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Training Packet 2

         This material contains the laws of the guild. Study them well, for you will be held to them. Also covered in this packet are the disciplinary actions that may be taken should a transgression occur.

Laws of the KotMB

(according to the Independent KotMB)

         All in-character or out of character arguments or disagreements with the GC or anyone else in the guild will not be posted on either of the boards or in reply to all mail. They shall go on in private. All differences of opinion are also expected to proceed in a civil non-TOSable fashion with AOL message board standards adhered to. Muns should keep their OOC arguments private between themselves. Those who bring them public on the boards or in reply to all email shall be reprimanded and dealt with by the GC and her High Council as a body, with the GC retaining the final decision if the matter is still not resolved in a reasonable manner. Anyone disrespecting or having a problem with the mun of the GC or any other mun in KotMB shall keep their problems in private and not in the reply to all missives or on the board. It may go on in private missives ONLY, or a private chat or IM. Breaking this law could result in dismissal from the KotMB. You shall never disrespect the GC or one another in public in anyway shape or form, OOC or IC, unless there is a prior agreed upon storyline commencing.

         Anyone who speaks or writes offensive comments to or about another Keeper, mun or char publicly, shall be reprimanded and possibly penalized. It does not matter whether the comments are made IC or OOC. KotMB members will not say or write offensive things about one another, publicly. We cannot have abusive behavior of any kind aimed at any of our muns or characters. unless a prearranged story is commencing IC. Doing so will cause a penalty to possibly be assessed at the discretion of the High Council as a body, and the GC. All harmful comments will also be TOSed and reported to the board monitors. We encourage all muns and characters to handle their disputes and petty disagreements privately between themselves. Offending another Keeper and bringing it before the High Council and the GC will cause the both of these parties to research and discuss the matter and arrive at a reasonable resolution. Handle your own disputes maturely and privately first, please.

         Any Keeper who knowingly assists another person, whether that other be a Keeper or not, in abusing a fellow Keeper shall be reprimanded and dealt with. Do not abuse your fellow Keepers in char or out of char. Do not assist in any manner in helping another person to harm or offend your fellow brothers and sisters in our guild. Harm is subjective and will be assessed by the High Council and the Grand Commander as a unit. Offending another Keeper publicly as well as back and forth arguments between two or more KotMB muns or characters will cause both parties to be dealt with by the High Council and the Grand Commander, with the Grand Commander having final decision making power.

         Mun actions which harm another KotMB mun or guild member in char or out, are not acceptable, unless the muns involved have agreed upon said Storyline or said action. Muns who cause trouble, or repeatedly offend others in char or out of char will be dealt with by the High Council and the Grand Commander of KotMB, with the Grand Commander having final decision making power after the High Council has researched the matter.

         Gossiping is highly looked down upon here. Please try very hard not to gossip. Discussion of personal problems you are having with an individual in our group is to be kept private and discreet between yourself and an advisor you trust . Do not spread gossip nor bring public smears onto a KotMB member. If you have a problem with a KotMB member and cannot resolve it, bring it before the High Council and the Grand Commander privately for research and discussion to reach a successful resolution. Those who offend by repeatedly gossiping will be brought before the High Council and the Grand Commander.

         Posting any log without prior permission from the people in said log or involved in said log is grounds for disciplinary action. Mun permission must be gained for all SLs which might affect a mun or a char in a distressing manner. This extends to IC and OOC. AOL rules of TOS will be utilized and implemented with those who post logs without permission.

         Open storylines are open as long as you observe the flow of the storyline and do not drastically change it from its original intent without permission, and you post in a way that is mature, flows, and enhances the story. Your post should be consistent with the events going on at the time, and should make logical and rational sense. Anything that detracts from the storyline or causes it to tilt off course should first be discussed with the mun who created the thread, even though it is open. If you get negative feedback on your posts, please withdraw from the story at once.

         KotMB follows the accepted standard practices of the FRG and the AoRG forum in matters pertaining to war, DM's, AA's, HMs, Mass spars, etc. But KotMB does not approve of any of these being engaged in frivolously. KotMB recommends a meeting with the Chain of command prior to engaging in any of the above first if at all possible. Avoidance of the above is suggested and preferred unless one is defending a member of KotMB or oneself.

