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Level 1


Aero 1

Cost: 5 MP

A big gust of wind hits the target, causing 3d6 Wind damage.


Antidote (Pure)

Cost: 3 MP

Pretty purple motes encircle the target, and purge all poisons from his system. Note that damage already taken from poison isn't healed.


Cure 1

Cost: 5 MP

Little sparkly green stars surround target(s) and focus on the target's wounds, restoring 4d6 HP and curing minor wounds, like scratches and sprains.


Legend Lore

Cost: 7 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Wisdom/3) hours; sometimes


Upon casting, the caster will become aware of most, if not all, of an area's legends. The mage doesn't always become aware of the more obscure legends though, so a White Magic Lore skill check must be rolled for those.


Locate Person

Cost: 5 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) hours

Allows the caster to find someone (s)he has met face to face. The caster can sense the person if they are within (1d6 + Magery/3) miles/kilometers, and can sense their relative direction in a rather general way. The target will pick up some magical residues from this spell for its duration, and can dispel the spell if they detect the magical traces around them.


Protection From Evil/Darkness

Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds All characters affected feel like their spirits

have been lifted and they are briefly surrounded by a pure white aura. This aura is able to scare off some very weak undead, the characters take 50% damage from Dark, and they can conquer some minor fears they have (big phobias aren't affected by this spell). Characters affected by this spell can fight better against evil characters as well, i.e. battle stats are increased by the Caster's Magery/3.


Protection From Fire

Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

All characters in the area affected feel a brief cooling sensation and are surrounded by a blue aura for a couple of seconds. They then take 50% damage from Fire attacks and can do things like walk through boiling hot water without noticing, for example.


Scan (Peep)

Cost: 3 MP

A blue energy circle envelops the target and the caster is able to "see" the target's current/max HP, current/max MP, level, and weaknesses. The caster may also use Scan to look for magical auras around certain places, people and objects. Note that mage's detect their own magic better than other types (e.g. White Mages sense White magic better than Black magic).


Level 2



Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

The target begins to blink in and out of visibility. The character gains 20% to their Defense rating, and makes anyone who stares too long feel nauseous.



Cost: 8 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

The target is surrounded by a light silver aura, and their Strength and Vitality stats are increased by the (MAG)/2 for the spell's duration.



Cost: 15 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

The target becomes rather fuzzy in appearance, and is actually in a ghost-like translucent state. All matter passes through her, but she cannot pick up anything other than what she had with her when the spell was cast. The target may walk through walls but for some reason won't fall through the floor. No attacks can be made during this spell, as her weapons are etherealized as well and no spells may be cast during the spell as too much of the mage's energy is tied up in keeping her in the ghost-like state.


Locate Monster

Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) hours

Same as Locate Person, but insert Monster wherever I wrote Person.


Mute (Silence)

Cost: 9 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

A puff of powdery grey smoke surrounds the target's head and when it's gone, the target has a 50% + (Level/3) + (MAG/2) chance of being mute (i.e. unable to speak). The major implication of this is the inability to cast spells, as FFRPG spells are verbally activated.


Personal History

Cost: 15 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) hours; sometimes


The caster gains a very detailed knowledge of a person's life, both past and present. The knowledge usually fades over time. An object of some importance to the targeted person is needed to focus the spell, and extremely strong willed people (e.g. Important NPC) may resist this spell.


Protection From Ice

Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

Targets are surrounded by a brief red aura and feel a warming sensation. They now take 50% damage from Ice and can do things like walk in a blizzard without getting frostbite.



Cost: 2 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) minutes

The caster gains knowledge of the complete geography of the area within (1d6 + Magery/3) miles/kilometers. The caster can also draw a map of the area with excellent accuracy.


Size (Mini)

Cost: 7 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

Modifier: -10%

The target is enveloped with a puff of orange smoke, and when the smoke clears, there's a (Magic% - 10)% chance that the target will be micronized (i.e. very, very small). The spell will also restore a micronized target to normal status. Micronized targets may not use any Weapons or Armors, and their natural STR, Armor and M. Armor are reduced to 1. They may casts spells normally and their diminutive stature results in doubled Defense and M. Defense.


Level 3


Aero 2

Cost: 25 MP

Prerequisite: Aero 1

The caster creates a gale that blasts all targets within the range for 5d6 Wind damage.


Cure 2

Cost: 24 MP

Prerequisite: Cure 1

Targets are surrounded by flashy bright green stars which fill wounds with energy to restore 5d6 HP and will remedy all minor and some intermediate injuries.


Light 1

Cost: 25 MP

A column of pure light blazes up from beneath the target and soars into the air, taking 4d8 Light damage with it.


Locate Object

Cost: 15 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) hours

Same as Locate Person or Locate Monster, but pertains to objects.


