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Update Log: Double Trouble

This log does not include versions less than 1.0. All versions of Double Trouble less than 1.0 were demo versions released before the completion of the whole game. The game was considered completed when the player could get to the final boss, beat it, and view some sort of ending. Parts of the game may have been changed, added, or deleted since.

Double Trouble v. 1.0 (Jan 21, 2001)

First full version of game

Double Trouble v. 1.05 (Feb 1, 2001)

Title screen fixed (game now starts)
Game is now 100% English
3 typos fixed
11 visual errors fixed
3 gameplay errors fixed
1 textbox added in Jarta Mt. (for clarification of story)
3 textboxes added in Rox (for explanation of puzzle)
Music in Jarta Mt. changed to wild west.mid
Slightly changed Brett's stats
Changed Brett's magic spells somewhat
Made minor updates to DTmanual.txt

Double Trouble v. 1.12 (July 13, 2001)

Team Rocket now says the slogan in Lucavi Caves (Chapter 1)
3 visual errors fixed 1 minor gameplay error fixed 1 major gameplay error fixed: The game no longer freezes in the Lucavi Caves
Cut scene added in Lucavi Caves: You now get to watch Black Strike get arrested
Enemies in Water God's Tower made slightly easier
Ben now takes 10% less damage from all attack magic
Ben's speed slightly increased
Rocket's stats slightly changed

Update Log: Double Trouble

Double Trouble 2: The Third v. 0.1 (Aug 11, 2001)

First demo release of game
Town count: 1
Dungeon count: 1
Character count: 2
Lasts until end of Adamant Prison

Double Trouble 2: The Third v. 0.12 (Nov 24, 2001)

Opening changed significantly
7 typos fixed
5 gameplay errors fixed
Several scenes added to the end
Town count: 2
Dungeon count: 2
Character count: 4
Lasts until beginning of raid on Pialid Castle

"Visual error" refers to any error in the game that does not really affect how the player plays the game (for example, a treasure chest that still looks closed after you open it, or a person who walks backwards).

"Gameplay error" refers to any error in the game that affects how the player plays the game (for example, an enemy not taking damage from Ultima, or a character spontaneously dropping to level 2).