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This page shall contain information concerning all 6 main classes and all 32 aspects (main class add-ons) in General Tactics, including background information, a quote summing up the class/aspect, and a list of obtainable skills.

"Ok then, how about if I let YOU choose my weapon? Doesn't matter which you choose cuz you're still gonna lose!"

Fighters are the masters of all weapons and armor. Their defense is unmatched by any other class (trust me, it's not even close), and their overall attack power and hit points is a close second to the Monk's. Although the more intelligent Fighters have access to some minor level magiks via some of their aspects, those with magic still suffer from very low amounts of Magic Points and raw arcane power. Fighters are, more or less, human tanks. They should always be on the frontline (with perhaps the Ranger aspect as an exception) mixing it up with the badguys. With the highest defense in the game hands-down (and it's even stronger when Dragoon is added as an aspect), Fighters can endure insane amounts of punishment and then dish it right back.

Vital Stats: Strength and Vitality, for high attack power, defense, and hit points
Weapons: Knives, Gloves, Boomerangs, Claws, Cudgels, Bows, Swords, Staves, Ninja Knives, Whips, Pole-arms, Axes, Scythes, X-Bows, Katanas, and Hammers
Armor: Armwear, Gauntlets, Hats, Helmets, Mail, Robes, Suits, and Shields
Abilities: Power Break, Mind Break, Speed Break, Magic Break, Magnum Break, Monkey Grip, More Criticals, Better Criticals, Challenge, Guard
Aspects: Berserker, Samurai, Dragoon, Paladin, Dark Knight, and Ranger

"When it is all said and done, the only weapon you can ALWAYS rely on is yourself."

Monks are the masters of unarmed (be it bare fists, gloves, or claws) combat. Defensive power is very low concerning armor, but they have the highest hit points and attack power in the world. While possessing no arcane abilities of their own, from aspects or otherwise, Monks possess several magic-like abilities that have uses ranging form healing to assault and defense. Monks, despite their low defense, should always be on the frontline with Fighters where they can make the most out of their vast arsenal of techniques, such as the Chi-powered techniques of the Chakra Artist aspect. With their immense attack power, they give even the most hardened Fighters something to worry about.

Vital Stats: Strength and Vitality, for even higher attack power and hit points and to aid their ailing defensive prowess.
Weapons: Gloves and Claws
Armor: Robes and Suits only
Abilities: Wave Fist, Discipline, Focus, Guided Shot, Iron Will, Walk on Water, Brawler
Aspects: White Monk, Acrobat, Chakra Artist, Black Belt, and Defender

"Your GP or your HP!"

Thieves serve as one of the support classes in FFGT. Their attack power, defense, and hit points are all average. Despite these short falls, none can match their raw speed. They posses no arcane power of their own, and even their aspects are lacking in said power. Early on, Thieves serve as little more than a weak fighter or a good source for gil or supplies. What power the main class may lack, they more than make up for with the power of their surprisingly powerful aspects. A combo of some of their aspects (Wanderer, Ninja) can make for a very powerful (if kamikaze-like) and speedy warrior. A combo of other aspects (Gambler, Bard) can help to further their own charm and further the true purpose of the Thief including, but not limited to, stealing. Best kept away from the frontline and used as an archer or item-user early on.

Vital Stats: Agility and Speed, for better skill in athletics and several covert-oriented skills such as stealth.
Weapons: Knives, Ninja Knives, Gloves, Claws, Boomerangs, Whips, X-Bows, and Katanas
Armor: Armwear, Gauntlets, Hats, Suits, and Robes
Abilities: Steal Weapon/Shield, Steal Armor, Steal Helmet, Steal Glove, Steal Accessory, Steal Item, Steal Heart, Steal Gil, The Quickness, Mug
Aspects: Gambler, Ninja, Bard, Rogue, and Wanderer

Red Mage
"I'm just full of surprises!"

