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Personnel Dossier, file #00000001; Clayborn. Case,

Age, legal: 408 years
Age, projected:   Classified  
Age, current body: 1-5 Months

Height: 6'6
Weight: 300 -Note-: Elements of body are the cause for high weight.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Solid black, stars -Note-: Eyes depict an unknown area of space.

Siblings, blood: Clayborn. Jake,
Siblings, legal: Unknown amount, estimated 20.
Children, blood: Adrian (Deceased), Katharine (Deceased), Primus (Unknown, presumed active), Steven (Active), Samantha (Active)
Children, legal: Unknown amount, possibly over one hundred children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

Skin tone: Caucasian; fair
POB: The high mountain regions north of the Rhy'din area; Elven territory
Original race: Gray Elf
Current race: Cybernetic organism
Known racial mixtures: Various races were detected during the dissection of Mr. Clayborn's original body, but as of yet, a complete list has not been compiled.

Results of psyche test: Has shown a wide range of mental disorders; severe paranoia, excessive hostile behavior, territorial tendencies, schizophrenia, depression, hallucinations, rapid mood swings-... the complete list is available via an order form.

Interests: Advanced technology, children's toys, video games, movies, increasing his intellect, increasing his monetary worth, narcotics, science, art, hedonism.

Disinterests: Ignorance, uncooperative behavior, Rhy'din, Demons, Angels, Elves, Humans, abuse of power, clones created to have the appearance of media icons, both he and his brother, doing things the hard way, doing things the super easy way, germs, disease, virii.
