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Name: Gama Yasherobi
bio: As a young teen, Gama despised his brother Jubey's fame and attention. Feeling neglected one day Gama picked up a sword from his fathers collection and began mastering his own new fighting style he called "Onislash". His heart blackend by the hate for his family he just began to kill, eventually he became an assasin for hire. During the shogun he did alot of work for the Toyotomi family. He was reguarded as one of Japans most feared men.
age: 28
Fighting style: Kenpo
Weapon Fighting Style:Onislash
Weapon: A long version Katana.
Signature Move: Hate Ignition- His speed increases fueled by the hate in his heart. (regular)
Stats: Strength-100
Endurance- 800
Weapon damage-125
Ability damage-100
Armor & items: Chain mail

Name: Yamcha
Age: 23
Fighting style: Pure Wolf Style
Weapon Style: Pure Wolf Style
Weapon: Z Sword
Signature Move: Sokidan- Summons forth a large ball of energy and is able to direct it to his opponent with finger movement.
Bio:Yamcha is a member of the Earths Special Forces, although considered one of the weaker warriors, he is actually quite strong, not very strong brainwise but just like Goku he is smart in combat. Yamcha is an expert energy manipulator and it has saved his life more than once. Yamcha has begun to train harder so he can be as strong as some of the other fighters maybe even stronger, and he has done well.
Stats: Strength-120
Items and armor- none
Weapon Damage-145

Name: Castrom
Age: 2500
Weapon: The Demon sword of dark destruction
Signature Move: Wave of Destruction- Swings his sword and a wide wave of energy fires out at his oppenent.(regular)
Fighting style: Tae Quan Do
Weapon style: Tonoshi(A form created in the demon realm)
Bio: A long time ago Castrom was the king of the demons until one day his councelor Zurama put him under a spell and locked him away in the sword of destruction. After many years of trying to get out he broke free and ventured to Zeroth to get his revenge on Zurama and to reclaim his throne and nothing will stop him.
Stats: Strength-160
armor and items- none
Weapon damage-185

Name: Sage
Age: 22
Weapon: Spirit Staff
Signature Move: Spray of Flame- Spins his staff over his head hurling a large ball of flame from the heavens at his opponent.(reuglar)
Fighting Style: Karate
Weapon Style: Monk style
Bio: A powerful monk weilding a divine power seeking to destroy the evil seeping into Earth.
Stats: Strength-120
Ability- 0
Endurance- 800
Items and armor: none
Weapon damage: 145
Money: 250
Kills: 0

Name: Zager
Age: 19
Weapon: Spiked Knuckles
Signature Move: Fist of Faith- Indulges his arm in energy and fires a hard punch at his opponent.(regular)
Fighting Style: Street
Weapon Style: Street
Bio: A punk kid trying to make a name for himself.
Stats: Strength- 100
Speed- 100
Ability- 0
Endurance- 840
Items and armor: none
Weapon damage: 125
Money: 250
Kills: 0

Name: Xeros
Fighting Style: Jujitsu
Weapon Fighting Style: Paladin Fury
Weapon: Broad Sword
Bio: At the age of 6 Xeros parents were killed by the kings men and he was taken in to become another soldier in the kings army, he was bumped on the head in training and does not clearly remember his childhood. He grew in skill and became a Soldier Elite. He was forced to kill many innocent people for the king and eventually grew sick of it. He learned of his parents murder at the age of 19 and left the kingdom in secret. He then vowed to protect the innocent and help those with a worthy cause.
Signature Move: Holy Rayne- Sword catches aflame and he slices at his opponent and the fire dies down.(regular)
Stats: Strength-120
Ability- 0
Endurance- 800
Items and armor- none
Weapon damage- 145
money- 250
kills- 0

Kenshin Himura A.K.A Hitokiri Batousai
Age: 21
Fighting Style: Mitsurugi
Weapon fighting style: Hiten Mitsurugi
Bio: After taking the life of his own wife, the fighter once known as Hitokiri Battousai, vanished for years suddenly reemerging as evil threatens the provinces he protected for so long. Now armed with the Sakabatou.Kenshin is pressed for time to dispell all evil that threatens his reign. For he is now Rurouni Kenshin, the Wanderer But if needed he will once again assume the identity that once haunted him.....Hitokiri Battousai....
Weapon: Sakabatou or reverse katana
Signature Move: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Ouki Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki(Heaven's Soaring Dragon Flash) = THE SUCCESION TECHNIQUE- Leaps into the air and come unsuspectingly down on top of the opponent slashing straight down with his sword.(regular)
Stats: Strength- 120
Speed- 120
Ability- 0
Endurance- 800
Items and Armor- none
Weapon Damage-145
Money- 250
kills- 0

