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Level 1

Fire 1

Cost: 4 MP

The caster can throw a tiny fireball at a target.

It inflicts 4d6 Fire damage on the poor, unfortunate

target. Anything flammable is also ignited.


Ice 1

Cost: 4 MP

The caster causes the air around the target to

freeze by pointing a burst of snow and ice at the

target. The sub-zero temperature is enough to do 4d6

Ice damage. The cold also reduces the target's Speed

stat by 1 point for 1d4 rounds.


Lightning 1 (Bolt 1)

Cost: 4 MP

The caster summons a bolt of lightning from the

sky/ceiling to hit the target for 4d6 Lightning

damage. There is also a 30% chance to ignite

flammable objects.


Protection From Light/Goodness

Cost: 10 MP

The characters notice a slight darkening of the world and are surrounded by a black aura for a few seconds. After this, characters take 50% damage from all Light attacks and can scare extremely good characters. When fighting good characters, the target's gain the amount of the Caster's MAG/3 on all of their battle stats.


Scan (Peep)

Cost: 3 MP

A blue energy circle envelops the target and the caster is able to "see" the target's current/max HP, current/max MP, level, and weaknesses. The caster may also use Scan to look for magical auras around certain places, people and objects. Note that mage's detect their own magic better than other types (e.g. White Mages sense White magic better than Black magic).


Level 2


Earth 1 (Quake 1)

Cost: 6 MP

The ground beneath the target explodes in a shower of dirt and stone, slamming the target for 5d6 Earth damage.


Poison 1 (Bio 1)

Cost: 8 MP

Green bubbles rise from the ground at the victim's feet and burst near his head, inflicting 4d6 Poison damage. The caster may also roll his Magic% with a –20% penalty in order to determine if the target is given the status condition poison. Each round the poison is running through the character, they lose 1/10th of their current HP.


Psych (Osmose)

Cost: 1 MP

Small green spheres circle the target, and then converge on the target's head. A green beam extends from the caster's head to the target's head, and the caster steals 4d6 MP. This spell could kill a target that is purely magical in nature (e.g. a Sprite or a Dark Force). You may not go above max MP, so damage may not be as high as it should be.



Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + MAG/3) rounds

Modifier: -10%

The caster can affect the minds of his opponents to make them fear the very sight of the caster. The caster must make a Magic% roll with a –20 penalty. If successful, the opponents will suffer -10% to all skills and lose (MAG)/2 on Strength and Vitality for

the duration. Rolling within 10% of max roll causes the target to run away.



Cost: 8 MP

Duration: (1d6 + MAG/3) rounds

Modifier: -10%

Tiny purple motes surround the target and coalesce into a haze that induces a deep sleep. If the caster succeeds on his Magic% roll with its –20% penalty, the targets will stay in the land of Nod until they are hit by a physical attack or awakened through other methods.



Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + MAG/3) hours

The caster gains the ability to speak any language he knows of. He is fluent up to the level he is in his native language, and natural speakers of the language will notice that the mage speaks the language too well. The mage only gains the ability to speak and understand the language; he does not gain the ability to read or write in that language any better than before.


Water 1

Cost: 6 MP

The caster summons a geyser to burst out from beneath the target's feet, inflicting 4d6 water damage.




Level 3



Cost: 12 MP

Duration: (1d6 + MAG/3) rounds

Modifier: -20%

The target is surrounded by flashing, blinding lights that have a (Magic% - 20)% chance to blind him. Blinded characters take a 50% penalty to all weapon skills and other actions requiring sight.


Dark 1

Cost: 25 MP

Range: ST - R:5 E:1 V:0

Duration: Instant

Modifier: None

The target is engulfed in a bubble of darkness that inflicts 5d8 Dark damage.


Fire 2

Cost: 22 MP

Prerequisite: Fire 1

The caster makes a big ball of Fire and heaves it at the desired target(s). The poor shmuck on the receiving end takes 5d6 Fire damage, and anything flammable gets ignited.


