
Here we have the Psionics list. Each of the psionics will have a list of whether it is a sensitive, healing, physical, or super. This will make it easier on deciding where the powers go. If you think the power should be put in a different category then you are more than welcome to place it in that category.
Electrokinetic Flight
Pyrokinetic Flight
Telekinetic Flight
Hydrokinetic Flight
Super Telepathy
Electrokinetic Weapon
Pyrokinetic Weapon
Hydrokinetic Weapon

Electrokinetic Flight(created by FXchopshop)

Range: Self
ISP: 30
Duration: 20 mins. + 10 per level
SDC*: 30 plus 15 per level
Max Flight Speed: 100 mph, + 15mph per level
Flight Bonuses: +3 to Strike, +2 to Dodge, +3 to Tilt Dodge (counts as auto dodge, no other bonuses, uses no attacks), +6 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Explosion

This ability allows the character to fly and hover using electrostatic repulsion. The power creates a field of crackling electrical energy around the character.

This power also gives a slight amount of energy field protection. If the SDC of the field is reduced to zero, then the flight power stops entirely. The field can be reconstructed if destroyed in this way, but at the cost of 45 ISP.

All electrical and ion based attacks do no damage and the field takes half damage from plasma and fire attacks. All other energy attacks do normal damage.

The character can expand the field to take one additional person along with him at levels 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, and 14.

At third level, the character may shape the field, using it to do damage. The field does an additional die of damage when used to punch or kick and can be shaped into sharp points to to 2d6 points of stabbing damage, normally, or 5d6 on a power stab/impale, counts as two attacks.

There is a 25% chance plus 4% per level that the flight field will be able to harmlessly pass through force fields, starship class shields and psionic barriers.

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Pyrokinetic Flight(created by FXchopshop)

Range: Self
ISP: 30
Duration: 20 mins. + 10 per level
SDC*: 30 plus 10 per level
Max Flight Speed: 140 mph, + 20mph per level
Flight Bonuses: +3 to Strike, +2 to Dodge, +3 to Tilt Dodge (counts as auto dodge, no other bonuses, uses no attacks), +6 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Explosion

This ability surrounds the psychic with a firey aura and allows the character to fly like a rocket.

This power also gives a slight amount of energy field protection. If the SDC of the field is reduced to zero, then the flight power stops entirely. The field can be reconstructed if destroyed in this way, but at the cost of 45 ISP.

The flight field is extreamly hot and will easily set to burn flammable objects within ten feet of the character, 66% + 4% per level. Objects that the psychic touches while the flight field is active take 3d6 damage and are 75% +2% per level likely to catch fire as well, in addition to any punch or kick strike damage.

All heat based attacks, including plasma, fire and heat beams, do no damage, but water and cold based attacks will do double damage. Take half damage from all other energy based attacks.

The character can expand the field to take one additional person along with him at levels 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, and 14.

At third level the character can shape the field somewhat enabling him to pull the field back from his hands or feet so that he may hold objects or land safely without starting random fires.

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Telekinetic Flight(created by FXchopshop)

Range: Self
ISP: 30
Duration: 20 mins. + 10 per level
SDC*: 40 plus 15 per level
Max Flight Speed: 120 mph, + 15mph per level
Flight Bonuses: +3 to Strike, +2 to Dodge, +3 to Tilt Dodge (counts as auto dodge, no other bonuses, uses no attacks), +6 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Explosion

This is the awesome psychic power of flight through shear strength of will. The psychic basically creates a field of telekinetic energy around himself that pushes off of the ground

This power also gives a slight amount of energy field protection. If the SDC of the field is reduced to zero, then the flight power stops entirely. The field can be reconstructed if destroyed in this way, but at the cost of 45 ISP.

Any physical attack made against the character impacts against the field, requardless of strike roll or modifiers. Any such physical attack less than 10 points of damage is resisted fully and without a loss of field strength (SDC). Energy attacks do half damage to the field.

The character may also use the flight field to resist other telekinetic attacks. A successful save vs. psionics roll means that the telekinetic attack simply slipped off or failed to make contact. Physical objects tossed about by telekinetic powers are subject to normal rules however. ONLY direct psionic manipulations/attacks of a physical or telekinetic mannor may be defended in this way, including ectoplasm, levitate, telekinetic punch, kick, push, and raw telekinetic lift and throw attacks against the character. TK acceleration attack acts as normal.

