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The scene opened up inside Trish Stratus’s locker room. She sat alone dressed in a white tee shirt that laces halfway up and pink pants. Trish was seated indian-style on the couch, looking down at a book, as WECWF (was I right this time Sean?) promos played on the television. She payed little attention to the television for she was caught up in her book. The door to her locker room opened abruptly as Terri peeked her head into the room. Trish looked up inquisitvely.

:Trish: What in the blue hell are you doing?

:Terri: Nothing. Nothing a'tall. What are you doing? Shouldn't you be out in the ring. Torrie showed up again... you know that, right? Don't you want to keep your title, Trish?

:Trish: Good God, Terri. What are you? My mother or something?

Terri entered the room completely, putting her hands on her hips.

:Trish: Sheesh... I'm going... I'm going. Damn.

Trish reluctantly got up from her seat, marking her place in the book. Trish sat the book down on the coffee table and headed past Terri into the hall after she grabbed her title from the end table. Terri shut the door behind Trish, leaving the cameraman in the hall. Trish continued down the hall, pushing a strand of her hair back before she reached the curtain. She signalled for the man working sound to hit her music. Trish smirked as Stratusfaction filled the arena and the fans popped. She adjusted her title and pushed through the curtains, out onto the stage. Trish sauntered down to the ring, her title hanging over her shoulder. She climbed the steel steps, still grinning and into the ring. Trish forced the belt into the air above her head as the fans around her continued to cheer. Trish put her title back over her shoulder as she accepted the mic being offered to her by a techie. Trish raised the mic to her lips and began to speak.

:Trish: Tonight, tonight I take on a friend of mine... Torrie Wilson. You know, I've found it difficult to come out here over the past week nad find something to say simply because the fact that she is not someone I hate. She is not someone I loathe. She is not someone I disrespect. But you know... I believe I've gotten over that. See, I've come to this conclusion- being in a match with someone I respect is far better than being in one with someone I can't stand. My guess is... it's gonna be close. I have to recognize that Torrie is an outstanding competitor... but see... she even admitted that she's been a step behind me in the past... not that there's anything wrong with that of course. But see, Torrie, you were a step behind me then. What makes you think that you aren't a step behind me now? You've been training? Is that it? Because well... I've been training too Torr. I trained to win this championship, and I've trained to keep it. Let that be a warning to you. But like you said... there will be no hard feelings if you lose. There will be no hard feelings if I lose. But Torrie... there will be no hard feelings... that doesn't mean there won't be a return match. See... if you win... I'm going to be the first person in line to congratulate you on the victory... but I'm also going to be the first person in line for a shot at the title. I've grown quite fond of this belt, Torr. So I can promise you that I'm going to do everything in my power to keep it. Friends or not, Torrie, I'm not holding back tonight. Count on that. I may be coming out here and talking you up, but I am not going to be a pushover for you to get to the top around here. You want the belt... you're gonna have to work for it. Like you've said... it's your first match... it's a title match. That means you got lucky once.... and if I were you... I really wouldn't push that luck, because you don't know if this is a streak or not. But you're right... it is your first match, so I can't hold anything against you. I wouldn't have held anything against you to begin with but whatever... I've said it once, and I'll say it again, Torrie you are one hell of an athlete... you are a great competiter... but I promise you that I'm going to be leaving this game one step ahead of you. I'm NOT ready for my title reign to end yet. And you of all people know that when I want something... I do anything and everything to get it. I could illustrate that for you, but I think you know what I'm talking about, so I'll leave it at that. Anyways... Good luck Torrie, because if everything goes the way I want it to... you're going to need it...

Trish Stratus dropped the mic to the canvas before she climbed out of the ring and down the stairs. She strolled up the ramp and disappeared behind the curtain, her title still draped over her shoulder, as the scene faded to black.