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Basic Visitor Rules

I'm sure you've all seen all the stuff here on how to join the pack, and what you have to do if you're in the pack blah blah blah.
What about if your not in the pack, and not exactly looking to join, but you like to hang out in the dream any how? Well we have some rules of conduct for you too.

1. This dream is rated PG, please keep language, and conversation content appropriate!
3. No perversion, keep it to your self
4. This isn't a mateing ground, you never know who might walk by, or how old that person might be, if you wish to mate, go to your own dream.
5. The consent rule applies to the forest, and to all characters.
6. Misbehaviors will be warned as many times as seen fit by those in charge, ejected, and ultimately banned if they keep it up, for how ever long seems fit.
7. The decisions made by Kapue, or any one she puts in charge, are FINAL.
8. All species are allowed into the dream, that is, those in charge will not take any OOC action, such as ejecting, to prevent other species from entering. HOWEVER, those in charge will also not take any action against those canines that ICLY RP chasseing cats, or hunting. Though these actions must be IC. If visitors to the dream OOCly say that cats, or rabbits, or mice, what ever, are not allowed, these actions will be reported to those in charge, and appropriate action will be taken.
9. This is a feral habitat, there are predators and prey, so hunting of feral prey animals [deer, mice, horses, ferrets] by predatory animals, [wolves, foxes, lions, tigers] is allowed. As for poaching of furres, or by the lab, these events will be taken care of ICly.
10. OOC chatter should be kept in []'s.
11. No spaming or other delibrit annoyances.