         Death matches as well as assassination attempts may be performed and accepted by any member of another forum and are legal within the KotMB, and the Laws concerning them reflect the laws of the AoRG forum that we were prior members of. The following applies to death matches, AA's, and wars with any other guild member in the realm. To be fair and have things set in a similar manner to a war, death's will last for a certain set amount of time. Any target that has been eliminated will be considered "dead" for FIVE days. For Five consecutive days and nights, that individual is to be considered no longer living. The Penalty for disregard of this rule by either playing inside of a public or member room will be a fine of 110 GPs against the offending guild member, per instance that the individual is disregarding these rules during their time "Dead." The dead member shall place "ghost" into his or her profile for the five days, and after the individual member has been "dead" for five days and has ghosted, he may be "rezzed" or brought back to life by a registered healer. This must be logged and sent to WinsomWaif and the KotMB High Council. Death matches, AA's and wars fought with a guild or member who is not within a forum will follow the same above format or terms can be decided upon by the participants as long as a proctor is present and the match is logged. All DM's, AA's, and wars will not glean a KotMB member any GPs. KotMB itself does not offer GPs for anything but logged honor matches or practice spars. Honor matches are offered 25 GPs each as are practice spars. KotMB prefers that one not engage in AA's, Death matches or war frivolously. KotMB will never go to war without a sound valid reason and the permission of the Grand Commander, after she has spoken with the group at length about such a war, and gleaned the opinions of the KotMB High Council. Final decision rests in the hands of the Grand Commander.

         If you participate in a SM, and lose, then you are a slave. Our group does not approve of slavery, nor condone it. We highly suggest that you do not involve yourself with slavers, slave matches, release matches, forced collaring, or any kind of slavery practices. Any Keeper who owns a slave opens themselves up to review by the High Council. If someone within the group files a complaint about said slavery, the case will be reviewed by the High Council. Each case will be judged individually. There are no formal laws against slavery here, and prejudice will not be held, but if the slavery causes problems for the group, or for the slave, your case could be brought before the High Council and discussed.

         Obey and respect all ranks above you. Treat your fellow Keepers the way you wish to be treated.

         Dishonesty on your application is not appropriate. If you have misrepresented yourself to be someone you are not or have been dishonest about whether or not you were a prior KotMB member and it is discovered that you were dishonest, we hope you will understand when your membership is concluded when the dishonesty becomes apparent. We expect all muns to answer their applications honestly. Honesty is a must with the leadership of KotMB and if you wish to remain anonymous or change your mun name and identity after discussion with WinsomWaif, we understand that people have their reasons for doing so.

         Do not fight, or HM your fellow Keepers without a mediator to discuss it first. Spars are allowed for practice or for fun, and none of the above illegal, they just need to be mediated first. Death matches against a fellow Keeper are illegal and will not be allowed. Disciplinary action will occur if one Keeper DM's his fellow. This discipline will be decided upon by the Chain of Command.

         Characters within KotMB that are intent on excluding others within KotMB based on prejudicial views over race will be reprimanded and disciplined by the High Council and the Grand Commander. Insulting comments, deragatory remarks, and anything said which infers that one Keeper dislikes another based on the race or class of said Keeper, will result in the offender being held accountable. Offenses to other characters within KotMB of this nature must be logged. If you do not have proof of the complaint of prejudice in log form with the full log of the actual circumstances, (not just a snippet), do not complain about this matter. Only proof of the offense will be considered. Prejudice is frowned upon highly within KotMB. It will not be tolerated. All members of KotMB will behave in a respectful way to one another. All members of KotMB are considered your new family. Prior feelings of prejudice and dislike for other races and classes of the members of KotMB will be left behind at the door when you sign the application. This includes and is not limited to "thinking prejudicial things" at someone else's character. The only time this does not apply is if a pre arranged story is occuring with mun permission.

         If you must kill yourself, then we will say goodbye to you, as you are now dead and gone. No rezz rights for anyone who takes their own life, so do think twice about suicide. Having your character reborn after he or she has engaged in a DM, AA, or war is allowed, as are storylines that end in a character dying. If the character does die in the storyline, he/she will ghost and be dead for five days, with ghost in his/her profile. He/she cannot enter or roleplay in any public room roleplaying room in the Arts and Entertainment section of AOL during the five days. At the end of the five days he/she may be rezzed by a registered healer. Once the screename is deleted (willingly), the character is to be considered permanently dead. If you are forced by mun circumstances to delete your screename, you may reappear in your character in a new screename.

