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-or- Poems and limericks.  
If you have a limerick or humorous poem please submit it to the Vineyard Messageboard. All submissions that make the site will receive due credit, so remember to include your character name. Thanks in advance, hope you enjoy!

The women in town are quite sumptuous
Their figures are always voluptuous
But they all carry swords
So, take me at my word,
Don't dare act in a manner presumptuous!
There once was a warrior named Ben
Who would fight with a sword in each hand
'Til he tripped o're a board
And swallowed one sword
And now he attacks from both ends!
If there one thing I surely have missed
It's Locanda, the constable miss
And if not for her stave
I surely would have
Stole me a wee little kiss!
A constable named Balabus Prat
Was huge, quite impossibly fat
But he made his first kill
In the dump by the hill
When upon a brown rat, he sat.
Beware of the plain tin mask
He'll take hold o' yer sack, he won't ask
And if you try to get wise
He won't 'pologize
For the dagger he'll stick in yer...backside.

How the pale white rat got his crimson splotches
In the dump near the edge of town
A pale white rat hunkered down
And thought it unfair that the hounds that were there
Left not a morsel of food to be found.
He didn't feel well, for the hounds wouldn't tell
Where any good food could be found
And when that pale rat saw Iridine
He thought the town's folk wouldn't mind
With all the food there, could they not perhaps spare
Some cheese and small glass of wine?
Those folks are well fed; why fight when, instead,
We could all share a barrel of wine?
And, indeed, he quickly was pleased
At the sight upon which his eyes seized
For, left on the stones, like some old chicken bones
Two small chunks of white goat's milk cheese!
"What luck", thought the rat, "I could get nearly fat
on two bits of white goat's milk cheese!"
So he settled right in and began soon to gnaw
What he thought some old man had let fall
But he didn't realize there were hungrier eyes
that glared from the lee of the wall!
From where he was at that ole tommy cat
was hid in the lee of the wall!
That ole cat was hidden quite well
And his eyes gleamed like green fires of hell
As, quick like a whip, that ole tommy cat slipped
And pounced on the pale white rat's tail!
There was fear and surprise in the pale white rat's eyes
When that tommy cat pounced on his tail!
Then up walked cat's master, Caprarius
For in these days ole Cap' was nefarious
And he made a small livin' from verminous skinnin'
And, sadistic, he thought it hilarious.
He would watch the rats wiggle, struggle and jiggle
And he thought it was simply hilarious.
But on this night Caprarius was toasted
And had just left a party he'd hosted
The pelt would do fine, but how lovely to dine,
He thought, on a pale white rat, roasted?
He'd had plenty to drink but now started to think
He would dine on a pale white rat roasted.
And this thought so please this odd man
That the bottle of wine in his hand
Tilted a bit and finally slipped
Upon a tomcat's tail to land.
With the prize he had caught that ole cat never thought
That upon his poor tail it would land!
So up jumped that ole tomcat screamin'
And left Cap', his drunk master, dreamin'
But the rat lost no time on cheese or spilled wine
In making a break for his freedom!
Though his white fur was stained he deigned to abstain
And made a quick break for his freedom!
Now the warrior his gladius notches
For each kill of a rat with red splotches
But remember, beware! For there's more than one there
And the dump hunter each closely watches.
And if you make a slip, or o'er a trashpile trip,
You can bet there's a pale rat who watches.