The character can expand the field to take one additional person along with him at levels 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, and 14.

At third level, the character may shape the field, using it to do damage. The field does two additional dice of damage when used to punch or kick and can be shaped into sharp points to do 4d6 points of stabbing damage, normally, or 6d6 on a power stab/impale, counts as two attacks.

There is a 32% chance plus 4% per level that the flight field will be able to harmlessly pass through force fields, starship class shields and psionic barriers.

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Hydrokinetic Propulsion(created by FXchopshop)

Range: Self
ISP: 30
Duration: 20 mins. + 10 per level
SDC*: 10 plus 10 per level
Max Underwater Speed: 75 mph, + 15 mph per level
Combat Bonuses: +2 to Strike, +2 to Dodge, +3 to Tilt Dodge (counts as auto dodge, no other bonuses, uses no attacks), +6 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Explosion, Leap out of water for automatic surprise attack on a natural 16 or higher.

This is the uncanny ability to move about on or under water at fantastic speeds. The psychic generates a localized psionic energy bubble about himself that actually manipulates fluids to propell himself along.

The SDC protection of this bubble is minimal, but the power’s greatest abilities are in it’s extraordinary mobility, maneuverability and versitility.

The character travelling underwater can reach a depth of one mile without suffering any pressure related disabilities. Furthermore, while underwater, the field actually filters oxygen out of the water to produce breathable air within. The character can travel at virtually unheard of speeds underwater, making seemingly impossible transitions of position in a mater of heartbeats. The character can actually propell himself up out of the water at top speed 20 ft. +5 ft per level, leaping into the air like a dolphin or whale.

The power can also be used to actually walk across the surface of any liquid without harm! Whether the liguid is normal or sea water or even something as deadly as molten lava, boiling oil, or a vat of highly caustic acid, the character will remain unharmed while the field is in effect. The field is unaffected by adhesives, however it is not effective against adhesives that have taken effect before the field was created.

Movement is unhindered while walking on the surface of liquids, and running speeds are the same as on dry land. The character can also use the field to propell him across the surface, like a stone skipping across a pond at half the character’s maximum underwater velocity. This hydroplaning motion takes half the character’s actions per melee and leaves a considerable wake behind the character as he passes.

The character can expand the field to take one additional person along with him per level of experience. The field can also be shaped somewhat to allow portions of the field to contact fresh air, allowing the characters to enter the field from a dry environment where necessary.

The field is constantly altering its pressure to maintain the character’s safety, and none traveling within the field will suffer the effects of the bends from moving too rapidly up or down from great depths, unless they were already suffering from the bends beforehand.

Any water based psionic, magical, or super ability attacks cannot harm characters or beings protected by the field. All other attacks cause damage direct to the field. The field may be reconstructed within an instant at normal ISP expenditure, but it takes up half of the character’s attacks per melee to do so.

This power can also be used on snow surfaces, on ice and in upper airmass clouds with the following adjustments.

Traveling through solid ice is not possible. The character can use the field to skate over ice, even thin ice, with no penalties, same as surface propulsion. The character can however travel at great speeds through snow, no matter how tightly packed, at half the character’s underwater speed. The character can also use the field in surface propulsion mode to "ski" over snowy terrain.

Using the field in high altitude clouds presents other problems. The field is not resistant to gravity, it only provides boyancy against liquids in general, especially water. Thus, clouds may be able to support the character’s weight somewhat, but they will eventually begin to sink earthwards. There is a 33% chance that this motion in a given cloud mass will result in atmospheric effects (rain, snow, hail, lightning) that the character may find difficult to protect himself from. Generally speaking, the field is boyant enough to support 200 lbs. +20 lbs. per level of experience in clouds as thin as 20 ft thick. Walking on such surfaces is akin to walking on a loose trampoline, minus the bouncing effects. Also, it should be pointed out that clouds are usually not of uniform depth and density throught the mass, and the character might hit a "Weak spot" and sink through. Ref’s should use discretion in this use of the power.

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Super Telepathy(created by FXchopshop)

Range: 9 miles + 1 additional mile per level
ISP: Special (Permanently expends 50)
Duration: Unlimited

The ultimate psionic communication power. This ability allows the character to have telepathic communications over vast distances without having to expend ISP. This super telepathy makes the character’s mind into a psychic switchboard of sorts, able to pick up and receive thoughts from at least 9 miles away. This distance is tripled when communicating with another psychic, no matter how powerful. In fact, when communicating with other psychics who possess normal telepathic and empathic abilities the range is magnified to 10 times normal and when communicating with another super telepath, the range is increased by 50 times normal range. Thus, two super telepaths might be able to receive on another’s thoughts from as far as 500 or more miles away.