Protection From Lightning

Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

The targets are surrounded by a pale brown glow and feel closer to the Earth. All Lightning attacks do 50% damage, and the character can do things like walk safely through a field during a thunderstorm.


Restless Motion

Cost: 13 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

The target is surrounded by ribbons of quickly moving blue light and when they fly away, his Agility and Speed are increased by (Magery/2) for the spell's duration.


Safe (Protect)

Cost: 15 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

The target is surrounded by a yellow sonic wave and small black spheres. After this, the target gives off a faint yellow glow and this glow absorbs 33% of all physical damage directed at the target (divide damage by 3).



Cost: 15 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

The target is surrounded by a spinning green shell, which leaves the target emitting a green glow after it disappears. This glow absorbs 33% of all magic damage aimed at the caster (divide magic damage by 3).



Cost: 15 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Modifier: -10

The target is surrounded by white clocks, whose hands are running v-e-r-y s-l-o-w. There is then a (Magic% - 10)% chance that they will become slowed, i.e. Initiative divided by 2 for the spell's duration.



Cost: 10 MP

A petrified target will be covered in a faint beige glow and then revert to normal flesh and bone. When cast on stone that wasn't once alive it weakens the structural integrity of the stone, but doesn't bring it to life.



Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) minutes

Prerequisite: Scan

The caster gains the ability to see through chests to see their contents and see through walls up to (Magery/3) feet thick.


Level 4



Cost: 30 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Protection From Fire

The targets are surrounded by a bright blue glow, and then feel a chill run through them. After this, they can resist all Fire-based attacks so that the resultant damage is zero.



Cost: 25 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds unless smashed

Prerequisite: Safe

The target has a silver barrier erected in front of them for the spell's duration. The barrier will absorb half of all physical damage directed at the target (divide damage by 2). The barrier can be removed by a Debarrier or Dispel spell, or smashed by a critical hit.



Cost: 22 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Courage

A blazing silver aura surrounds the target, causing all of his battle stats (Damage, M. Damage, Armor, M. Armor, M. Defense, and Defense) to be increased by (MAG)/2 for the spell's duration. All fears are also dispelled for the spell's duration.


Haste (Fast)

Cost: 20 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

The target is surrounded by little red clocks whose hands are moving at incredible speed. The target then has his Initiative doubled for the spell's duration.


Life 1

Cost: 34 MP

A ray of soft, golden light shines down from above and a tiny angel flies down to the fallen character. The angel carries a wand that places a spark near the character's heart and brings them back to life. But, the spark is tiny, and characters will be revived with only 10% of their max HP.



Cost: 25 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Shell

The target has a multi-colored energy barrier erected in front of them for the spell's duration. The barrier will absorb half of all magical damage directed at the target (divide damage by 2).


Muddle (Confusion)

Cost: 25 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

Modifier: -20%

The mage summons a flock of tiny birds to circle the target. When the birds finally fly away, there is a (Magic% - 20)% chance that the target will be confused. Confused characters have no control over their actions, and may attack their friends, their

enemies, or even themselves. Confusion can be reversed (or enhanced) by a good hit in the head.


Protection From Poison

Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + Magery/3) rounds

The characters feel healthier and are surrounded by a faint green aura for a couple of seconds. The characters are then able to reduce damage from Poison spells and conditions by 50%. The CoS of all Poison attacks is also reduced by 50%.


Level 5


Aero 3

Cost: 55 MP

Prerequisite: Aero 2

A hurricane flies from the caster's hands, slamming into the targets for 7d6 Wind damage.



Cost: 30 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Protection From Ice

The targets are surrounded by a strong red glow and feel a great deal of warmth in the air. After the glow subsides, the targets will take zero damage from any Ice-based attack.



Cost: 35 MP

Duration: Until smashed

Prerequisite: Barrier

A large yellow dome covers the area around the caster and absorbs all physical damage directed at the targets inside the barrier. The dome can withstand (Level x 7) + (Magery x 2) HP and has an armor rating of [2 x (Magery/3)]. Since all attacks against all characters in the dome affect the dome, it can fall rather quickly against multiple attack monsters.



Cost: 30 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Modifier: -30

The caster summons bright greenish-yellow magical ropes that encircle the target with a CoS of (Magic% - 30)%. The ropes may be cut before the duration expires. Careful cutting will take a flat two rounds, while striking the ropes will take 50 HP of

damage. Striking the ropes runs the risk of striking the target as well, unless the striker is an expert swordsman, etc.


Light 2

Cost: 50 MP

Prerequisite: Light 1

A beam of light blazes from the caster's hand, inflicting 6d8 Light damage to all who get in the beam's way.


M. Barricade

Cost: 35 MP

Duration: Until smashed

Prerequisite: M.Barrier

A green barrier is built around the caster's location which absorbs all magic damage directed at the characters inside the barrier. The dome has 7*(Level) + 2*(Magery) HP and an M. Armor value of 2*(Magery/3). Note that any multi-target spells aimed at the targets inside the dome count as only one spell, while multiple single target spells count as separate spells and could knock down the barrier rather quickly.


