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Training Packet 3

         This material covers the structure of the KotMB as a guild, and the rules governing Guild Points.

Structure & Guild Points of the KotMB

         The KotMB, as a guild, is structured in a semi-militaristic way. The membership of the guild is divided into six separate divisions, and ruled by a High Council, which is overseen by the Grand Commander. KotMB is an autocratic entity ruled by the Grand Commander with the High Council present to assist on any decision-making the Grand Commander deems necessary. The Grand Commander often takes each High Council member's viewpoint into consideration, and High Council meetings are often called to discuss important decisions that will affect KotMB. Democratic intent is usually the first consideration but the Grand Commander is always free to make the final decision at any time on anything affecting KotMB. The High Council is the liason between the lower ranking membership of the guild itself and the Grand Commander.

         Each new member to the guild will be placed into one of the six divisions, dependent upon that new member's talents and skills. A new member may also opt for inclusion into the new section known as Mystere Island, a free form section for those who are not interested in rank, advancement, dice, GPs, and guild activity requirements. We also have a section known as the Gentry, should the Mun be ill or disabled for any serious length of time or on a consistent basis. We also have a LOA leave of absence section that enables a KotMB member to be absent of all required guild duties for up to ninety days.

         Most members of the guild will be assigned a unit of dice, denoting one's rank and position within the guild. The dice structure for AoRG allows for a range of 2d40 - 2d20. Members of the KotMB will hold dice within this range, with the highest being reserved for leadership positions, and the lowest for inactive or non-combative positions.

The High Council (HC) of the KotMB

Grand Commander (GC) - 2d40
The leader of the guild.
Division Commander of the Guardians of Land and Water - 2d36
Leader of the group that includes all Sailors, Rangers, Pirates, Lupines, and other land dwellers.
Division Commander of the Elite Warriors of Midnight - 2d36
Leader of the group that includes all Warriors, Knights, and other battle oriented individuals
Division Commander of the Midnight Blue Academy - 2d36
Leader of the group that includes all Professors, Poets, Musicians & Actors.
Division Commander of the Spell Keepers of the Blue - 2d36
Leader of the group that includes all Healers, Mages, Soothsayers, Priests & Priestesses.
Division Commander of the Staff of the Midnight Blue - 2d36
Leader of the group that includes all greeters, bouncers and tenders for the Arts and Entertainment Midnight Blue Tavern.
Division Commander of the Undercover Special Forces - 2d36
Leader of the group that includes all spies, bounty hunters, assassins, Arch Contenders/bodyguards and those who would preform specialized tasks and duties of an undercover nature.
KotMB Trainer - 2d36
This person is responsible to train all new members, see that they complete their packets and move them into their new placement as full members of KotMB.
KotMB Entertainment Director - 2d36
Organizer of guild events and activities.
KotMB Greeter - 2d36
This person is responsible to take note of each new member who posts on the IC message board and assign them a room/office at Rapture Manor. The greeter is responsible to actually post this response and play out a storyline concerning the new member aquiring their quarters.

The Divisions of the KotMB

         Each Division has the following chain of command structure and assigned dice. Any rank below that of Lieutenant Commander may have multiple positions.

Guardians of Land and Water - This division includes the Sailors, Rangers, Sea Captains, Pirates, Lupines, and other land dwellers of the guild. It is their responsibility to safeguard the area surrounding Carnait Cove, and to root out any and all enemies of the guild within those lands. The Sailors will patrol the coastal waters of the cove, and the Rangers will patrol the woodland, plain & desert regions that border the town. Other land dwellers such as lupines will also patrol our borders and keep our forests safe from intruders, poachers and those who would attempt to gain entry to the Cove without permission. KotMB Pirates are free to attempt to take ships in the harbor, especially those ships that attempt to hawk illegal wares and bring trouble to the town of Carnait Cove.

