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Your stroll though the forest brings you upon a wide meadow. All around you streach tall grass and flowers, all of the meadow shrowded in a curios mist. You walk though it causiosly, and soon find your self lost. You go to turn back but just seem to find your self going in circles. All is deathly quiet, then, seemingly out of no where, a gruff voice is heard. You move twords it and find your self in a clearing, in the middle, around a fire sit several pack elders, the oldist one seems to be telling a story. Many other members, mostly young pups, sit close on furs or even just on the cold ground, you decide you may as well sit to lissten too.

The Legends

The Alpha Cronicals

The Legend of the Valley

The Legend of Flamehowl, Sky Hound of the Sun

Saruska Mountain

Stories by Cloud

Story one: The Tiger

Story two: The Trickster

The Gold Mine

Stories by Husky

Legend of Kanis
