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General Rules


No profanitiy or anything over PG-rating .

You begin the game with $100,000 and 2 horses that you create.

Newsletters are sent out monthly and MUST be read ASAP. If the newsletter says respond then respond. About once a month a member activity and count is run, and you only have so long to reply or else you are deleted from the game.

Horses are the ONLY pets allowed.

Importing and exporting horses cost $100.

When you join you MUST register your horses with the main registry!! When I will try to list asap into that registry.but ome times I don't get the time and if you lose your horses stats I might not have a copy of them.

Disasters are given out every two weeks.


Barn Rules


As soon as you join you MUST find a place to board.

After you have been in the game for 1 month you will be able to star a private/boarding barn. It will cost 5,000 to start one.

A fine can be given for either A)Not finding a place to board, or B)Not paying your boarding bills.


Association, Shops, Jobs, and Training Rules


ANY ONE may start an association or shop, and get a job.

You can create any type of association, whether it's a breed association or a discipline association.

Anybody can start a shop. There are TONS of shops that can still be started.

Shops can be co-owned, or owned by only one person.

When you ask for a job, it is up to you to figure out how your going to make money. The game does not pay you. (Ex.#1-Mark wants to be a barrel racing trainer. He gets the job, creates a page, and emails all of the members stating that he is the barrel racing trainer, here was his page, and he charges $10.00 per horse for a week. He makes money.) (Ex.#2-Kasey wants to be a Show Manager. He gets the job, but is paid nothing. Weeks later, he decides to email Gladespring Farm, offer to pay them for their facilities, and holds a show, charging $10.00 per class. He makes money.)

When you get the job to be a trainer, the best way to make money is to make a page telling about your business, email all of the members stating your business and your price, and then have your business listed on the Advertised Training Businesses.




When you first join it doesn't matter how old your horses are.

You may not start out with horses under 4 years old though.

Once your horse reaches 4 years of age, you do not have to age your horse anymore.

When you breed your horses, the foal starts as a newborn, go to weanling, yearling and so-on. However you must continue ageing until the foal reaches 4.

All horses age every 2 weeks and retire at 25 and dies at 40.


Bank Rules


When you join you receive $100,000.00 in a banking account.

If you want to buy something from another member you need to write them a check. Here is how you write a check;

To: (Who are you buying from)

From: (Your name)

Price: (Amount)

If you buy or sell something you MUST go to the bank page and fill out the form!!!


Breeding Rules


Your mare or stallion MUST be 4 years old before you breed them.

If you want to breed to someone else's horse you need to email them for permission and then tell me.

I will post the stats of your horses on the main board.

Your horse may only be bred twice a week. This goes for both stallions and mares.

If your mare is on the time out mares page,then she cannot show for that amount of weeks.




If you break a rule you receive a warning, which can lead to suspenion, and continue to break rules, banning.

Break one rule=1 warning

Break two rules=2 warnings, 1 week suspension

Break 3 rules=banning