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Cherish: Playful Water Goddess

Ancient's Name: Cherish Riverrunner
Ancient's Gender: Female
Ancient's Age: 14,000,235years old
Ancient's Form: River Otter
Ancient's Element: Water
Ancient's Worldly Gift: River's and Sea's
Ancient's Minor Gift: Waterfalls, Rain
Ancient's Direction: Northwest
Ancient's Description: Cherish and Riowing are considered the twin's of the universe in Arison culture. She is often the fun loving ditz of the family, constantly causing mischief or getting into trouble that her sister must bail her out from. However, had it not been for Cherish, the Rishishka army never would have joined the 400year war and brought it to an end.


The Priests of Cherish are Pranksters. Flat out fun loving and indulgent people spreading her Mischief in safe, but comical fashions. A lot of folks flock to the Priesthood for the simple fact that Cherish is a Goddess who believes in Freedom. The Freedom to be themselves and to do as they wish without harming others. Hippies in Space is a common thought for the Priesthood when asking about them, but a little less on the 'free love' aspect as Cherish wont step on her Mother's, Scarlet Rose, territory.


EBB - High Priestess, She is in Command of her Crematorium or Church. Only 1 per Church.
FLOW - One of the High Priests of the Priesthood, often tasked with creating Purity charms.
SWELL - This is as High as most Priest's will go, requiring a writ from the Ebb Council to reach Flow.
RISE - These are the most common among the Priests, and often work tirelessly to perform Purification's.
CURRENT - The Acolytes of the Church, they're often tasked with filtering requests up the chain.
PLACID - These are the Initiates of the Church of Cherish, still learning their skills and spells.

CLEANSING: Priest's are often seen near large bodies of Water setting up charms in the early hours of the morning before sun rise. These charms are then blessed by the "Flow" which is the High Priest, or the "Ebb" the High Priestess, before the Charms are placed in to the water just before Morning light crests to strike the water surface. This purifies the waters and cleanses them of harmful bacteria or toxins flowing to Cities, Villages or Hamlets. It also cleans other things out of the waters such as waste so that it can be reused in things such as Lakes, Pools, Fountains or other things that animals swim in or walk near.

PURIFICATION: When "Blood" magic was discovered, it was found that Priests of Cherish are often very proficient with the element and can detoxify the blood stream, as well as purify it to enhance blood flow. It's often a tiring experience for the person being purified as it requires intensive scrutiny by the Priest performing the rite, especially in the case of a poisoning victim. For this reason, Nobles often always have a Priest nearby whenever they eat or drink.

SPRING FANE: Cherish, being a Goddess that brings Rain, is heralded by the Spring season when she showers the land in preparation for Summer. Because of this, the Priesthood often holds a Celebration with Ritual Summoning's of Rain fall for those gathered to dance naked and remove the toxins and such from their bodies... not really but when the practice was started it's what people believed and the Tradition has remained strong.

SUMMONING: Priest's of Cherish often hold a class of Summoner, calling forth Sprites of the Elements and also the Guardian's of the Nine gates for specific rituals such as the Spring Fane or to protect them from harm.

BLOOD FALL: This Ritual is performed as a Rite to all those who have passed. Because the diseases and other things that a corpse can play host too, Cherish has placed a demand on her Priesthood to perform a Rite that will purify the body by converting the blood in to a combustible fuel so that proper burning can be done. Since there are no Grave yards anywhere on Eluris, Crematoriums are often run by the Priest's of Cherish to ensure all bodies are Purified by the Blood Fall rite.

RIVER RITE: The River Rite is held every months end to welcome the newest Initiates to the rank of Acolyte who have passed their trials. The Rite is always held near a fast moving River, where Acolyte's are to slow the rivers flow and capture a fish within a bubble while also creating a whirlpool to draw the bubble in. If the fish is harmed, the Initiate fails this final trial, but if the fish survives they are given the rank of Acolyte and begin to learn Blood Magic.

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