Super Telepathy is also a step higher in capabilities as well. The telepath can transmit clear images, thoughts and emotions, sounds and even a series of images similar to television or internet transmissions. Similar to the lesser version of telepathy, the psychic has the ability to read surface thoughts of those within his range at will, merely by focusing. In this reguard, the ability works similar to ordinary hearing. The super telepath also has the ability to simultaneously maintain several lanes of telepathic comminications at once, as many as 5 + 2 per level of experince, a nifty ability for silent group communication.

The super telepathic psionic character has sensativities beyond those of a normal telepath. Such skills and senses are as follows:

Sense Other Minds 74% +2 per level, treat this as a sort of psychic radar that can detect beings with an IQ of 6 or greater. Range is ten ft plus one additional foot per level. A successful roll means that the character cannot be surprised or attacked from behind.

Recognize Familiar Minds 32% +11% per level. Similar to the above ability, but more refined so as to determine whether those the character knows are nearby as well. Same range as above.

Track by Thought 47% + 4% per level. Similar to track by scent, the telepath can actually determine where a certain thought pattern is coming from by following it back to it’s source.

Recognize Insanity/Mental State 20% +5% per level. This ability is very generalized and not to be used like a psychiatric diagnosis. It can however determine if someone is not well, operating on some dire urgency or other, temporarily driven mad by circumstances, or just generally coo-coo. Also good for recgonizing aliens.

Recognize Mind Control/Possession 45% +5% per level

Deep Scan this power is extremely difficult to utilize and is extraordinarily draining on the psychic. It enables the psychic to go past the surface thoughts of another character. The victim of this ability gets a saving throw vs. psionics. If the vicitm fails, the telepath can access his short term memory for events of the last day. Going any deeper requires that the psychic expend 20 ISP and make a saving throw vs. psionics themselves. Reguardless of whether or not the psychic makes the save, the points are spent. If successful the character now has access to the victims total memories, going back to early child hood.

While Deep Scanning, the character actually relives the victim’s memories, emotions and physical sensations, thus making it a very personal experience for the telepath and invasive for the victim. The character with this power can also make the victim relive certain events, at a highly magnified sensory value, so that even the most minute details are clear. This technique can be used on willing participants without have to make saving thows, and is often used by some super telepaths as a method of helping to recover lost or supressed memories.

Mental Domination/Possession siezes control over targets voluntary muscle control to such a degree that even such complex muscular activity such as speaking may be done. Range is extrememly limited to only about 50 ft + 10 ft per level and can only be done on 1 target plus an additional target at levels 4, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Standard save vs. Psionics applies.

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Electrokinetic Weapon (Sword)(created by FXchopshop)

Range: Self
ISP: 30
Duration: 5 minutes per level
SDC*: Damage: 4d6 + special

A psi-sword like weapon made of electrical energy, this powerful melee weapon has several intersting side effects. If it is used against electrical devices, it has a ##% + #% chance per level of shorting out and shutting down the device in question. If used against a person or other being not resistant to electrical attacks, that person gets a save vs. Non-Lethal Poison/Stun to remain conscious, with a -1 penalty to save for each consecutive hit after the first.

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Pyrokinetic Weapon (Sword)(created by FXchopshop)

Range: Self
ISP: 30
Duration: 5 minutes per level
SDC*: Damage: 4d6 + special

Harnessing the power of heat and flame into the shape of a psi weapon, this dangerous power creates a weapon of solid fire. In addition to it's powerful damage and ability to strike, this powerful weapon also has a ##% + #% chance per level of setting on fire any object it hits.

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Hydrokinetic Weapon (Sword)(created by FXchopshop)

Range: Self
ISP: 30
Duration: 5 minutes per level
SDC*: Damage: 4d6 + special

This power is more akin to a chain saw than a standard weapon. It's damaged is caused by the motion of water through the blade area of the weapon, much like a high pressure water sprayer. This is not exactly a silent weapon in that the water is constantly moving and making bubbling and gurgling noises, which despite being soft, do carry. This weapon is highly effective against Vampires, doing double normal damage straight to hit points.

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