Protection From Doom

Cost: 25 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

The target is surrounded by a faint golden glow and feels more alive. The result is that all instant death spells (Doom, X-Zone, etc.) now have their CoS reduced by 50% (after M. Defense is subtracted).



Cost: 30 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Haste or Cure 2

The target is covered in exploding green stars, which grant the target the ability to regain HP over time. The target will regain [3d6 + WP] HP per round for the spell's duration. HP is recovered at the end of each round and MDC isn't counted.



Cost: 15 MP

The target is surrounded by a soft purple light, and all traces of the zombie condition are eradicated. The target's HP is reduced to 10% of max HP however.



Cost: 40 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Blink

The caster is instantly surrounded by multiple (1d10, to be exact) images of himself. The target gains a Defense bonus of 5% for each image created. A missed attack will always hit an image, and that image will instantly disappear when hit, reducing the Defense bonus appropriately.



Level 6



Cost: 30 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Protection From Lightning

Modifier: None

The targets are surrounded by a bright brown glow and can then resist damage from Lightning, reducing damage to zero.



Cost: 25 MP

Duration: As long as necessary (see Effect)

Prerequisite: Muddle

Modifier: -30

Once cast, the target has a (magic% - 30)% chance of being turned berserk as per the Status Condition. While berserk, all damage inflicted by the character is increased by 25%, but the target loses all control and will not regain control until either she's

dead or her enemies are. Berserked characters can't use magic, items, powers, etc. and they attack enemies at random (i.e. no strategic attacks are made). As long as it's an enemy, she'll attack it.



Cost: 50 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Bravery

A blazing silver aura surrounds the target and increases all of her stats (STR, AGI, VIT, MAG, Will, SPD) by (MAG)/2 for the spell's duration. All fears are overcome as well, but after the spell expires the character will feel very weak and tired for the next 1d4 rounds, and only time can heal this condition.



Cost: 40 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) minutes

For a brief period of time, the caster gains the ability to find anything. She can use a divining rod with 100% accuracy, determine info that others couldn't, and sometimes even get a brief glimpse of the future.



Cost: 40 MP

The caster & company are surrounded by darkness and when the light returns, they're outside. When used in battle, any of the caster's foes will be transported out of the area (but not killed).



Cost: 25 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

This spell causes the targets to lift off of the ground up to about one foot in the air. Useful for avoiding Quake, damage floors, etc.




Cost: 40 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: M. Barricade

A green wave-like barrier appears around the target and will bounce almost any spell back at it's caster. Call, unfocused and a few other spells may not be reflected, and all reflectable spells may only be reflected once.



Cost: 50 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

The target is surrounded by blinding silver light and when the light subsides, the target is nowhere to be seen! The target can still bump into objects and can be hit by accident in battle, but all attacks aimed at that target will miss (i.e. Defense increase to 100%). The drawback to this spell is that all magic consciously aimed at that target will unerringly strike (i.e. CoS of any spell is 100%, even if the target can resist the condition/element and even if the target is protected by a spell like Reflect). As soon as any magic hits the target, the effects of Vanish are dispelled. Vanish doesn't tend to work against the

caster's enemies, if for no other reason than to stop munchkins from using the vanish/Doom trick.


Level 7



Cost: 30 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Protection From Poison

The targets are surrounded by a strong green glow and then they gain the ability to resist all poisons, reducing damage to zero. The CoS of any poisonous attack is also reduced to zero.


Cure 3

Cost: 64 MP

Prerequisite: Cure 2

The target is surrounded by a flurry of bright blue stars that can close most of the target's wounds and recovers 9d6 HP. Most flesh injuries can be healed, as well as some fractures and internal damage.



Cost: 30 MP

Range: ST - R:4 E:1 V:0

Duration: Instant

Modifier: None

The target is surrounded by spinning silver disks that remove all magical effects from the target. These effects include Safe, Shell, Float, Haste, Slow, Stop, Blink, Vanish, Etherealize, Invisibility, Hold, Reflect, Wall, Ironize, Regen, and the list goes on.

Dispel can be your best friend or worst enemy, depending on your situation.



Cost: 50 MP

Duration: 3 rounds

Prerequisite: Barricade

The targets becomes solid iron. All spells do zero damage or have no effect except for Dispel, which cancels the spell's effect. All physical damage is nullified as well, but the characters cannot make any actions for three rounds. The targets appear to the monsters to be parrying until they make an initial attack, unless the monster possesses extreme

intelligence and magic detecting ability.


Light 3

Cost: 75 MP

Prerequisite: Light 2

Multiple columns of Light blaze out from underneath all targets near the central target and blast them all for 8d8 Light damage.