Elite Warriors of the Midnight Blue - This division includes the Warriors, Knights, and other skilled combatants of the guild. These members are the best trained in combat skills, and are the first line of defense in times of war. In times of peace, they are obligated and expected to keep their skills in top condition, being ever vigilant and ready to engage in battle for the defense of the guild.

Midnight Blue Academy of Arts & Entertainment - This division icludes the Professors, Teachers, Poets, Musicians & Thespians of the guild. As you would suspect, these members are primarily non-combative. But this in no way dimishes their roles within the guild, for it is to these talented folk that we look to for guidance and inspiration. The Professors and Teachers enrich their fellows with knowledge of life, and the world around them via planned lessons and classes. The performers, whether they be Poets, Musicians or Actors, bring hope and inspiration to us in times of trouble and strife. They also strive to evoke constructive emotional responses that challenge our wit, our intelligence, and our compassion.

Spell Keepers of the Midnight Blue - This division includes the Healers, Mages, Soothsayers, and Clergy of the guild. These embers play a critical role in the survival of the guild. In times of war and strife, the Healers are vital to keeping our Warriors on the front lines. The Mages are called upon to cast devastating spells against the opposition The Clergy must be there for divine support, and to call upon the righteous wrath of powerful Dieties. In peaceful times, the Healers strive for the advancement of the guild's health, treating minor ailments and performing such duties as childbirth. The Mages study their craft and stand ready to cast beneficial spells upon the land and people of the cove. And of course, the Priests and Priestesses are ever present as spiritual guides, blessing the guild with divine wisdom as well as performing marriages etc.

Staff of the Midnight Blue - This division includes the tenders, bouncers, greeters, and those who staff our Midnight Blue Tavern and parties. These members play an important role in making those who come into the Midnight Blue Tavern feel welcome and waited upon. It is imperative that those who would join this division are willing and able to devote the time and attention necessary to being courteous and polite to all who would enter our tavern. They must be social outgoing, gregarious types who enjoy being of service to their fellow Keepers and to those who visit our tavern. They will be awarded Guild Points each week for doing their jobs on a consistent basis in the tavern.

Undercover Special Forces of the Midnight Blue - This division is filled with those who would take jobs undercover to protect and defend the guild. These members are responsible to spy, assassinate, hunt and track, and relay information to the Grand Commander, and the High Council. Bodyguards known as Arch Contenders are responsible to guard all of those on the High Council. Members of this division must be warrior based, and must enjoy offensive tatics necessary to the well being of the guild. These positions require said member to "get his hands dirty," to war, to kill, to spy, and to deal in less than ethical methods in order to preserve the sanctity of what KotMB stands for. Members will only be given undercover orders by the GC.

KotMB Guild Points

How To Earn GPs And Get Credit For Them
Each member gets weekly Guild Points for doing the following things:
Calculate your points weekly, then submit your report every other week on the first and fifteenth

  1. Keeping an acurate profile: 5 GPs
  2. Posting on our IC message board (per post): 10 GPs
  3. Posting on our mun message board consistently each week(Please do not count posts that are insignificant jokes, or one-liners. Only credit yourself this amount if you start a topic of discussion or contribute at least two paragraphs of opinion on something of interest): 5 GPs
  4. Attendance at a guild event: 50 GPs
  5. Recruiting a new member into the guild (Only given when recruit completes training): 100 GPs
  6. Creating a website for your char and sending the link to either the GC or DGC: 50 GPs
  7. Sending out a mun pic to the guild: 50 GPs
  8. Sending out a char pic to the guild: 50 GPs
  9. Writing about your office or room in the Manor and posting it: 20 GPs
  10. Writing your character's history and posting it on the message board: 20 GPs
  11. Engaging in/proctoring any Spar/HM/MS (Note: Spars between two or more members of the KotMB must be proctored by a third, separate party to be valid. Only KotMB Guild dice and the KotMB Hit Chart will be utilized.): 25 GPs
  12. Organizing a large guild storyline and starting the thread: 100 GP's
  13. Participating consistently in a large guild storyline to its conclusion: 50 GP's
  14. Suggesting and helping to organize a Guild/ or Division event (You must also attend it): 100 GP's
  15. Attaining an alliance with another guild for KotMB: 100 GP's
  16. Attending a High Council meeting: 100 GP's
  17. Logged play with other KotMB members within the Midnight Blue Tavern (Submit log with your GP report, per occasion of role-play, with time and date. ONLY five logs per week are allowed to be submitted. You will be credited per log sent with your GP Report): 10 GPs

