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Welcome! Here you will find my role playing character's description (and my friends!) The picture on the left is of my character *littlepurtygurl* and the smaller picture on the right is of my friends character *charliezanglez* whose description will also be up on this page.

Alula, (which means "winged one") is a young woman with dark brown, almost black hair, and extremely dark brown eyes. She's rather..tough, and can brash and rude at times, although deep down she's a sweetheart. She grew up in a small, beautiful village with her parents and younger brother. Her brother died when he was only 4, and parents died of an illness that had begun overtaking her small town when she was 14. Fortunatly, by then she was very mature and able to take care of herself. She worked as a waitress and a dancer, but now remains unemployed. She can't really keep a job because she travels around too much, she wants to see the world. Although there are rumors of half-elves in their family history, she is basically just a regular human. She is of average stature, and is slim and athletic. Despite her temper, she is good natured, and always ready to help out if its for a good cause. She loves literature, and can often be found reading. She also loves play's, and has even been in a few. She does have a weapon which she keeps for self defense, and her weapon is an enourmas axe. The handle goes up to her waist, and the blade is even bigger than the handle. It is very heavy, but she is suprisingly skilled in using it.

Other information

Nicknames- Lulu, Alu

Birthday- September 14

Astrological Sign- Virgo (Virgin)

Outfit- She dresses in mostly black, and wears gloves, and longer gloves underneath that go up to her upper arms, buckles connect the glove to her shirt. Her shirt is short, and has netting going down the middle. She wears a black miniskirt with a large buckle, and form fitting boots. One boot goes up to just past her ankle, and the other goes all the way to her upper thigh. She also wears a choker with metal studs on it. Also, she wears a pair of small, beautiful ornamental ivory white wings on her back. It has two straps to fit around her arms so they stay on, so she wears them like a backpack. When she has an outburst of emotion, or goes into battle, she changes. Her hair turns white, and her eyes turn a very light blue. The wing ornaments she wears suddenly turn into real wings, and although they grow slightly, they are still rather small.

Tatoo's- She has one tatoo on her stomach (it's in the picture) that is just basically odd wavy lines.


Sybil, (which means Prophetess)a young woman with divine powers. She is a Prophetess, the will of higher beings is expressed through her, and she speaks by inspiration. She is very kind and calm, although she may not appear it. However, in battles, she has a incredible temper, and her true power shines through her gentle exterior. She is a summoner, as were her ancestors. Her weapon is a beautiful, intricately carved staff that is a soft grey color. She summons powerful beasts to do her dirty work, and is not one to mess with. Although Alula may seem like odd company for a holy being, she finds her amusing, and enjoys her time she spends with her. She has light, auburn hair and blue eyes. She too wears black, and her outfit is rather revealing. When doing summons, during her small "dance," she seems to emit a bright light. She is slightly taller than usual, and very flexible. She dosn't remember her family very well, since she left home at an early age, but she has no regrets.

Extra Information

Nicknames- Sii, Bell

Birthday- February 14

Astrological Sign- Aquarius (Water Bearer)

Outfit- A rather revealing one piece outfit. It is black, and shows her whole back, and a good portion of the front too. ;>) She wears large dark bluish-grey boots, and small thin, light grey gloves. She wears a necklace with a small blue stone on it which allows her to use her ultimate summon beast, and also wears a small bracelet with charms, stones, and feathers on it.

Tatoo's- She has a small tatoo of a sun on her shoulder.