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Classic D&D and Known World Links.

The Vaults of Pandius: the official fansite for the Known World (Mystara) campaign setting.
A huge archive of material, quite a bit is in Classic D&D format, but the entirety is fairly "rules light", so everything's easy to adapt to your game, no matter what edition of D&D you prefer.'s Classic D&D forum
Always an interesting conversation or two (or more) going on with a knowledgeable bunch of Classic D&D fans, including Frank Mentzer, former TSR designer and editor for the Classic D&D game.

The Grognard's Tavern Forum
Excellent discussions of Classic D&D and other out of print RPGs (mostly TSR's games, with a handful of others). This one stands out for it's great lack of 3e and D20 fans "crashing the party" with unrelated topics.

The Guild of OD&D Yahoo Discussion Group.
Another great group for Classic D&D discussion, and the home of the excellent OD&Dities ezine, a must have series of PDFs containing tons of material for your game.

The Official Known World (Mystara) Forum at Wizards of the Coast
A pretty active forum open to all editions of the D&D game as they relate to the Known World.

The D&D Out of Print Forum at Wizards of the Coast
An active forum with some interesting Classic D&D related topics now and then. Just ignore the 3e/D20 fans when they come around.

The D&D Yahoo Discussion Group.
Another group for Classic D&D discussion, not very active these days, but there's some good stuff in the archive.

Gaming Software Links.

TavernMaker 5.0
A very cool application to help generate taverns for use in your game. Creates maps, descriptions of patrons and inventories of their possessions to use when a PC thief is using his pick pockets ability. The software is dubbed Team Ware, meaning you register it by contributing material to the database instead of sending money.

Dungeon Crafter
A nice tile based (you drag and drop tiles onto a grid) mapping program for dungeons, buildings and small towns. Version 2 is under development, but version 1 is still available as freeware. Also be sure and check out the downloads area for custom tile sets to get the look you want for your maps, or easily create your own.

Arr-Kelaan Software
Arr-Kelaan produces a number of programs, currently released as beta-test freeware versions. Users of the Beta versions will recieve free copies of the completed shareware versions.