Ice 2

Cost: 22 MP

Prerequisite: Ice 1

The mage summons a blizzard to slam into the target(s) for 5d6 Ice damage. All targets have their Speed stats reduced by 2 for 1d4 rounds.


Lightning 2 (Bolt 2)

Cost: 22 MP

Prerequisite: Lightning 1

The mages can summon larger lightning bolts to inflict 5d6 Lightning damage to the target(s). There is a 60% chance to ignite flammable objects.



Cost: 25 MP

Prerequisite: Psych

The target is at the center of a blast of magical energy that can remove up to 3d6 MP from the target. This cannot kill the target unless the target is purely magical, but the targets that don't die will probably be easier to defeat without their MP.



Cost: 12 MP

Duration: (1d6 + MAG/3) rounds

Modifier: -20%

The target is surrounded by a puff of green smoke and after the smoke clears, there's a (Magic% - 20)% chance that the target is a toad. Toads may only cast Toad magic, cannot use weapons, armor or items and can inflict very little, if any, damage. Toads cannot be squashed, but they do take full damage from a hit.



Cost: 10 MP

Duration: (1d6 + MAG/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Scan

The caster gains the ability to see through chests to see their contents and through walls up to (MAG/3) feet thick.



Cost: 25 MP

Range: ST - R:5 E:1 V:0

Duration: Instant

Modifier: None

A sphere of shimmering silver energy surrounds the target and then shatters into tiny pieces, shattering any barrier-type spells the target was being protected by at the time (including Shield).


Level 4


Earth 2 (Quake 2)

Cost: 28 MP

Prerequisite: Earth 1

Multiple spears made of pure crystal rip from the ground and slam into the target for 6d6 Earth damage.



Cost: 15 MP

Duration: (1d8 + MAG/3) rounds

Modifier: -20

This subtle spell gives the caster a sudden link to the victim's emotional condition. From levels 1- 10, this only entails the basic feelings, such as Hate, Love, Jealousy, and so on. From levels 21-50, the understanding gained by the caster is more precise, allowing for the emotions behind the basics to be felt: Inadequacy spawning Hate, etc. Finally, from levels 51 and onward, the caster goes the next step: they can affect the victim's emotional state to a limited extent, changing it in some minor and connected way, such as from Jealousy to Hate, or from Love to Anxiety. The chance of success is (Magic% - 20)% but if the GM decides that the target's emotion is particularly strong, there is an equal chance that the mage will "acquire" the emotion, which could have disastrous results. The target won't know that he's the target unless he rolls an awareness check or has some magic shielding on (e.g. a magic helmet, a Shell spell, etc.).



Poison 2 (Bio 2)

Cost: 32 MP

Prerequisite: Poison 1

The mage's hands emit poison bubbles that fly over the cone and burst near targets. The bubbles inflict 6d6 Poison damage as well as a (Magic% - 25)% chance of inflicting the poison status condition.



Cost: 20 MP

The caster can move anyone within the range one floor backwards in a dungeon, castle, etc. When used in battle, the caster can send her enemies one floor backwards. The transported characters will arrive at the staircase that leads to the floor they were just on.


Water 2

Cost: 28 MP

Prerequisite: Water 1

The mage can condense so much moisture that the target is slammed with a wall of bubbles that burst and inflict 6d6 Water damage.


Level 5


Dark 2

Cost: 50 MP

Prerequisite: Dark 1

A blast of dark energy flies from the caster's hands and inflicts 6d8 Darkness damage to all within the beam.



Cost: 20 MP

The target is surrounded by red spheres that converge on its body and a red beam extends from its body to the caster's body. Up to 5d6 HP may be siphoned in this way, but the mage may not go above max HP, so damage could be lower than expected.


Fire 3

Cost: 52 MP

Prerequisite: Fire 2

A wave of large fireballs are unleashed from the caster's hands and explode in the midst of the targets, inflicting 7d6 Fire damage.


Ice 3

Cost: 52 MP

Prerequisite: Ice 2

The mage can create a blizzard and the targets are blasted for 7d6 Ice damage. All targets' Speed stats are lowered by 3 points for the next 1d4 rounds also.



