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The Knights' Den is the location of the Guild board and the racks, where Knights can share equipment.  Here Knights gather to leave messages on the board, or just sit around and chat with their fellow Knights for a while.
Meet the Knights . . . .
bulletArianne the Junior Squire to Drin's Army
bulletCount BloodEagle the Senior Knight of the Realm
bulletPrince BryghtBlade the Grand Knight and Protector of the Rose
bulletPrince Buckingham the Knight Wizard and Developer of the Code
bulletPrincess Caryn the Elder Mortal of the Heart and Knight Extraordinaire
bulletCinnabun the Captain of Drin's Army
bulletPrince Darius the Grand Knight and Protector of the Rose
bulletPrincess Elisabeth the Grand Knight and Protector of the Heart
bulletDuchess Emylia the Grand Knight and Protector of the Heart
bulletPrincess Flea hops faster than a Lightning Bolt
bulletMarquis Fort the Grand Knight and Protector of the Rose
bulletPrince Galt the Keeper of the Sword
bulletCount Han the Junior Knight of the Realm
bulletJeanie the Apprentice Knight of the Realm
bulletEarl Joho sits upon his silver dragon
bulletJestuh KaSmune de freakin' honky pig-woodfag uh de damn woods
bulletArchangel KnightRC the Wizard
bulletPrince Krim the Elder Mortal of the Rose and Knight Extraordinaire
bulletPrince Lorer the Grand Knight and Protector of the Heart
bulletEarless Nechita the Knight Commander of the Heart
bulletCelestial Orla of the Order of the Thistle
bulletMarquis Pipin the Grand Knight and Protector of the Rose
bulletCount Scarlioni the Grand Knight and Protector of the Rose
bulletSilverstorm the Sergeant of Drin's Army
bulletStormsinger the Squire to Drin's Army
bulletPrincess StormSong the Grand Knight and Protector of the Heart
bulletCountess StormWolf the Grand Knight and Protector of the Heart
bulletPrincess Teradia the Grand Knight and Protector of the Heart
bulletBaroness Tigerlily the Apprentice Knight of the Realm
bulletToBiuS the PuNk
bulletPrincess Utopia the Grand Knight and Protector of the Heart
And their friends . . . .



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