Name: Syndrom
Age: 22
fighting style: Escrima
Weapon style: Dragon
Weapon: Reverse Blade long sword
Signature Move: Swing of Fate- Spins around with eyes closed and appears behind the opponent swinging the blade of the sword at any spot on the body with full force(regular)
Bio: Syndroms real name is Sykaro Hyroku, Syndrom was a trained with the technique of a reverse blade long sword . His Style was called "Dragon" the style got its name because the legendary creature called a "Dragon" was believed to hold the power of speed strength and an elemental force. Syndroms Hand Combat Style is called Escrima which is based on movment and flexibility Escrima is also based on fast combo hits and dodging instead of blocking. Escrima Style can be mixed with Dragon Style to make a powerful fighting strategy. Syndrom got his name because he is like an illness that will not stop and won't be defeated. Syndrom can't remember his real name he can be nice but inside he powers an ultimate rage that is expressed with destruction and tragedy.
Stats: Strength-120
Weapon Damage: 145
Items and Armor- none

Name: Duriel
Fighting Style:Kung Fu
Weapon Style: Tenoshi
Weapon:Dark Omega Sword Of Death
Signature move: Precious Light- Brings hands together like a prayer and brings them to his face. Then slowly brings his hands shoulder width apart as a huge energy ball grows in between them. Hands go behind the ball and it explodes into 6 deadly skulls with beams behind them. They combine and the blast fires at the oponent.(regular)
Ability-Dark Angel(transformation): Turns into a dark angel. Cables are released from hands that can strangle oponents. Can fly with his wings.(regular)
Bio:The precious Angel? Heh, Far from it. The corrupted mind of a mortal. Duriel the Dark Angel of Naragorth. At the age of 10 Duriel's parents were murdered and he was abducted by feirce demons. The demons planned to feed on the child. But as they went to release him from his cage, a terrible accident happened. Duriel grew famished and in the cage he ate a feckill. A feckill is a deadly berry. Duriel, thought to be dead, was thrown from his cage down into the pool of blood. Duriel suddenly awoke, eyes glowing red, skin changing form, rose above with his darkened wings. Duriel released cables from his hands which strangled the demons and killed them. When Duriel finally got control he left the demons and Naragorth. For you see, the mixture of the feckill (no longer living)and pure virgin blood creates a Dark Angel, Not goodnor bad, but very deadly. Now 23, Duriel finds himself a wanderer amongst earth.
Stats: Strength-100
Weapon Damage-125
Items and armor-none

Name: Yoko KuramaFighting Style: Spirit Wave
Weapon Fighting Style: Herion
Weapon: Banshee Shriek(a magical sword)
Bio: A 300+ year-old spirit creature. For about 15 years he was traped into a human body, but then returned to his true form. Before he became a human he was a bandit stealing great treasures, but has recently stoped.
Signature Move: Spirit - An attack that draws on the users strength to create an attack. It is never the same from time to time.(regular)
Stats: Strength- 100
Speed- 100
Endurance- 840
Weapon Damage-125
Money- 250
Items and Armor- none

Name: Tatashi Aruna
Age: 17
Fighting style: Magic
Weapon Fighting Style: Magic
Weapon: Sword
Signature Move: wave of love- usualy makes eveyone around her happy and docile.(regular)
Bio: Tatashi loves everyone no matter what. She happly helps anyone if they need her help. She was raised in the forest by wolfs. She usualy travles with her best friend, the one eyed wolf named Tuchi. She has red hair and brown eyes.
Stats: Strength-60
Weapon Damage- 85
Items and armor-none

Name: Shadow
Age: 21
Fighting Style: Nien(a new style useing speed and intelligence to confuse and destroy opponents)
Weapon Fighting Style: Nien
Weapon: Dark Nien Blade
Bio: Avenging his masters death he wanders, seeking the man who killed Master Nien. He wears a red long coat and black glasses. The killer of Nien has come back into the past to seek refuge. Following him through time, he will defeat all that stands in his way.
Signature Move: Dark Uprising- a huge upward spraling slash that ends with a huge energy explosion propelling the enemy across the(regular) room.
Stats: Strength-110
Speed- 115
Ability- 15
Endurance- 800
Money- 250
Items and armor- none
Weapon Damage- 135