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(as you enter the room you see a hooded man walking around checking over all the book's he looks up at you)
Greeting's frin how can i help you? ah i can read your mind your wandering about this guilds past i see.....
well let me tell you the story of the 3 knights then
Long Ago there was a kind man named uther he was wandering the land looking for evil to smite he was a brave and valent knight and king to his castel as he was wandering the land he happend to stumbel across 2 small children whats this he sead. He Took The Children To His Castel To see if there parents had lost them or if they were kidnapt no sighn of the childrens parents 4 months had past sens he found them and yet no one clamed the children he lookd at the 2 small boys as they were playing with one anoter and something came over uther he desided to adpot the 2 boys and raise them as his own and make them great knights for he saw what no one else could he named the 2 boys Dozuken and Korlic both young and strong as the years passd the boys showd great skills the boys knew there past and how they were found and did not bother them one bit for uther showd love and care for them both like if they were his own as the boys had come to there man hood uther dubd them both knights. Dozuken And Korlic and Uther desided to patroll the land and they did so about a 2 dyas travel they begain to head back to there home but behold great evil had shown its face to the 3 knights Hand Over Your Wards Old Man And Ill Let You Live the great evil had sead uther replyd Stand Aside And You And Your Lakys Will Be Unhurt the Dark Armord Man Replyd Im Sorry that you feel that way old man then behold a great battel lasted for 3 hours the armord man and his comrads had ran from the 3 knights for there power was great.Behold Meany Years Pasd Sens Then War's Fought Agenst The Evil That Came To Foot On Our Holy Ground sadly the aging Uther was called away by Lord British, having served him in the past Lord British knew where his loyalties were. During the great battle on the outskirts of Gargoyle City.... Uther the Saxon was reported lost against the hordes of Choas. Not willing to accept Uther's loss... the great Dozuken set out to locate his adoptive father... leaving Sir Korlic as sole ruler of land and rock.Many months past.... Hearing tales of Dozuken's battles and eventually his death brought sir korlic into sadness he was the only one left to rule this order and land years passd sens then and Sir Korlic still rules and brngs justic to our land he has married and she now keeps him from his sadness as she has brought him love to his heart once agin he know rules our order and will do so unto his death.
(the hooded man looks down at his book and begins to read it and looks up agin yes the story is over for now hehe till sir korlics past is recorded that is now go on out of here i have work to do)