Your irreverance endears you to me...

Like a pet.

Callisto had no chance against the army that attacked her village when she was a young child. She watched as all the people she knew and loved were slaughtered like animals. Her mother and her sister were burned alive, her father tortured and killed before her eyes. In her mind she remembers that day like no other. She watched as the warrior woman ordered them all killed. The way she moved and fought with no regard for life was etched upon her soul. A deep hatred grew in her heart that would never be quenched.

Hatred vengenance was hers alone and she hunted down the army killing most but the woman. She had failed and was killed. Cast into the depths of Tartarus she was to suffer in eternity with her hatred until Hera appeared to her and she was pardoned. But that did not come without a price. Hera made her an offer to become an immortal. Her task was to kill her step son. And although she tried, she failed again. And as her punishment she gained her immortality but was trapped beneath the earth. Her lust for revenge grew deep within her soul..She was alone in that cavern..and her heart grew empty.. The only thing on her mind that kept her as perfect as she was was the though of becoming a Goddess and nothing would stop her.

It did not take long before another Goddess had heard of her and wanted to prove to Zeus she was powerful. She broke into the depths of the cavern to kill Callisto. Oh but she was ready..she had been trapped in her hatred with nothing else to do but hone her skills and she was more than ready for the conceited goddess. She easily defeated her holding her foot upon her as chest she screamed to the skys claiming her loyalty to Zeus. By doing this she won his favor, her gift the Fruit of the Gods....

As she suckled the sweetness of the fruit her form began to glow, power coursed through her making her blonde locks shine as if kissed by the sun. Eyes became vibrant holding that dark brown for a moment before lightening to a white hot as her body became what it will remain for eternity...

Hateful, Seductive, Evil, Divine, Vengeful.Beautiful...Perfection.

The Goddess.