Cost: 30 MP

Prerequisites: Antidote, Soft, Revitalize

The target is bathed in a blue glow and surrounded with multi-colored lights. The lights take all physical ailments away with them when they disappear. Remedy can remove Poison, Blind, Mute, Confusion, Sleep, Stone, Micronized, Toad and Pig. Zombie and Imp, alas, cannot be cured in this manner.


Level 8


Absorb Fire

Cost: 70 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Anti-Fire

The target is engulfed in a cold blue aura and when it subsides, the character can absorb all Fire damage inflicted on him. The target cannot, however, recover HP by doing something silly, like dancing in a campfire.


Absorb Ice

Cost: 70 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Anti-Ice

The target is surrounded by a blazing red aura and can absorb Ice damage after the aura disappears.



Cost: 50 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Berserk

Modifier: -40%

A flurry of tiny pink beating hearts surround the target, with a (Magic% - 80%)% chance to make the target fall in love with the caster. The charmed target will do whatever the caster - and only the caster - commands and will do anything possible to protect the caster as well, even if it means instant death for the target.



Cost: 75 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) hours

Prerequisite: Ruse

The caster makes an exact replica of herself! The replica is a magical manifestation of the caster's form and cannot think. It will obey the caster's commands to perform simple actions and can even cast simple spells! All of the clone's stats are the same as the caster's except for HP & MP. The clone has only 25*(MAG) HP and 15*(MAG) MP.



Cost: 70 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisites: Etherealize, Vanish

The target vanishes a la the Vanish spell and has all the benefits of the spell Vanish, but also has the matter dodging abilities of the spell Etherealize. The only thing that can harm an Invisible character is magic.


Life 2

Cost: 75 MP

Prerequisite: Life 1

The target is bathed in a warm golden light, and several angels descend to the target. They each breathe a spark of life into the target, causing him to revive with full HP.



Cost: 60 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisites: Reflect, Ironize

The character is surrounded by a blueish-white crystalline barrier that reflects all reflectable spells and absorbs 25% of all physical damage after Armor is subtracted, divide damage by 4, and then multiply it by 3).


Level 9


Absorb Lightning

Cost: 70 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Anti-Lightning

The target is surrounded by a deep brown aura that grants the target the ability to absorb all Lightning damage.


Absorb Poison

Cost: 70 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Anti-Poison

The target is surrounded by a vivid green aura that allows the character to absorb all Poison damage.


Full Cure (Cure 4)

Cost: 99 MP

Prerequisite: Cure 3

A wave of shiny purple stars flows around the target, restoring all HP to the target. This spell may not be split among multiple targets. This spell can cure almost any injury, but only the greatest of White Wizards could re-attach severed limbs or heal severe internal problems.


Life 3

Cost: 90 MP

Duration: Until death occurs or threat of death is


Prerequisite: Life 2

The target is under the watchful eye of a guardian angel. If the target dies, the spell Life 1 is automatically cast on the character, with no cost to anyone. The character will revive with 10% of max HP, but if she falls again, she will not be revived again.


Mega Barricade

Cost: 100 MP

Duration: Until smashed

Prerequisite: Wall

A dome of shimmering blue energy rises up from the caster's location and covers all within its range, and it can absorb ALL damage sent its way. The dome has (9 x level) + (2 x Magery) Hp with (Level + Magery) x 2 value for Armor & M. Armor.


Resist (Vaccine)

Cost: 120 MP

Duration: (1d10 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Remedy

A beam of multicolored energy engulfs the target and when it fades, the target is left immune to all status ailments for the spell's duration. This spell cannot remove any status ailments the target currently suffers from, nor will it prevent status ailments occurring from the target's gear (e.g. a Cursed Ring will still cause Countdown).


Whirlwind (Tornado)

Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: Aero 3

A tornado-like whirlwind spins through the area, inflicting 11d6 Wind damage with a (Magic% - 100%) chance to Muddle each target. This spell is unfocused, and will affect all targets - both friend and foe - around and including the caster.


Level 10



Cost: 50 MP

Duration: (1d8 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Protection From Doom

The target is surrounded with a bright golden aura that prevents all instant death spells from working.



Cost: 150 MP

Prerequisite: Life 3

The area around the caster is bathed in a golden light and tiny angels come down and revive the fallen characters with 50% of their max HP.



Cost: 180 MP

Duration: (1d4 + Magery/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Mega Barricade

The target suddenly begins to glow and give off multi-colored lights, and these lights continue to flash throughout the spell's duration. The target is now without equals in terms of defense - the target is invincible (i.e. no damage or effect from any and all

attacks). The only exception is a Dispel spell, which can nullify the Shield.


White (Pearl, Fade, Holy)

Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: Light 3

The caster creates an explosion of pure white light that blazes around the target, inflicting 11d8 Light damage.