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Gladiator Laws

  1. All players begin as slaves and work up the ladder in ranks to try and become the ruling Emperor

  2. How dice works: Two players enter the arena and roll a d10 dice.

  3. Each opponent role- plays an attack out on the other; the highest number on dice hits the opponent. Along with the high number roll there must be well written role-play, if not the high roll does not count. The low dice roller receives the attack.

  4. The crowd in the arena cheers 10 times or as many as each two opponent's 10 minutes allows him or her to play. Counting the number of hits, whoever attacks the most wins. The looser is taken back to the slave prison and the winner moves up a rank in the army.

  5. Example: Ferne receives ten hits, rolling low numbers.
    Benswer hits Ferne ten times by rolling high numbers on the dice.

    Ferne looses by being hit more times and goes back to the slave prison. The winner Benswer then moves up in title leaving his previous position in the army.

  6. Players will be listed on the pages as titles. You must work up in titles until you reach until one step under the emperor.

  7. Playing opponents will be allotted 10 min. to play and acting out the role-play is a must. If there is no role-play and just a dice toss it will be considered a loss.

  8. The crowd will be the ones waiting to take a turn and the host. You are welcome to boo and cheer as they did in the Roman times.

  9. Once you have climbed one step away from Emperor title, you will have the opportunity to challenge his position by a chariot race and fight.

  10. Once the Emperor is overthrown he begins again as a slave.

Gladiator Wars - Front Page

Gladiator Weapons - Page 1

Laws of the Gladiator - Page 2

Gladiator War Ranks - Page 3

Current Gladiator Rankings - Page 4