People Used People Mentioned Next Match Win - Loss - Draw Role-Play #
Charlie Haas + Victoria
Tori + Echelon + Sable George v. Echelon Single - 1 - 0- 0
Tag - 0 - 0 - 0

Manager/Partner Frankensteined Title History Achievements Layout Version
Charlie Haas 1x Tori N/A N/A

Forward Begin
The rumors were true, this past Monday night on the WEW's debuting Raw event George absolutely did make her return to the world of wrestling and in such a great way at that. She debuted later during the night as she faced Tori in both of their first round World title tournament matches in which many believed Tori would pick up the victory seeing how she has the in ring abilities over George. But George proved that although her looks might be to die for her wrestling skills were twice as deadly. Throughout the match she managed to pull off some rather impressive high flying and technical maneuvers. She even used her high heeled wrestling boots to give Tori a good kick or two in the jaw taking her out of the action and applying the trademark finishing move of 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit...The Cross-face forcing Tori to tap out and advancing herself throughout the tournament. This up and coming Monday night George Frankenstein will be facing off against Echelon in the 2nd round of the World title tourney. Echelon obviously also advanced as well and neither woman wants to go down without one hell of a fight. However it's known that both Charlie Haas and Vampiro will be ring side so I'm sure we'll have to keep our eyes both in and out of the ring to catch all the action! Can George prove once again that her looks are only half of her natural talent...or is Echelon to much woman to handle?

Forward End

Scene Begin
The scene is slowly fading into the parking lot area of tonight's special House Show event being held in the home town of Miss George Frankenstein of Sarasota, Florida! The arena is jam-packed with the event almost prepared to start in just a matter of moments. The cameras are set up in the parking lot for now however where a beautiful sparkly silver stretch Escalade limousine can be seen pulling slowly into the arena. The limo is simply gorgeous, the rims are freely spinning with ease and the lovely shades of silver give it such a clean and shiny look. The limo now comes to a complete stop and in just a few moments out steps the driver. The driver is a middle aged man, rather chunky in the gut area, but other than that he looks pretty deserving of the job. He walks to the back of the limo where the last door is obviously and takes a deep breath before slowly pulling open the door. He steps back and holds his hand out thinking George is about to step out but instead out steps Charlie Haas! The limo driver looks embarrassed as Charlie gets a sick look on his face and jumps at him as if to punk him out. He pushes the driver aside and completely exits the car before extending his hand out to the door once more. This time a slim, tan are reaches out and then comes a pair of sexy well shaven tan legs as well. The Gorgeous One steps out with a bit of help from Haas looking just as stunning as ever in a two piece matching black and white polka dot short and long sleeve belly shirt with platform black strapping high heel shoes and a matching polka dot top hat. Charlie Haas is wearing a pair of loose blue jeans and a 'George Frankenstein' t-shirt with the latest addition of Nike's Air Force Ones on. He takes the hand of George as she snaps her fingers with her free hand signaling for the driver to grab their bags. Charlie however begins to lead her into the building. She gets many looks here and there from various men, even other wrestlers from the company because she's just so gorgeous but she pays little attention as if the others don't even exist. George notices a few of her co-workers...or other divas walking pass her and she sticks her nose in the air looking very cocky but ever so sexy at the same time. Charlie proudly follows along. Once they finally reach their private locker room which has a huge golden star with 'George Frankenstein & Charlie Haas' written in the center with silver glitter on the door. Charlie opens the door to reveal a excellent little room for the two of them, it basically looks like a house, consisting of everything that they may need in their spare time while in the arena including a snack stand, Jacuzzi, and a rather large flat screen television! This is nothing new to George nor Haas so they don't act to surprised. Haas quickly heads over to the snack stand and starts to eat a few Strawberries while George takes a seat on the sofa to rest before she amazes the fans with yet another grade 'A' promo concerning her next round in the title tournament.

