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Diverse Realm


<embed src="" autostart="true" loop="10" /> *NOTE* This site has been closed down. Feel free to look around though. You have just entered one of the most sophisticated and advanced role playing websites on the world wide web. Tired of your everyday rpg's? So were we. That's why we,†ì†áñ and §HÅÐÕW have created this realm. It was created for people who want to really role play, unlike those gay wanna-be newbies that cant even role play and/or dont give a crap (direct quote from Titan, its copyrited). Don't you hate it when you come up with some really cool character and someone shoves it down your throat and calls you a newbie? I don't really think that's newbish, so, ALL characters are wanted and accepted. If you are a newbie, and you do suck at role playing, this is also the place for you; you can become better at role playing if you join. Please Note: This is not a dice rpg, no dice will be used EVER. To join you must have AIM ( or AOL. Click the guardian to email us.

Copyright © 2002 Diverse Realm Inc. All rights reserved.