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Class Aspects

These are the aspects, or add-ons, for every class. Aspects are obtained in the following manner:

Upon reaching level 15, if one has met all the requirements and is at the proper location, they may choose one aspect from their main class' list. Once the aspect is obtained, the abilities of said aspect are added to the list of possible abilities the main class can learn. 15 levels after mastering the first aspect, assuming again that they have the proper requirements, they may add one last aspect, making for a total of 2 aspects per character and 20 abilities max.

Aspects, although simple sounding, don't have to be so. They may seem like just a simple set off added-on abilities, but the adding of an aspect can alter things such as your appearance. This is optional of course, but it may prove to be quite neat to create a look based on the three classes you mix together. Below is a list of every aspect, it's requirements, abilities, where it can be obtained, and any other such notes.

Fighter Aspects

Berserkers are the most powerful fighters on the planet who can easily break through shields both magical and mundane. Aspecting  Berserker will also increase hit points nearly exponentially.
Abilities: Combat Upgrade, Barbarism, Lunatic High, Cleave, Toughness
Requirements: 15 Strength, 15 Vitality, proficiency in at least one d12 damage weapon

"To fight with honor in the name of justice is to live forever."
Samurai are honor-bound warriors from a foreign land who are known for their masterful use of any and all melee weapons. Their Bushido protects them from harm in return for their faithful service to such a noble cause.
Abilities: Double-Hand, Samurai Spirit, Samurai Valor, Melee Mastery, Shockwave
Requirements: 14 Strength, 13 Agility, 13 Wisdom

"There's no such thing as invincible, my son. Even Dragons have enemies."
Dragoons are hands-down the most heavily defended warriors in the world. As a result of the blessing performed by a good dragon the moment Dragoon is added-on, Dragoons inherit some of the abilities of these mighty beasts as well as in-depth knowledge in how to fight the evil ones more efficiently.
Abilities: Jump, Dragon Spirit, Dragon Slayer, Defender's Valor, Dragon Breath
Requirements: 13 Strength, 15 Vitality, 12 Willpower

"In the name of everything good, I will defeat you! I promise!"
Paladins are pious warriors blessed by the light of heaven who can use this same light as a weapon against the forces of darkness. Paladins are also very compassionate (as much as their White Mage brothers and sisters) and have learned several low level White Magic spells as well as a unique defensive skills.
Abilities: White Magic lvl. 1-4, Defend, Saint Cross, Divine Arsenal, Angel
Requirements: 12 Wisdom, 12 Vitality, 18 Willpower, innate element must be Light

Dark Knight
Dark Knights are warriors who have been "blessed" by Shadow, a more good-based form of Darkness that only partially corrupts the one so blessed all while granting the use of some very powerful abilities. In addition to some very vicious and, more or less, savage fighting techniques, Dark Knights also have access to low level Black Magic.
Abilities: Black Magic lvl. 1-4, Darkside, Black Wave, Dark Arsenal, Blood Lust
Requirements: 15 Strength, 15 Wisdom, 12 Willpower, innate element must be Darkness

"He'll never know what hit him..."
Rangers are unique among Fighters in that they tend to stay away from the frontline while sniping at enemies with an assortment of long-range weapons including exotic (albeit archaic by modern standards) firearms. None come even close to, not only using long-range weaponry, but dodging shots from them as well.
Abilities: Ranged Mastery, Aim, Arrow Guard, Equip Firearms, Quick Draw
Requirements: 14 Agility, 14 Speed, 12 Wisdom, proficiency in at least one long range weapon

Monk Aspects

White Monk
"Rest easy, my brother. I am here."
White Monks focus their chi on more healing oriented powers as opposed to offensive ones. Some of their abilities involve healing, purifying, and even shifting attack and defense.
Abilities: Stigma Magic, Inner Healing, Revive, Yin-Yang Magic, Metabolic Healing
Requirements: 14 Vitality, 12 Wisdom, 14 Willpower

"Catch me if you can!"
Acrobats focus their chi on speed and agility, making them very nimble warriors. Their powers are used to increase movement capability and to dodge certain attacks.
Abilities: Ignore Height, Arrow Guard, Free Movement, Dash, The Quickness
Requirements: 15 Agility, 15 Speed

Warrior Monk
"Trust me... you're no match for me."
Warrior Monks focus their chi into launching all-out attacks that makes the Monk as fearsome of an opponent as a Berserker. They are the champions of offensive fighting but tend to suffer from very low defense.
Abilities: Whirlwind, Kamikaze, Adrenalin, Two-Swords, Martial Master
Requirements: 16 Agility, 12 Vitality, 12 Strength

