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Dark Night Destiny's Chrono Trigger Page

Welcome to my Chrono Trigger page. I know it's a little late for getting up- no one even makes the game anymore. But it's still the best RPG ever. I've found these pics around the net- most of them are from the game, and then there are some fanarts that I did myself. If you have any fanart that you wish to have posted, E-mail them to me along with any information you would like to provide, even for me to link to your own site. Do not take fanart for publication anywhere else without the expressed permission of the artist and providing credit where it is due. Don't steal bandwidth, either. You will only get an image replaced by an Angelfire logo, which, I must say, is convenient for me. This site will remain under construction for a while, and is by no means near done. When visiting the sites I have linked to my own, please FOLLOW THEIR RULES. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the site.

Click on the icon of the character to view their page.