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Alejandro Montoya

Hello. My name is Alejandro Montoya. I was born in Havana Cuba on June 14th. I am told that Luna was full that night, which explains a lot about my temper. My parents were very poor and life was very hard for them. We struggled with day to day living, making due as we could. My uncle, Santiago Montoya, was a very well off man amoung smugglers and gun runners operating from Havana. I remember my uncle coming to our home and talking with my father about joining him in his business. My father would yell at him that he didn't want any part of it and tell him to leave. My father was a very stubborn man. Over time, as I learned to resent my father for his stubborn pride. When I was 15 years old, my father decided to go to America. After many talks with my uncle, he made arrangements for him and my mother to go over there to find work. I was to stay with my uncle until everything was set up for me to go over there. My parents never made it to America. The small boat that they were traveling in got caught in a very bad storm and they died. I continued with life as best I knew. I often got into fights, and stole. My uncle saw this as a potential business opertunity and had me act as a runner. A runner is basically a messenger. I would carry bribes, drugs, or weapons and deliever these things to the people my uncle told me too. After about six years of this, I finally got caught by the police. Now Cuban police are nothing like American police. It's shoot first, ask later. I got shot in my shoulder. And then that's when the Rage kicked in. The next thing I remembered were all the police officers were dead. The police were everywhere looking for me. My uncle, knowing what I was explained it to me. He told me I was a Garou and that I would not be safe in Cuba. He took me to another garou, who was simple called Gringo Lobo. He was apparently from America. He took me and trained me on what it meant to be Garou. He gave me a knife and a pistol. He told me that I was a warrior and a child of the Rat God. If I could make it to America on my own, I would be accepted into his tribe. I shifted into lupus form and in the middle of the night I snuck into a ship heading towards Miami. It was hard hiding on that boat, but I manage to get by. When the boat finally got here I waited a week. Then out of nowhere the Gringo Lobo found me and congratulated me on my Rite of Passage. He renamed me "Runs with Rats" because I had lived and slept with the rats on the boat over here. He then explained to me that I was to find a sept and make my way in the world. He then left town. I manage to find the number of some of my relatives here and they have given me some work here and there. I am not able to get work on my own, because my rage frightens people off. So far I only get buy, but it is the best I can do right now. They have also taught me English, which has made things much easier. Sometimes though, I forget my English and will talk to people in spanish.

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