
Awesome News!!!
Post by: Valdrin
Rank: Webmaster
Date: Saturday July 05 , 2003 @ 2:00 A.M.

K anyway, KoL-Bllackcrow, aka Jesse is kicked out of the clan, reason is that hes just an immature faggot who doesnt respect anyone and doesnt give a shit about anyone. All he cares is about himself, and he will suck up to u cause he wants somethin from u, when he gets it he'll screw u over. anyway i wanted to say that from now on we wont post on the website anymore since he fucked it up. From now on plz check the forums for information regarding anythin.


New clan Channel !!!
Post by: Valdrin
Rank: Webmaster
Date: Tuesday June 30th , 2003 @ 9:30 P.M.

Due to the changes of patch 1.10 that was released today(june 30th) and us using the new clan feature available not only for The Frozen Throne but also for Reign Of Chaos. Now on we can be found on channel: Clan KoL.


Good news and some more good news !!!
Post by: Valdrin
Rank: Webmaster
Date: Friday June 20 , 2003 @ 11:40 P.M.

K guys tourney is over, no more allies, now on KoL- and NyCx are enemies. Anyway the other good news is that we won, officially we won 3-1 in solo but unoffically we won 3-2. It was me(KoL-FrOzEnLiCh) vs NyCxlGiOO or somethin like that, i won, and it was KoL-MiCrO.PorN vs NyCxMike well lost but he put up his best fight allthought he was surpised by the ballista push cause that was somethin none of us expected so nice play by mike. Anyway the other match was KoL-NaXi vs i dont really remember but Naxi owend that guy like a noob. Last but not least KoL-CaNiBus just rammed the last challenger in the list and bitchslaped him. Well the unofficial losse that we got is from KoL-13lizz, he vs'ed NyCxMike with no premition from anyone in the clan and no one in the clan(me or jese) or anyother members, probably only 1 or 2, were aware of the match so blizz lost that one. Well the other good news is Slasher and 13lizz are outta the clan. Some people might say why is that bad news, they are cool ppl, well i thought that too untill it was KoL-Micro.Porn vs NyCxMike and blizz and slasher started sayin that our clan sucks and this and that so we are proud that 2 backstabers left our clan. Anyway like jesse likes to say it "BOYCOUT FRENCH PRODUCTS". (Note: i, or the clan, have nothin against french ppl its just that that pisses blizz off when jesse says it :-) )
We will hopefully have repalys of those fights soon. Cya later guys.


tourney vs NyCx!!!
Post by: Valdrin
Rank: Webmaster
Date: Wednesday June 18 , 2003 @ 4:38 P.M.

This Friday(06/20/03) at 10:00 P.M. eastern me slasher and nycxandyzz decided to have a friendly clan tourney. The clan tourney will have 2 kinda matches, 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2. The clan that wins 2/3 games in both of those categories wins the war. If its a tie and one clan wins 1vs1 and the other wins 2vs2 then we gonna have a solo or 2 vs 2 match that will settle it and whoever wins that match wins the war.


Post by: Valdrin
Rank: Webmaster
Date: Tuesday June 17 , 2003 @ 12:16 A.M.

Well this is what weve been waiting for, end of school year. In Brooklyn NYC, today, well yesterday(Monday) was the last day so now schools over, now time for me to go outside and find a job before summer school starts, yes yes i have to go to summer school cause i fucked up too bad. Well anyway, i dont see that many ppl that are active anymore. So from now on everyone has the ability to recruit. Well not technically recruit but they can sponsor someone meaning ask em if they wanna join, if the people are interested they can come to channel and talk to someone else thats in the channel that can allow them to join the clan. Or they can propose on the board. If you want to propose someone to join the clan please put in their account name, and record( wins/losses) and %.


Post by: Tass
Rank: Co-Leader
Date: Friday June 13 , 2003 @ 3:56 P.M.

K we got the right click blocking script up on this page, but id like to make it so that it goes away when you click, not when you mosueover it but i forget java command for left click so if anyone knows it do tell, anyway now we wont get our site stolen again by newbs.


Post by: Valdrin
Rank: Webmaster
Date: Thursday June 12 , 2003 @ 9:22P.M.

K excuse my absence for many of these days, but now im back. U not happy to see me? :(
