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*You walk into the headquarters of the Gaian Special Forces and look around. Decorating the grey walls are an assortment of exotic and rare weapons ranginf from ancient swords to high-tek fire-arms. Along the top of the wall are pictures of men and women of all different types. You stop and notice a a plaque hanging on the wall. Upon it, engraved in gold, it says:

We, the Gaian Special Forces, honour and protect Gaia and all of it's inhabitants
This land is our home
We will watch over it's lands with the eye of a hawk
And strike with the fangs of a serpant
Should anyone endanger our home
For we are the Gaian Special Forces

You turn when you hear someone cough. You look over and noticed a window. On the other side sits a young woman with dark hair and skin. Her eyes seem to have been watching you the whole time as you look around. The woman point to two doors. Above the one to the right hangs a sign that reads Members. Above the door to the left hangs a sign that reads Recruits.

Which door shall you take?
The door on the right

The door on the left