Black Belt
"True mastery comes from within."
Black Belts focus their chi on raw offensive power. In addition to having an amazing number of hit points, they are also the masters of critical hits.
Abilities: Takedown, Combat Upgrade, More Criticals, Better Criticals, Combo
Requirements: 15 Strength, 15 Vitality

"A good defense is the best offense."
Defenders focus their chi on improving their normally mediocre defense. Defenders often have increased defense, know how to survive normally fatal attacks, and have mastered the art of counter-attacking,
Abilities: Equip Shield, Counter, Cover, Brace, Toughness
Requirements: 18 Vitality, 12 Willpower

Thief Aspects

"Ante up!"
Gamblers are special Thieves that have somehow mastered manipulating the force known as luck. They use several gambling implements to utilize manipulate luck to devastate their foes, support their allies, or even cheat their way out of normally hopeless situations.
Abilities: Cheat, Gambit, Poker, Coin Flip, Steal More Gil
Requirements: 13 Agility, 13 Speed, 12 Wisdom, 12 Willpower

"What you can't see can, and will, hurt you."
Ninja are ancient warriors from a far-off land, much like their Samurai brethren. They have mastered the art of using two weapons as well as throwing special weapons and using ancient Ninjitsu, or Ninja Magic.
Abilities: Throw, Catch, Two-Sword, Ninjitsu, Sharingan
Requirements: 12 Wisdom, 16 Speed, 12 Agility

"Lift up your hearts dear friends! Let us sing of our victories!"
Bards are wandering adventurers who live for fun and use their charisma to spread the happiness to others. A Bard uses their magical songs and powerful words to support allies and hinder opponents.
Abilities: Life Song, Love Sonata, Karma, Elemental Song, Hero's Ballad
Requirements: 12 Wisdom, 18 Willpower

"What once was yours is already mine." (thanks Kons)
ARogues are the greatest Thieves in the world. In addition to being able to steal twice in one round and performing sneak attacks, they can actually steal extra experience from monsters and other foes.
Abilities: X-Steal, Sneak Attack, Steal More Gil, Steal XP, Scan
Requirements: 15 Speed, 15 Agility

"A little grace can make a big difference."
Wanderers are Thieves who have dramatically improved their combat skills and hit points. Their criticals hit often and their ability to equip shields make them dangerous foes.
Abilities: Combat Upgrade, Equip Shield, Helping Hand, More Criticals, Combo
Requirements: 12 Wisdom, 18 Agility

Red Mage Aspects

"What do you mean, Black or White? I'll just use both!"
Sages are special magicians who have furthered their studies into the fields of White and Black Magic. In addition to this, they have developed a special ability that lets them cast both a Black spell and a White Spell in one round.
Abilities: White Magic lvl. 5-7, Black Magic lvl. 5-7, Mirror Cast, Mana Transfer, Turbo MP
Requirements: 15 Wisdom, 15 Willpower

Blue Mage
"Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire."
Blue Mages are unique in that they do not procure their spells by normal means. Rather, they learn by watching monsters performing their special attacks. Their other abilities help assist them in learning these special "Blue Spells".
Abilities: Blue Magic, Observation, Scan, True Blue, Memerize
Requirements: 15 Willpower, 15 Vitality

Magitek Knight
"Ha! Your magic is no good here!"
Magitek Knights are a fighting-based branch of Red Mages. Their special Runic commands can absorb virtually any spell in the world and convert it into raw energy.
Abilities: HP Runic, MP Runic, Combat Upgrade, Runic Disperse, Improved Runic
Requirements: 14 Strength, 14 Vitality, 12 Willpower

"Who says you shouldn't fix something if it ain't broke?"
Engineers are creative Red Mages who possess great skill in inventing special weapons and gadgeteering. Engineers posses several strange abilities such as the ability to use "Guns", invent strange weapons like auto-crossbows, and even create robots for use as fighting companions.
Abilities: Invent/Build, Tools, Maintenance, Equip Firearms, Change Equip
Requirements: 16 Wisdom, 12 Strength, 12 Vitality

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty..."
Beastmaster are Red Mages who not only have a keen interest in zoology, but also are capable of capturing the same beasts they study for whatever use they have in mind. In fact, sometimes if the understanding of a certain beast is great enough, the Beastmaster can even polymorph herself into said beast!
Abilities: Capture, Control, Monster Talk, Morph, Secret Hunt
Requirements: 15 Strength, 15 Vitality

