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Welcome to Jaq Fardrive and Elite Burn's webpage. This will be rapidly updated from it's current boring state and we hope will be greatly loved amoungst many. *cough*

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Elite Burn

Elite Burn - Webpage designer so far and along with Jaq Fardrive, the leading producers of all activities shown upon this site.

Jaq Fardrive

Meet Jaq Fardrive, web monkey extrordinare...ythingymabob. In any case, Jaq is one of the lead men along with me, Elite on the website.

The Monkeys

This website will have many pictures and short videos of stupid stuff we do that we hope won't hurt us too much - I hope everyone enjoys it. Welcome one and all, take a look round... this desolate empty website. However, We hope soon to have some better stuff up for you all.