Scene End

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Charlie...+Charlie keeps eating+ Charlie...+Still keeps eating+ CHARLIE! +Jumps in Fright+ Is it really that hard to hear me Charlie or are those Strawberries just so much more important to you than what I have to say?

George's Boy-Toy... Charlie Haas
Babe I'm sorry, I just wasn't paying any attention I got lost in my own little world you know how I get...

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Whatever...anyways all I was wondering is what do you think about what I'm wearing tonight? Does it say 'Hello!' or is this just to much of a Sable know like a 'Goodbye!'?

George's Boy-Toy... Charlie Haas
Heh, babe you've got nothing to fear that is definitely a 'Hello!' as you like to call it. I don't think anything could be a good bye on you Steph, like everyone says you're just Simply a matter of a fact there's only one way you could look even better than you already do...

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Lemme guess...that would be if I were to have nothing on at all? Hehe...Charlie I love it when you talk naughty! Even though it is true I would most defiantly look stunning in the nude I however would much rather let only one person see me completely naked and we know who that is don't we? Besides if I were to be seen naked all these jealous women would watch and take notes so they could find my every size from feet, waist, to breast and butt so they can have millions of surgeries done to them to look exactly like me!

George's Boy-Toy... Charlie Haas
And Sable thinks all the women wanna be her! Hah she obviously hasn't been keeping up with your career...

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Let's not even bring that old whore up! You know I get so offended when women and men compare the two of us. The only thing we have in common is the blonde hair and not even that...mines is a couple shades better. She's so old...she can like be my mother but yet she's still out there dressing like a hooch. I feel sorry for her children...

George's Boy-Toy... Charlie Haas
Yeah, I say we change the topic just thinking about that bitch make me wanna puke. What about that win over Tori, i must admit I was impressed. I mean I knew you can do it but it was just the way you did it. With such grace and dignity...kicking her jaw in and causing her bleed everywhere as you forced on the cross-face damn babe you've got some moves! Heh...and you do know I love aggressive women...

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Oh Charlie believe me it was nothing. She had it coming to her...did you see how she tried to disgrace me by not even bothering to mention me at all! She must have quickly scanned the card and thought I was Debra or something. That goes to show her to ever doubt me again, I kicked her teeth, her jaw, her entire face in with my spiked heels and then dug my nails deep down into her rat like face causing her to bleed all over MY ring before I locked on the cross-face for the win. That little punk tapped our Charlie did you see her. The way she screamed in pain like a little baby crying for her bottle haha I loved every moment of it didn't you? don't answer that because I already know you did! Tori was just a warm up, an example to the rest of these women i'll be facing soon throughout this tourney after I defeat this Echelon girl whom I must admit I've never heard nor seen before. What does that go to show you? I mean she's probably some Indy girl trying to make it in the big leagues...I really hate to be the one to crush her dreams...or maybe I don't hehe...

George's Boy-Toy... Charlie Haas
Oh well she deserves everything she's got coming to her. She should have begged the owners to change the match but since she didn't she'll just need to suffer and pay the consequences. It's her own problem not yours...little rookies should face other little rookies not legends like yourself...and besides she's way too ugly. Dude have you seen her teeth?

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Charlie is everything about looks to you? You've defiantly been around me to long. This is one of many matches that have nothing to do with looks hunny, you see in this match it's about kicking ass and taking names later much like I did to Tori. This Echelon girl may have won her debut match as well but who was she faced off against? Angel something, yet another girl I've never heard of...

George's Boy-Toy... Charlie Haas
Yeah...well  I tell you what, you can explain all this and more to that little freak of nature out there in the ring because in about 10 minutes you're up.

Scene Begin
George smiles and nods her head agreeing before standing to her feet. Charlie licks his lips as he watches her walk pass him and gets a good look at her...well you get the idea. George then heads out of the locker room door and just as soon as she steps out she runs into none other than yet another WEW diva Major Gunns also known as Miss Tylene Buck! Tylene is looking beautiful also wearing her two piece bra and tight spandex short camouflage outfit with her wrestling boots on for some random House Show match she'll compete in tonight. George smirks as does Tylene and the two stuck up divas begin to speak as Charlie watches from the door way just incase they begin to claw one another's eyes out!

