 3n, w, nw, sw, w, sw, s, 2w, nw, 2w, 3n, ne, n, ne, n, 2ne, n, e, 2ne, 2n, nw, 10n, w ??
Clerists' Tower Decent ?? e, swim, 2n, w, 8n, u, cave, use orb, 2s, 3w, enter portal The monster XP varies in this area. Watch out for the Barbarians!
Crossroads of Good and Evil Piss Poor Repeat after me, "duh". w, s, read book, 4n This place is supposed to be a newbie starting area, but the place really isn't worth a damn as far as trying to build up. You're better off fishing in namek, get the gear, then heading to the Orc Encampment or sticking around the fishing area and kill the lower monster there.
Kindred Excellent Evil 5w, 2d, 5n, pay guard, 3n, e, deny Humanity, stand, n, ne, w, n, pull back sheets, lay on bed A very good area to gain experience in, especially if you get your hands on the flame longsword. Somewhere in here is also the location of the Black Rose Clan hideout. From what I've seen, though, this supposed "clan" is open to anyone who can get a rose and really isn't active anymore.
Namek Dinos Excellent ?? 3n, 6e, 3s, e, s, change channel to 4, watch tv, e, s The dinos in this area tend wander around quite a bit. Some of the dinos do auto you, so be careful when you fight one, cause another just may wander in and attack you too.
Namek Fishing None N/A 3n, 6e, 3s, e, s, change channel to 4, watch tv, w, n, 4ne, (nw, n, e) or (se, 2e, n, w or e) These areas are designed so new characters can obtain some decent gear with some patience. The fish you catch can be traded to certain monsters for gear. To see the list, go here.
Namek Tower Very Good ?? 3n, 6e, 3s, e, s, change channel to 4, watch tv, w, sw, 2s, 2sw, 2w, nw, n, w, 5n, 3e, s, 2e, throw switch, w, n, 3w, n, crawl under tree, n, enter
(You will need the mysterious cloak in order to enter)
Most of the enemies in this area do not hit that hard as they are just really fast. Watch out for Mojo!
Rick's Cafe American Good ?? 3n, 6e, 3s, e, s, change channel to 4, watch tv, w, sw, 2s, 2sw, 2w, nw, n, w, 4n, pay bouncer This area has just a bunch of decent sized monsters to kill. Nothing special.
Sams Excellent ?? 5w, 2d, 5n, pay guard, 3n, e, n, e, n, e, n, e, ne, e, ne, n, 2ne, 2n, w, 3n, w, nw, sw, w, sw, s, 2w, 2nw, 2w, 11s, w, s An excellent place to gain experience for upper level characters. This area actually contains two sets of monsters, depending on when you go to there (day or night). There is a few glitchs that do allow you to attack them all at any time though, but I'll let you figure that one out.
Solace Good ?? e, swim, 2n, w, 8n, u, cave, use orb, 2w, 2n, enter solace The gear the guards are holding at the entrance are a good source of coins, but they do attack in groups. There a few larger monsters in the area, but mostly smaller stuff.

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