"Of course I know what I'm doing."
Chemists are special Red Mages who have a natural love for Chemistry. In addition to being able to max their own special concoctions, they can also increase the effectiveness of said concoctions with proper application techniques.
Abilities: Throw Item, Mix, Medicine, X-Item, Double Effect
Requirements: 14 Wisdom, 16 Willpower

White Mage Aspects

"Darkness will never win!"
Saints are perhaps the most pious beings in the world, not to mention perhaps the most courageous. The increased power of their White Magic, although powerful, pales in comparison to their ability to pray for the emergence of miracles.
Abilities: White Magic lvl. 8-10, Exorcise, Miracle, Life Transfer, Mana Transfer
Requirements: 20 Willpower

"Watch it. I have friends in high places."
Callers are not magicians in the traditional sense. Rather, they posses the ability to summon gods and legendary beasts to fight for them. They posses several abilities to assist them with their summoning.
Abilities: Summon, Plead, True Calling, Call, Memorize
Requirements: 16 Wisdom, 14 Willpower

"No mere weapon of man could ever match the power of mother nature."
Geomancers are White Mages who have spread out their devotion to not only the forces of light but now the forces of nature. They use the terrain itself to attack foes and can even summon weather to wreck havoc on their enemies.
Abilities: Geomancy, Ignore Nature, Walk on Water, Summon Weather, Soul of Venom
Requirements: 16 Willpower, 14 Vitality

Combat Medic
"Don't worry! I'm here to help!"
Combat Medics are more combative White Mages who are able to withstand more punishment while still dispensing the healing her allies may need. Along with this, Combat Medics also have received greater training in utilizing their own arcane powers.
Abilities: Combat Upgrade, Arcane Mastery, HP/MP Switch, Equip Heavy Armor, First Aid
Requirements: 13 Strength, 13 Vitality, 12 Agility, 12 Speed

"Let us pray for strength, so that we may overcome the hardships to come."
Priests are a special sect of White Mages who rely not on arcane power but on prayer alone to power their abilities. Their prayers act fast, often before anyone else has a chance to react.
Abilities: Heal, Protect, Barrier, Pure Word, Holy Word
Requirements: 18 Willpower, 12 Vitality

Black Mage Aspects

"If there's anything that can stop me, I'd like to see it and prove it wrong!"
Wizards are Black Mages who have reached the peak of their magical prowess. In addition to having access to legendary Black spells, they also have access to several combo spell abilities.
Abilities: Black Magic lvl. 8-10, Turbo MP, Desperation, Sequence, Rainbow
Requirements: 20 Wisdom

Time Mage
"Eh, Time and Space aren't as complex as you think. For example, watch this..."
Time Mages are a branch of Black Mages who study magic concerning time and space. With their powerful magiks, they can bend the flow of time to their will and can even summon meteors from space!
Abilities: Time Magic lvl. 1-4, Time Magic 5-7, Synchronize, Float, Timeless
Requirements: 16 Wisdom, 14 Willpower

Cosmic Mage
"Time and space seem so petty to me now. Is there anything more?"
Cosmic Mages are an even more powerful form of Time Mages who have perfected the art of manipulating time and space. In addition to access to the most legendary Time magiks, Cosmic Mages have a plethora of support abilities that help to boost his speed and allow him to teleport from place to place.
Abilities: Time Magic lvl. 8-10, Teleport, Double Time, Auto Haste, Critical Quick
Requirements: 20 Wisdom, Time Mage aspect

"Oh, so many elements, so little time..."
Elementalists are Black Mages who have perfected what they are known for: manipulation of the elements.
From enchanting their weapons to guarding themselves form the same elemental attacks, there are none who compare in the field of elementals.
Abilities: Elemental Blade, Elemental Bolts, Elemental Guard, Debilitate, Elemental Shift
Requirements: 14 Wisdom, 14 Willpower, 12 Vitality

Battle Mage
"You just picked the WRONG mage to mess with."
Battle Mages are physically hardened versions of Black Mages. Similar to the White Mage Combat Medics, Battle Mages have more hit points than normal Black Mages as well as higher arcane power.
Abilities: Combat Upgrade, HP/MP Switch, Arcane Mastery, Burn Out, Arcane Mending
Requirements: 13 Strength, 13 Vitality, 12 Agility, 12 Speed