Scene End

The Babe with the Gunns... Tylene Buck
Well, well, well...looky what we've got's Stephanie Bellars herself!

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Well looky's Miss Tylene Buck, long time no see...

The Babe with the Gunns... Tylene Buck
Yeah I believe I haven't seen you since...well...wait I don't remember ever meeting you but I have watched you on television before while you managed Randy Savage and I'll admit you were quite fun to watch.

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Well thank you, at least someone recognizes talent when they see it. And you Tylene I loved the way you used to kick Stacy's ass every night on Nitro or Thunder i made sure to never miss that.

The Babe with the Gunns... Tylene Buck
Thank you as's such a shame such a nice girl that will obviously make it pretty far in this tournament will have to more than likely end up facing me...

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Yeah, but you know it would be nice to face someone with some actual talent around here like yourself. I mean sticking me in matches against women I've never heard of, how unfair is that. I like to study my opponents and I don't fight jobbers that's just not my style but what can ya do?

The Babe with the Gunns... Tylene Buck
I agree, but hey if anyone wins hopefully it'll be one of least we'd be deserving of the victory unlike some other women who's names I won't mention right now...

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
I get your drift hah, but hey Ty I'm going to head on down towards the ring I have a little promo to cut for my match so I guess I'll be seeing you around...

The Babe with the Gunns... Tylene Buck
Oh sure, good luck and beat that bitches ass!

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Luck? Tylene not that I want to come of rude or obscene towards you seeing how we've just met and all but luck has nothing to do with my victories around this place...I rely on my natural talent...talent that very few women have...but thanks anyway...

Scene Begin
George signals for Charlie to come along as she smiles towards Tylene and Tylene does the same. George starts to head off down the halls as Tylene stands back watching her with her hand son her hips. She shakes her head in disbelief how cocky this girl is before continuing her way down the hall. The scene then suddenly fades out ring side as the fans can be heard coming to life! Stephanie's theme song 'Dirrty' by Christina Aguilera blares loudly amongst the PA system as lights and cameras flash.

Scene End

Theme Begin
Talking: Dirrty...Filthy...Nasty...
Too Dirrty to clean my act up... and if you ain't Dirrty, you aint here to Party!
Singing: ROWDY! Gonna get a little un-RULY
Get it fired up in a HURRY! Wanna get DIRRTY!
Theme End

Scene Begin
In just a mater of moment out from behind the stage curtains steps 'The Gorgeous One" George Frankenstein wearing her sexy little outfit with her sexy little Boy-Toy right at her side. George stands on top of the ramp and starts to raise her arms in the air, she spins herself around showing off her perfect body as Charlie Haas comes up from behind her and raps his arms around her. She leans back like she's going to give him a kiss but then stops. She swings herself around facing him and slowly runs her finger down his chest, he begins rubbing his hands down her back working his way to her ass. George starts shaking her hips before flipping her hair and leaving him cold and dry. George puts her hand son her hips and gazes into the crowd but just then Charlie smacks her ass and watches it wiggle. She giggles and starts off down the ramp with Charlie following close behind her. They avoid any contact with the fans along the way. Once reaching the ring slowly George scales the steel ring steps as Charlie jumps up onto the apron just beating her. He steps down with one foot onto the bottom rope and pulls the 2nd rope up allowing George to slowly bend down and through the two ropes to enter the ring. Not to mention give not only him but the fans as well probably the greatest view of Miss George in their lives. Once she is completely in the ring Charlie steps over the 2nd rope entering as well. George walks towards the center of the ring and puts her hand son her hip, Charlie walks towards her as well, he kneels in front of her like she is some goddess and she then raises her arms in the air as silver and pink sparkles fly out of the ring post! George laughs and tells Charlie to get up once their little pose is complete before sending him off to fetch her a microphone so she can do what she does best, running off at the mouth!