  1. Sending out a guild point report, if you're a Division Commander: 50 GPs
  2. Sending out a personal guild point report, if you're a KotMB member (other than a DC) or other non-division member: 25 GPs
  3. Sending out the entire KotMB Guild Report, if you are the GP's recorder: 100 GPs
  4. Sending out the roster: 100 GPs
  5. Maintaining any related KotMB Website, with approval. Guild must have link (per two weeks): 50 GPs
  6. Maintaining any personal character website with working KotMB links on it (per two weeks): 25 GPs
Salaried KotMB Members

All High Council members and Division Commanders on Staff will receive 100 GP's a week for doing their jobs in a consistent, active manner, and showing a continuously growing accumulations of GP's.

All members of KotMB who are moving up in rank and position will award themselves according to the lists below.

You must begin to participate at once in order to advance to private. When you advance you are awarded the following GP's with each promotion:

Advancement to (Private) - 10 GP's
Advancement to (Sergeant) - 20 GP's
Advancement to (Lieutenant) - 30 GP's
Advancement to (Captain) - 50 GP's
Advancement to (Major) - 100 GP's
Advancement to (Colonel) - 150 GP's
Advancement to (General) - 200 GP's
Advancement to (Commander) - 300 GP's
Advancement to (Division Commander) - 400 GP's
Advancement to (High Council Position) - 400 GP's

In order to advance your rank in the future, you need the following totals:

Upon joining - (Private) - you need at least 100 GP's
Advancement to (Sergeant) - 300 GP's
Advancement to (Lieutenant) - 500 GPs
Advancement to (Captain) - 700 GP's
Advancement to (Major) - 1000 GP's
Advancement to (Colonel) - 2000 GP's
Advancement to (General) - 3000 GP's
Advancement to (Commander) - 4000 GP's
Advancement to (Division Commander) - 5000 GP's
Advancement to any High Council position - 5000 GP's

         Now, when you add up all these GPs for the week, you get a total. That is your weekly GP Total that must be submitted to the Guild point recorder, by your division commander, or if you are on the High Council or are an AC you must submit it to the guild point recorder yourself, bi monthly on the first and the fifteenth, in order to get the GPs. If your Division Commander is not submitting your GP Total and you are not being credited for them, email WinsomWaif, so that you get the credit. The total GP score is to be added to your profile each week, which means you change the score on the profile every week because you get more each week. A low GP score means low participation in the group. So it is something to be proud of to have a high one. For those muns who cannot be here, this in no way reflects on you personally or your char. It simply means that you are busy doing real life things, and we all know how important that is, but it may preclude you from advancment within KotMB. Please submit a GP score to your Division Commander or our guild point recorder every two weeks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions for Training Packet 3

1) Who is the primary liason between the guild itself and the Grand Commander?
2) What are the current positions on the High Council?
3) Which division are the Knights in?
4) Give the dice assigned to the following ranks:
   a) Division Commander:
   b) Colonel:
   c) Sergeant:
5) How many GPs are earned per week for keeping an accurate profile?
6) Who handles keeping track of guild points for the entire guild?
7) What does a member of the Special Forces primarily do?
8) What is a member of the Staff responsible for?
9) What kind of political unit is KotMB, autocratic or democratic?
10) What is the free form section of KotMB called and why would someone join that section?
11) What is the purpose of the Gentry?
12) How long can one be on leave of absence?