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The Rules

*The Abilities:

measures how much damage you can deal in physical attacks
DEXterity: measures your coordination and ability to dodge
CONstitution: measures your endurance, how much you can take before you fall
INTelligence: aids in KI Attacks
KI: measure how strong your KI Attacks are.

*The Dice Method: Here in the RPG, the fighting style revolves around rolling dice. You will obviously need to know how to roll dice

*Message Board: In the Message Boards of my RPG, this is where you will be acting in RP (Role Play). Such as: Training, searching for dragonballs, challenging people for figths, posting your fights for proof of your fight to gain level ups, possible saga updates and anything else. This is the basic information and RP area.

*Fighting: This is the base of all action in the RPG. During a fight, the characters take turns. To determine who goes first, roll the d20 and add your DE MOD to it. Whoever has the highest number, goes first. Now we move on to attacking. You must first roll a d20 to see if you hit your opponent. After you roll your d20, add your ATTACK bonus to it (or KI ATTACK depending on the type). If that numbers is over your opponents DEFENSE, then it was successful. You now can roll the DAMAGE from the attack you made.
*Block: You are allowed 4 blocks during a battle. Once someone attacks you, you must declare that you're "blocking". After you block, roll the d10 (1 point represents 10%). Whatever number you get is how much damage you have blocked.
*Dodge: Basically, you dodge only if your opponant doesn't roll a successful attack roll, you dodged.
*Additional Turns: If your Dexterity Score is 50% higher than your opponents, then you gain a second attack. If it's twice as much, then you gain a third attack, and so on, allowing you three attacks in one turn!

*Death/KO/Disabled: Once your VP (VITALITY POINTS) reaches zero, then damage goes straight to your WP (WOUND POINTS). Once your WP reaches zero, then you are KOed/Disabled unless your opponent see's otherwise... Once you are killed, you're stuck in the Next Dimension until wished back, unless a Gamemaster pitty's your death and lets you live.

*Training: Let me know when you begin to train. After a certain number of days, your Level will raise. If you're training with a master, certain abilities will raise a bit as well. Training Gear also aids you in training. Training lasts 2 days, then your level raises. You cannot fight in that time, unless a gamemaster gives you permission to.

One more thing, all fights will be held in AOL Chatrooms. If you are a person not with full AOL, and only AIM, you have to be invited to the chatroom by a full AOL person. Also, you will be using a code to roll dice, which is:
(Obviously, you can change the 6 and 1 to the appropriate number for rolling)