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Fusion Role Playing Game, takes place in the small fictional town of Summerfield, Southern California. At the end of the last school year the two towns of Mayfield and Eden became one when the town lines were redrawn. The city council decided that the two schools. Mayfield High a public High School and Eden Academy were to dissolve their students and at the beginning of the new school year. Students from each town would be evenly disturbed among the schools.

The two schools are completely opposite from each other. Mayfield a more relaxed environment being a public school, where uniforms aren't worn and freedom of expression in embraced. Compared to Eden Academy where there are strict rules and regulations along with tailored navy blue uniforms. Now as the most perfect summer of their lives come to a close. Some students will return to school at Mayfield, home for the Mayfield Bears, while others will put on their blue blazers and shiny black shoes to enter the halls of Eden Academy.

Find out what will happen to old friendships and relationships as new ones are formed. The tension that now exist in the schools will spill out into the town and find out what happens  at the big Game when the Mayfield Bears take on the Eden Tigers!