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Stargate SG-1 Personnel Files: Dr. Daniel Jackson

File Photo: Dr. Daniel Jackson - Mission No. 1340a-5
FULL NAME: Daniel Garrett Jackson
DATE OF BIRTH: 08JUL65 (Earth Date)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, Earth
PARENTS: (Foster) Melburn(d) & Claire (Ballard) Jackson(d)
HAIR COLOR: Light Brown
WEIGHT: 185 lbs (Earth Gravity)

CURRENT STATUS: Active, Civilian
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Stargate Command (SG-1)

File Photo: Dr. Daniel Jackson - Mission No. 1134f-8 PRE-STARGATE:

Nothing is known about Dr. Jackson's birth parents, as the first record of him appear in the records of the Mayweather Foster Home for Boys of Victoria, British Columbia. He was adopted by Melburn and Claire Jackson when he was merely 6 months old.

When Dr. Jackson was 8 years old, he witnessed the death of his foster parents, and was helpless to save them. He went to live with his Grandfather, Nicholas Ballard after that.

He was schooled at Oxford, graduating with a co-degree in Cultural Anthropology (with a focus on Ancient Egyptian studies), and Foreign Languages. He was not well received on the speaking circuit, though, due to his wild (yet ultimately true) theories on the origins of the Pyramids.

He was contacted by Catherine Langford, who's father discovered the Stargate, and joined the group shortly before it's takeover by the US Air Force. Dr. Jackson was ultimately responsible for the activation of the Stargate.

File Photo: Dr. Daniel Jackson - Mission No. 1325b-1 STARGATE:

The first Stargate team, lead by Col. Johnathan "Jack" O'Neill, entered the Stargate at Dr. Jackson's insistence he could return them home. Once they arrived, however, that wasn't the case. Their search for the origin glyph led them to encounter the peoples of Abydos.

They discovered the oppressions of the Gao'uld System Lord Ra, and fought to defeat him, becoming ultimately sucessful.

Dr. Jackson managed to learn the native dialect, and fell in love with one of the young girls, Sha're, whom he married. When the team left, he chose to stay behind to be with her, and help the Abydosians recover and learn.


Daniel returned through the Stargate six months ago and joined the SGC team in his original role. It is unclear at this time how his divided interests will affect him, but he as thus far still proven to be a reliable, useful asset to the ongoing Stargate mission.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Link Inactive until Further Notice Joy's Stargate SG-1 Pages Gateworld Contact Dr. Jackson

Dr. Daniel Jackson is a character in Theresa Thomas' PBeM game The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, based on the Alan Moore comic book series of the same name. This game explores an "alternate future" for the Dr. Jackson character, and in no way reflects the direction of the Stargate or Stargate SG-1 franchise. Consider it speculative, interactive fan fiction.

Work on this site could not have been made possible without images and files provided on Joy's Stargate SG-1 Pages, and information on Dr. Daniel Jackson provided by Gateworld. Links to both of their sites can be found above.

Dr. Daniel Jackson is based on the character of the same name first appearing in the movie Stargate, and later appearing in the Television show Stargate SG-1.
Stargate, Stargate SG-1, characters, and images from the film and the series are copyrighted by MGM Television Entertainment and Gekko Film Corp, and are used without permission of either those franchises, or Micheal Shanks, actor.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume II is ™ and © 2002 Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill. America's Best Comics is a trademark of America's Best Comics, LLC.

No infringements on any of these copyrights is intended.

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Last Updated: 16JAN03