Red Mages serve as the other support class in FFGT. Their attack and defense are both above average and their hit points are average. They posses potentially powerful arcane prowess, being able to cast low-middle level White and Black magiks, and an average number of magic points, but these two figures pale in comparison to White and Black Mages. Early on, Red Mages are arguably best class to start off with. Despite their early prowess, although the aspects are nothing to scoff at, they lack some of the "oomph" of aspects of other classes. Red Mages are often played in different ways and can serve in many roles. Some are seen on the frontline, mixing it up with the physically superior Monks and Fighters while still holding their own. Some guard the magicians in the back whilst they dish out a little arcane damage of their own. Those who travel alone often find more success then other classes who travel solo. In the end, the Red Mage is suited for nearly playing style and can make up for nearly any weaknesses a player may have.

Vital Stats: Varies by playing style, though Strength and Wisdom are recommended for higher all around offensive prowess.
Weapons: Knives, Bows, Swords, Staves, Gloves Pole-Arms, Scythes, and Axes
Armor: Armwear, Hats, Mail, Suits, Robes, and Shields
Abilities: White Magic lvl. 1-4, Black Magic lvl. 1-4, Create Element, Purify, Counter Magic, Pray, Guard, Mana Bolt, Disperse, Nullify
Aspects: Sage, Blue Mage, Magitek Knight, Engineer, Beast Master, and Chemist

White Mage
"May the light bless us in our struggle against the coming night."

White Mages serve as the essential healers in any party. Their attack is slightly below average but their hit points and defense are ranked as the lowest along with Black Mages. Despite these shortfalls, White Mages possess unmatched magic prowess, sporting arcane power and magic points rivaled only by Black Mages. Despite a relative lack of offensive prowess, White Mages are arguably the most essential class to any adventuring party. They wield powerful healing magiks that have many effects ranging from curing wounds to nullifying status effects to even bringing back the dead. In addition, they can wield powerful Holy and Wind elemental magic attacks. This class may not be appealing to some. They don't really the offensive prowess to provide much flash and flair for themselves but one thing is for sure: a White Mage is any adventurer's best friend.

Vital Stats: Wisdom and Willpower, for even higher magical prowess and defense as well as more magic points.
Weapons: Gloves, Cudgels, Staves, Hammers, X-Bows, and Bows
Armor: Armwear, Hats, Suits, and Robes
Abilities: White Magic lvl. 1-4, White Magic lvl. 5-7, Bless, Holy Enchant, Pray, Mana Bolt, Purify, Crusader, Disperse, Nullify
Aspects: Saint, Caller, Geomancer, Combat Medic, and Priest

Black Mage
"Impervious? Feh. There's no such thing."

Black Mages serve as the "nukers" in a party, creating forces of destruction in every shape, size, and color known. They have share the weakest attack power and defense with White Mages as well as hit points. However, like White Mages, their magical defense, power, and magic points are unrivaled. Using nearly every element known to man, their Black Magic is used to inflict massive amounts of damage onto foes. In addition to direct damage, Black Mages have several support spells that have such functions as increasing speed and granting flight. In addition, Black Mages have access to Time Magic via the Time Mage aspect, a magician who focuses on utilizing the powers of time and space. With so much power at their fingertips, Black Mages seem to struggle sometimes with using it carefully. An ill-placed Fire spell could mean the end of a forest. Use carefully...

Vital Stats: Wisdom and Willpower, for even higher magical prowess and defense as well as more magic points.
Weapons: Knives, Staves, Books, Whips, and Ninja Knives
Armor: Armwear, Hats, Suits, and Robes
Abilities: Black Magic lvl. 1-4, Black Magic lvl. 5-7, Curse, Mana Bolt, Create Element, Counter Magic, Dark Enchant, Disperse, Kamikaze, Nullify
Aspects: Wizard, Time Mage, Cosmic Mage, Elementalist, and Battle Mage