Lightning 3 (Bolt 3)

Cost: 52 MP

Prerequisite: Lightning 2

The mage is able to unleash lightning bolts from his fingertips which arc out to shock targets for 7d6Lightning damage. There is also a 90% chance that flammable objects will ignite.



Cost: 20 MP

Modifier: -30

An invisible wave of sonic energy is emitted by the caster and hits the target, causing its molecular structure to resonate. There is a (Magic% - 30)% chance that the frequencies in the wave are the right ones to cause the target to shatter. Materials cannot be shattered in this way unless turned into stone, glass or ice first. Nearby targets may be harmed by

the shards that fly off the shattered object. Artifacts don't shatter.


Wall of Fire

Cost: 30 MP

Duration: (1d8 + MAG/3) rounds

The area around the caster is surrounded by a wall of giant flames. The flames spout from the ground and burn at double the caster's height for the duration. Anything that touches the wall takes 4d8damage and only an Ice or Water spell may destroy the wall.


Level 6



Cost: 50 MP

Duration: (1d8 + MAG/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Scare

The target is surrounded by a pitch black aura that causes all stats (STR, AGI, VIT, WIS, WP, and SPD) to drop to half of their normal value. After the spell wears off, the target will feel very energetic for1d4 rounds and very little can stop them (it's like a Berserker Rage, but with full mental abilities).


Doom (Death, Fatal, Rub)

Cost: 60 MP

Prerequisite: Debarrier

Modifier: -30

The Grip Reaper hovers around the target, and there is a (Magic% - 30)% chance that the reaper will steal the target's life energy, rendering the target dead.


Earth 3 (Quake 3)

Cost: 58 MP

Prerequisite: Earth 2

Jagged little gemstones fly from the caster's hand and stab at all targets in their path, inflicting 8d6 Earth damage.


Poison 3 (Bio 3)

Cost: 64 MP

Prerequisite: Poison 2

A wave of poison sprays from the caster's hands, inflicting 8d6 Poison damage. There is also a chance the target will become infected with a strong poison (see combat rules for dealing with poison).


Shape change

Cost: 30 MP

Duration: (1d8 + MAG/3) rounds

Prerequisites: Toad

Modifier: -30

When cast on a target, it will morph into a different form of the caster's choice. The chance of success is (Magic% - 30)%. The implications of the new form are that certain items may or may not be equipped, certain spells can or cannot be cast, etc.



Cost: 50 MP

Duration: Until it is removed

Modifier: -30%

The target is surrounded by a grey mist which quickly forms a flurry of stones that have a (Magic%- 30) % chance to turn the target into a solid stone statue. Statues take no damage, but gain no exp, make no actions, etc. Stone will not reverse overtime, but may be removed using Soft or Remedy. Stone characters are a real burden to adventurers who

carry their petrified comrade to a place of healing, and a Shatter spell or a big heavy weapon (like a Great Axe or 20-pound Maul) may shatter a stoned character. The resistance to shattering is (Level/2) +(STR/2) + (VIT/2). Shattering may only be reversed

by a powerful White Wizard or Sage using Life 2, or any White Wizard or Sage using Rebirth.



Cost: 40 MP

Duration: (1d8 + MAG/3) rounds

Prerequisite: Empathy

The caster is capable of reading other peoples' thoughts and using his own mind to 'speak' to another person mentally. The reactions of other people vary greatly from fear to intrigue to anger, so the caster should be careful. The person usually cannot notice anything when the mage just reads his thoughts, but people with high awareness will sense that something is 'wrong'. Anyone with moderate magical ability or mental enhancement will immediately notice the telepathic occurrences, and may even trace it back to its source.


Water 3

Cost: 58 MP

Prerequisite: Water 2

The targets are slammed by tiny waves that flow from the ground at the caster's feet. The waves inflict 8d6 Water damage.


Level 7


Dark 3

Cost: 75 MP

Prerequisite: Dark 2

The caster emits a flowing wave of dark mist that washes over the targets and inflicts 8d8 Darkness damage to all targets.


