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Liza Arkania

Full Name: Liza Arkania

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eye Color: Brown

Race: Semi Human

Weapons of Choice: Long bow and arrow and whip

Abilities: Hunting, aiming at distant targets with her long bow, hearing things from miles around

Liza wears gold plated clothing and a skirt with brown knee high boots. She wears a light brown cloak. Her whip is coiled up at her hip when it's not in use and her long bow is usually around her shoulder with a quiver of many arrows.

Liza is a hunter and highly capable thief. Her hearing and sight are as good as a vampires. How she came to get these abilities she is unsure of. Her parents are also a mystery to her and the old man she had been raised by knew not where she came from only that he had heard her crying as an infant and later took her in. The old man, Cicero, was surprisingly patient with her as she was always into something to stave off her constant boredom. She also had a wild temper that could be set off at the smallest thing. With her age she learned to control her temper but she still had to be doing something. Patience was something Cicero could never teach her, but he was able to teach her a few things in healing and alchemy until she got bored with that. He then tried teaching her how to act like a lady so she could one day marry, but that ended with Liza furious with the small little things that she had to do and things she wasn't allowed to do.

Cicero gave up on her ever being engaged for she was constantly in the woods and coming home coated with mud. So instead he treated her like a son after that. He found that she was much more compliant with his new teachings of hunting, fishing and archery. Most of all though, she loved hunting. Quickly she became fluent with it and brought small animals home every night. With her skills her ego also grew. Liza took no orders from anyone except Cicero and even then it was grudgingly.

Then came the time when Cicero began to feel the affects of age. He took to his bed with Liza near him constantly and he then told her of how he found her and that he didn't know who Liza's parents were. And days later Cicero died and for the first time Liza actually cried. She left Cicero's house with a whip and her long bow and went out to search for something to do that would mean something. Ofcourse Liza's ego never left her but she began to see the world through an adults eyes and finally she grew up about as much as she was going to. She never became a lady though and is still the crude woman she was as a child. She does not take orders that do not benefit herself, but she does seek to know her parents and why they left her. She doubts she'll ever find them and so she forgot about them and traveled the world to do what she loved most, hunt.