         If you have a dispute and cannot settle it between yourselves, the matter may be brought before the High Council. They shall attempt to resolve it, along with the GC making the final judgement. If they do not agree, then the final decision is up to the Grand Commander of the KotMB, and that will be the end of it.

         If the Grand Commander gives an order in character it is to be obeyed unless it is contrary to the ethics or beliefs of said member. If a member wishes to discuss this order, they may do so in a civil and respectful manner explaining why they are having difficulties with said order. Refusing to follow the orders of the GC can allow the GC the right to bring the offender before the High Council to discuss the matter. Because of democratic intent, and a strong belief in the High Council's judgment, the GC will consider feedback from the High Council about the matter if it cannot be resolved with the member in question. This applies to all ranks below the GC.

         In the event of treasonous behavior such as mutiny, the person charged with treason or suspected of treason or mutiny will be evicted or may ask for a trial with the HC presiding. The Grand Commander shall have the final word, should the High Council be unable to reach what she considers a fair verdict. If the person is in charge of a mutiny of any sort or behavior which threatens to overthrow or displace the GC, that person will be immediately removed with the Grand Commander having the final say.

         If the GC is found to have broken any of the laws, or to have behaved in a manner not considered acceptable by the High Council, this may be discussed with the Grand Commander by the High Council. The Grand Commander is expected to maintain strict adherance to all laws as all members are expected to. The entire High Council must be in agreement on any penalty imposed on the Grand Commander and a vote must be received by every member. The GC cannot be evicted or suspended however. The GC cannot be forced to resign, and at anytime the GC may disband the group as she sees fit. The GC may also agree to step down and turn the group over to whomever she deems fit, if she ever wishes to resign. In the event of a mutiny, KotMB and it's GC will remove said parties who are instigators, and in the event the mutiny is successful, this group will be disbanded, all KotMB materials, name, and copyrighted items will be returned to the Grand Commander. Anything that appears upon the boards that is deragatory or harmful shall be TOSED and reported to AOL.

         These KotMB Laws are considered the foundation of KotMB, along with the group's values. They will not be altered nor changed in any way shape or form without prior in-depth discussion with the Grand Commander out of character in private. None of the paperwork of KotMB shall be altered without prior in-depth OOC discussion with the Grand Commander. Only the Grand Commander may make alterations or revision to all KotMB paperwork. The KotMB is then to be sent an updated copy of the revisions made. The Grand Commander is allowed to veto any decision the High Council arrives at, if it is for what she considers the good of the guild. The High Council will be notified and discussion will ensue as a courtesy before major decisions are reached, but the Grand Commander has veto power if the High Council votes affirmative or negative on an issue which would be unreasonable for the well being of KotMB. That well being will always be what the Grand Commander decides is best, in final decision making power.


(This is IC only)

         The Essay is the tool for teaching when one has done wrong or broken laws of the group. Anyone breaking our laws or doing something which the High Council and Grand Commander feels is contrary to the values and ethics of the KotMB shall be subject to writing an essay on the topic. If one is assigned the essay and does not write it, they shall be suspended for a reasonable amount of time. They shall present it to the whole group when completed.

         Demotions in Rank: Also if one is consistently breaking laws or engaging in other kinds of behavior which is contrary to our values, they may be demoted in rank and have a certain amount of GPs reduced from their GP score. This amount and the decision to deduct them is in the hands of the GC only.

         Formal apology: The High Council and Grand Commander may decide that parties in a dispute must extend a formal written apology to one another or to the guild as a whole when they have made a mistake in judgment. A member assigned such an apology will be suspended for a time until such an apology is made.

         Eviction: On occasion a deed is so foul as to warrant an eviction from KotMB. This matter will first be discussed and researched by the High Council and the Grand Commander to be certain that the decision arrived at is fair and reasonable. Final decision making power rests in the hands of the Grand Commander.


Questions for Training Packet 2

1) Should a disagreement arise with the GC or the DGC, how should the disagreement be handled?
2) What must be done before any multi-character log can be posted to the board?
3) Who must be present before an HM can take place between two Keepers?
4) What is the KotMB's stance on slavery?
5) Are rezz rights offered by the KotMB?
6) Name the three forms of punishment that may be given, should a guild law be broken.