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 Your journey has been a long one.  Over harsh roads you've traveled, broken countryside has been crossed, some took to the oceans to reach the continent of Sadraela.  However your arrival is not a sweet one.  A land that is torn between peace and restless combat.  Those who arrive choose their sides almost immediately.  It is hard not to when influenced by powers such as those that exist here.  Rumors of work, treasures, adventure and hardy companionship abound throughout the world, all pointing to one place.  Through grim determination you make your way to the famed capital city of  Atlabar.  A new life awaits those who are willing to chance the fates and take hold of it.  Do you have what it takes to survive and prosper?


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ChroniclesRPG can be found  on the RPGworlds Server located at


The rooms for CRPG are:

#crpg-tavern (tavern) #crpg-arena (Arena), #crpg-stage (Theater), #crpg-saga (Quests)  #crpg-ooc 

We look forward to seeing you!


ChroniclesRPG is rated NC-17 due to violent content, mature themes, adult language, graphic situations... among many other offensive yet enjoyable situations.  graphic language at times. 

ChroniclesRPG game concept, creation and ownership.  ©2001 Derek Cromwell.  All content within unless stated otherwise is the sole property of ChroniclesRPG. ©2001 Derek Cromwell