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Acrobatics- AGI

Character can make normal acrobatic moves, and do skill checks to do extraordinary feats.


Climbing- STR

Can climb object on successful roll. No progress made on failure. Fall on botch.


Running- VIT

You can run at twice walking speed for a level/10 + 10 rounds.


Jumping- STR

Characters may jump 3’ horizontally and 1.5’ vertically for every 10%


Animal Riding: Land- AGI

Specific to animal, character may ride animal under normal conditions.


Animal Riding: Air- AGI

Specific to animal, character may ride flying animal or monster under normal conditions.





Size-Up- MAG

Tells you how strong your opponent generally is. “Stronger, Weaker, My God why are you fighting HIM?”


Strategy- MAG

Spend 10 minutes planning in order to add +1 to either your defense or attack on a successful skill check.




Magic Lore- MAG

Must specify between White, Black, Red, Caller, Ninja, Blue, Mystic, or Cosmic. Grants knowledge on how things work.


Ancient Language- MAG

Must specify language, character can read, write, speak language with certain amount of proficiency.


Alchemy- MAG

Through the magic of advanced chemistry, the character may craft potions and items.


Healing- MAG

Can use common first aid on normal wounds. 1 HP healed for every point test is passed by.


History- MAG

Character has general knowledge of a region’s history, may roll for knowledge of more obscure facts.


Research- MAG

The ability and experience to quickly be able to find information in databases or libraries.


Teaching- MAG

The ability to train an animal, or to program a robot to do basic human skills. Beast master, Engineer only.


Lore- MAG

Specific to a type of lore. i.e. Animal, Human, Dwarf, Weapon, Plant. Receive a hint from the GM regarding relevant topic.





This skill allows a character to act in productions, and on a skill check, to BS his way out of a situation.


Dancing- AGI

Character is a capable dancer, knowing the steps to most common dances. Skill check to influence NPC behavior.


Etiquette- WP

Allows a character to know the proper formalities and manners in a given situation.


Intimidation- WP

May involve anything from a sideways glance, to lifting a person into the air. This frightens/aggravate NPC.


Leadership- WP

On a successful check, the effects of one of your skills may be transferred to the rest of the group.


Negotiation- WP

The fine art of conniving and lying, while getting away with it. Use your imagination for available uses.




Animal Handling- WP

Character can exert greater than average control over monsters and animals.


Animal Training- WP

Allows the character to train a specific type of animal or monster. On a successful check the animal can attack enemy’s or retrieve objects for the character.


Survival- MAG

Can find shelter and provisions for self. Difficulty penalties for an unfamiliar environment, or multiple persons to provide for.


 Tracking- MAG

Skill check to pick up on a recently made trail. Re-check may be required to stay on the trail.




Concealment- MAG

The character can hide objects large or small on their body or clothing. Useful for hiding objects not considered 100% legal. Varying difficulties depending on size of object.


Disguise- MAG

A successful check allows the character to appear different than normal. Specific persons may also be portrayed.


Escape- AGI

Even the best thieves sometimes get caught. This skill allows a resourceful character to make their way out of ‘cuffs, or other bonds.


Gambling- MAG

Character is familiar with rules for all games of chance. On a skill check they can try to cheat. Failure doesn’t mean being caught unless the opponent succeeds on an awareness check.


Lockpicking- AGI

Can pick locks on successful skill checks, difficulty modifiers depending on the quality of the lock, as well as pick.


Pickpocket- AGI

My personal favorite this one always holds a special place in my heart. After all, what thief worth his salt can’t do this? With this skill a thief can empty out the contents of one’s pockets. Note. The attempt can succeed and the thief still be caught if the victim makes an awareness check.


Stealth- AGI

Character can sneak around undetected after a successful skill check. Character always THINKS he’s succeeded.


Streetwise- WP

This deals with the ability to get around in the crime scene that most cities are plagued by. This includes the ability to determine the major crime bosses in the area, dealing with more unsavory types without looking like a fool, and obtaining black market goods.


Trap Lore- MAG

Character can make a check to find a trap, and another check to disarm said trap. The trap is sprung on rolls greater than twice the character’s skill level.




Awareness- MAG

Character can sense danger/pilfering on a successful skill check. May also be used to notice general surroundings.


Carpentry- MAG

Through this skill the character is capable of constructing buildings. A skill check is required for unique designs, or to rush the job.


Cooking- MAG

The character can cook with good proficiency. Knowledgeable about delicacies, and can cook gourmet foods.


Piloting- MAG

Specific to type of transportation, allows normal navigation of the specific ship. Skill check required for evasive maneuvers or difficult conditions.




Carpentry- MAG

Through this skill the character is capable of constructing buildings. A skill check is required for unique designs, or to rush the job.


Cooking- MAG

The character can cook with good proficiency. Knowledgeable about delicacies, and can cook gourmet foods.


Invent- MAG

The character can make a skill check to invent a device useful in a given context.


Repair- MAG

A character can repair machinery given supplies and time, skill checks are necessary when either ingredient is unavailable.


Shipwright- MAG

The engineer is capable of building a ship; skill checks are required for rushed jobs. Half of an Engineer’s Shipwright skill is added to their Pilot: Ship ability.


Smithing- MAG

Through this skill, an engineer may forge weapons and other items given enough time and the appropriate supplies. Cost of raw materials is equal to half the cost of the item being made.




Art (2D)- WP

This skill provides a general appreciation of two-dimensional art, such as paintings, sketches, or calligraphy. Can be used to make/detect forgeries.


Art (3D)- WP

This skill provides a general appreciation of three-dimensional art, such as sculptures, or pottery. Can be used to make/detect forgeries.


Dancing- AGI

Character is a capable dancer, knowing the steps to most common dances. Skill check to influence NPC behavior.


Musical Instruments- WP

Allows the character to play normal instruments, and use certain magical instruments. Skill check allows performer to influence NPC reaction.


Singing- WP

Can sing without breaking glass, and has a general knowledge of music. Can also influence NPC’s subliminally on a successful skill check.