Scene End

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Is it just me...or does it seem like every time, yours' truly makes an appearance in front of all you millions and billions of people the night just gets a bit more Gorgeous? Hehe...anyhow that's besides my point of coming out here tonight. The real question for you all is what do you think of my outfit tonight? Sexy huh? +Fans Cheer+ Oh I know I picked this one out personally for all my male fans because I knew it'd give you something to dream about tonight when your wives don't give you any! +Fans Boo+ You see ladies and gentlemen you people need to understand why I'm here... I can't help that I'm Gorgeous but my focus isn't to please any of you. As a matter of a fact I can care less what you people think of me, all you fat sloppy men just come to see me because I'm the best thing that's stepped foot in this state...and all you women come lined up with pencils and note pads trying to steal my style. It's just quite frankly I'm sick of it. You guys are beginning to remind me of a certain diva who's name I will not mention at the moment. It's just so uncalled for, the way you men drool over me...have some respect I'm a classy, gorgeous, young lady and I know I deserve some respect. I mean just because I'm not Torrie Wilson parading around in Playboy or Sable kissing other girls doesn't mean anything. Come to think about it Tylene is right. The only women who get anywhere in these little companies are those WWE sluts, the former ECW or WCW women get no where without a good fight! Look at Stacy for example, she gets the first Main Event, why not Tylene....or Electra...or Me for that matter! It's just disgusting the way this industry works....and having despicable fans such as the ones here tonight doesn't make it that much better at all! Anyhow let me move on to my real topic of the night, which is pretty much all over some girl by the name of Echelon that I have never seen nor heard of in my entire life! I'm so insulted to have been faced off against someone like her, it's very's like forcing me to stoop to her rookie, jobber level when I'm basically a living legend whether you people want to admit it or not. Echelon or whatever your name is I hear that you won your debut match against Angel Williams...yet another women I've never heard of might I add and let me just be the first to congratulate you on your victory. You see Echelon the reason I'm congratulating you is simply because that's going to be the only win you get in this tournament because like it or not I'm ending your little claim to fame or whatever you like to call it. There is just no way in all hell that I...Stephanie Bellars...George Frankenstein will fall victim to you and pinned for the 3 count! I know I surely can't take you lightly as well, with a name like Echelon and a face lie yours along with a boyfriend like's obvious that your wrestling skills is all you can depend on in this company so you must be half decent in the ring. It really hurts knowing that once I defeat you your pay will be reduced while mine rises and you'll be one step closer to living in the subway stations like you probably used to. Well actually it's not, but ah well. Echelon seeing how compared to you I am probably an in ring veteran let me just give you a word of advise...stick to the Indy promotions. The promotions with untalented ugly women...that way you can at least stand out just a tad bit...but that's just MY opinion!

The Gorgeous One... George Frankenstein
Now before I go I would just like to take a little walk down memory lane...back to just a few days ago...this past Monday night in which I faced off in my debut match against former WWE girl Tori! Yes Tori...the girl that had her jaw broken by me and face clawed to death until she bled and tapped from the most devastating move in this business next to my Frankensteiner! Tori...this must suck for you right now...I mean you get fired from the WWE...come and join WEW then have your jaw broken which could possibly have you out for 6 months.'s hilarious Tori but that's what happens when you underestimate the power of George! But Tori being the respectful person I am...I wrote a small little poem for you...and it goes a little something like this...

Roses are Dead...
Your Career is Too...
I Advanced in this tourney by destroying You...

When I Broke your Jaw it seemed to give me a High...
Now your out for 6 Months NA NA NA NA GOOD BYE!

Haha, now ugh...until the next time we meet girls just remember what happens when you cross the path of get Frankensteined...and that my friends is well...nothing more nor anything less than...


Scene Begin
'Dirry' hits over the PA system as the fans give a mixed reaction both dazzeled by her beauty but hating her personality and attitude. George wave Goodbye to Tori and her career before blowing a kiss into the cameras and walking off backstage once more with Charlie.

Scene End