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Oooo! What lovely patches... can I have 'em?

Well, that depends on which patches you want. The player patch (the one that turns you into ferals) is by Tayari, and is prety much freely distubutied. I do not know who made the portrit patch, but thats also freely distubutied. MIzukori has put them up for download on her site, you can get them here. Thanks Mizy!

... well what about your perty twees and firefiles and every thing?

The item patch that is curently in use in cf (and all cf controled dreams) is a combination of many patches. Many of the items you see in most every feral patch, and even many others. Some items I believe cam from Sanc, others, who knows. Other items, such as the pine trees, the fireflies [not that these took much time =P], and any of the items you saw in our party patch, were made by us [mostly by our great patch maker and A2 Neenah ^.^] and will be kept in cf only. That means you can't have 'em, so dont bother asking. If you want a unique [key word] item patch then spend your own time and effort makeing one, don't steel 'em offa someone else.