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Random Faerie Ramblings



Special Feature This week!

Basically, Since Khalid is making the "who's your char" page, I've been hmmming over who Honey is in the celeb world. I originally picked Franka Potente (and still think she's prolly the best) but someone else got her first. Drat. So. What to do? I came up with two alternates, and now I ask my friends to help choose.

So, my first alternate is Drew Barrymore, looking a little bad ass.

The next is Clea DuVall. She's looking.. a lot more polished than Honey on an average day, though lately, Honey's found it rather... profitable to make herself look nice on occasion.

So, tell me what you guys think back at my LJ! thanks!


Hi! Basically this is my storage page and place to ramble on and on about my Role playing characters. I'm also gonna put up artwork, done by myself, or my friends of said characters.

I'm a pretty discriminating geek, but that I mean I usually stick to Changeling: The Dreaming. Yes. I know. However, I love the game and found a great Mush to play on. (A Mush is an online role playing server. Excellent fun

In anycase! onto the meat!

This is a picture of my very first changeling character, Sasha Finn. Sasha is a hummingbird Pooka. She's dressed like this because a college geeky guy who was obsessed with horror movies was creating a nervosa that was chimerically killing fae left and right. He was also a recluse, and she figured that if she dressed up like a hootchie they could get in to talk to him. She was right. Then she just thought it was funny to wear those clothes. Anyway, on to the picture. this was done by my best friend, Angela.

This next picture is of my second Fae character, Honeysuckle Rose Sinclair. She's a redcap-- a nightmare Fae. Her mother is insane and dresses her in frilly clothing and doesn't understand why it upsets her daughter. This is Honey's first incarnation, as an 8 year old. This is also a work of Angela's.

This is a much more modern version of Honey, done by another friend of mine, David. He's really good! This is the Honey I play on Ashes to Ashes. The girl next to her, is a character I haven't been able to play yet, a Fiona Sidhe named Portia.

Now, this picture is one I've done, of Honey for a Beltane celebration. It's kinda crazy and not very good, but hey, I try.

This last pic is another of my attempts and another character I hacen't been able to play yet. It's a candy Raver sluagh. Her name is Rosali Cohen, but she goes by Ro. She's pretty cool, and I'm pretty proud of the art. Angela helped me with the coloring, in Adobe.

Well, I think that's it for now! Thanks for taking a look!

Places to go, things to do

My live journal, insanity, drama and pictures of kittens.
Sluggy!! That is all
Go learn stuff!
Make your own damn journal!