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§~(Thë Grèå† Âpøllÿõn)~§

Marcus Alexander Henning, has risen from his seemingly
perpetual state of torpor to walk the realms once more.
Standing at roughly 6'7" tall and weighing
approximately 275lbs. of well etched muscle. He appears
quite intimidating to most as he glares with
those golden eyes and runs that forked tongue
over his lips slowly while he sizes up his prey.
Very rarely does anything but silk cover his
upper body. Just the same his lower body is hardly
seen in anything other than loose-fitting black
pants with boots to match. His reasons for
emerging again into the realms of flesh are
unknown for the most part. Two reasons he gives is to
give new birth to what belonged to his brother so
very long ago and secondly to find the only true love
he ever had. Swearing his vow of love to her
and her alone. Saying.."No matter how many have
felt the pleasure of these fangs..only ONE
has always and will hold my heart forevermore...
She is my very own creation...created out of
love...left because of the raw fear of love...
I can only pray that she will once more be my own.."

Forum Guild Postion Dice~Exp Gold
¥ NoLaW Guild Commander ¥ ¥