Debilitate Fire

Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: At least 3 Fire-based spells

The target is engulfed in a red glow that causes them to take double damage from Fire based attacks. They sunburn easier too.



Cost: 77 MP

Prerequisite: Lightning 3

Multiple lightning bolts arc from the caster's body and shock all nearby targets, then a glowing bubble of energy begins to grow at the caster's feet and swells to encompass all targets, inflicting 9d6Lightning damage and igniting all flammable objects they hit. There is a 20% + (Level/2) + (MAG) chance that the targets will be stunned for the next round as well.



Cost: 50 MP

Prerequisites: Psych, Drain

The target is surrounded by tiny golden globes that converge on its head and body, and a pure golden energy beam extends towards the caster. The beam allows the mage to steal up to 7d6 HP and 5d6 MP. The mage may not exceed his maximums, so damage may not be as high as it should be.


Level 8



Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisites: Earth 3, Stone, Shatter

The ground starts to shake with the force of a massive quake, and suddenly a flurry of stones begins to surround the target and encase it in solid rock! The target takes 10d6 Earth damage and has a(Magic% - 40)% chance to be turned into stone themselves. The rock immediately breaks and if the target was turned to stone, it breaks as well.




Debilitate Ice

Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: At least 3 Ice-based spells

The target is engulfed in a blue glow that causes them to take double damage from Ice based attacks. They get frostbite easier too.



Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: Poison 3

The targets are engulfed in a noxious cloud of green poisonous smoke that inflicts 10d6 Poison damage and has a (Magic – 20%) % chance of giving the target the status condition poison.


Mind Blast

Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: Rasp

Red ripples of psychic energy wash over the targets around the mage, inflicting 10d6 nonelemental damage, and the spell has a (Magic% - 40)% chance to Muddle targets as well. The confusion will last for (1d6 + MAG/3) rounds.


Level 9


Dark Matter

Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: Dark 3

The air around the caster seems to darken and a hole into space is ripped open. Wave upon wave of Dark Matter encircles the targets and suck the light - and life - out of them by inflicting 11d8 Darkness damage on them.


Debilitate Lightning

Cost: 100 MP

Duration: (1d10 + MAG/3) rounds

Prerequisite: At least 3 Lightning-based spells

The target is engulfed in a yellow glow that causes them to take double damage from Lightning based attacks. I don't recommend that they stand too close to power lines either.



Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: Fire 3

Tiny point flares converge on the target, and then explode in a tremendous burst of energy and the target takes 12d6 Fire damage. All flammable items are ignited as well.



Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisites: Ice 3

The air around the main target cools very rapidly, causing large ice chunks to form all around it. The target is hit for 11d6 Ice damage as has a (Magic% - 40)% chance to be frozen solid, similar to the Stop condition. The frozen target thaws after (1d10 + MAG/3) rounds or after taking any amount of Fire damage.



Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: Water3

The mage summons a tsunami (i.e. Gigantic Wave) to slam into all targets for 11d6 Water damage. There must be a fairly large source of water nearby to cast this spell, as there isn't enough moisture in the air to generate such a wave.


Level 10


Debilitate Poison

Cost: 100 MP

Duration: (1d10 + MAG/3) rounds

Prerequisite: At least 3 Poison-based spells

The target is engulfed in a green glow that causes them to take double damage from Poison based attacks.



Cost: 150 MP

Prerequisite: Doom

The Grim Reaper hovers around the main target, but he has a (Magic% - 50)% chance to steal the life energy of all the targets around him, rendering them all dead.



Cost: 100 MP

Prerequisite: Wall of Fire

The air begins to feel extremely hot, and then a huge wave of Fire comes screaming out of nowhere, inflicting 12d6 Fire damage and all flammable items are ignited.



Cost: 125 MP

Prerequisite: Flare

The target is surrounded by a bright orange glow and several small orange energy globes

surround that target. The globes then explode in a tremendous blast of heat and light, inflicting 12d8 non-elemental damage.



Cost: 150 MP

Prerequisite: Luminaire

A blue bubble of energy slowly rises from the caster's feet, and grows to engulf the entire area. All targets take 12d8 non-elemental damage.