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Criss Angel

...Criss Angel...

Eighteen years old, a lifetime of misery resting within the confines of his cemetary crypt. His true self - hidden beneath a vampiric shell, now erased from memory - no longer alive, replaced with a shattered reflection. The lonely child wanting to break the demonic bonds that bind his existance has changed, accepting his vampiric blood, but cursing whatever life he has left. He had left Christopher Anjelese behind; the child died when his parents left him behind thirteen years ago, and now it seems that Criss Angel, the human teen his friends had grown fond of, is also a faded memory. Criss resides in Lady Bella's Cemetary, a home he has finally come to know - and sometimes loathe - as nothing is what he wanted, nothing is the same as it was, and nothing matters anymore...nothing...left...

Criss' Music
Criss' Gallery
