The Story

	They shove Jade into the bathroom upstairs and start to wash all the hair dye out. There's tons and tons of it in. All four girls are hanging over her and the tub, scrubbing the stuff out. Meanwhile they're making a huge mess. The tub is completely red and the water is black. When their done, they sit Jade in a
chair and Gwyn starts cutting. She only trims the bottom, getting rid of the split ends and unevenness. She gives her some feathery bangs that match the sisters and then dries it. When she's done drying, she gives Jade a mirror. Jade is in complete awe and so are the rest. Her hair is a beautiful, shiny, raven black with a few dark brown, natural highlights. It's soft and hangs to her waist. Her skin is tan and she has a beautiful complexion.
	" She doesn't need any make-up." says Gwyn with envy. " Now for the clothes." 
	She grabs Jade by the wrist and drags her into their room. Out of a bag she takes a pair of dark blue flares and a dark green three quarter sleeve shirt.
Jade is very skinny and the shirt clings to her tiny waist. Her choker-chain matches the shirt perfectly and so does her skin tone. Her dark green-brown swirling eyes shine with happiness. Gwyn gives her a pair of her black sandals to finish her off.
	Standing infront of the full length mirror, Jade looks gorgeous. She looks so happy she could cry. Aria puts her arm around Gwyn with approval. She had done a wonderful job.
	" I don't know what to say." says Jade.  " I...thank you."
	" Your welcome." says Gwyn.
	" Well, I'm exhausted." says Cora and the rest nod in agreement.
	" Oh...." says Jade. " I have to get home. My grandma will be worried."
	" Okay. We'll walk you." says Willow.
	They head downstairs and out towards Jade's house.

	Her grandma meets them at the door and takes a long look at Jade.
	" My girl." she says. " You look lovely! Are these your new friends?"
	Jade turns to them with a questionable look.
	" Yes ma'am." says Gwyn.	
	" How wonderful." says her grandmother. " Jade's never really had real friends before. You don't know how much this must mean to her."
	" Grandma!" cries Jade with embarrassment.
	" Her parents died when she was little and I fear she spends too much time with this old lady." continues her grandmother. " I'm glad she's opened
up a little."
	Her grandmother walks back into the small house and Jade follows. Then she turns.
	" She's right." says Jade with a smile. " This does mean a lot to me, to have real friends."
	She walks in the house and the others start back home.

	" Summer vacation!!!!!!!" yells Willow running into the house after their last day of testing.
	" Thank God." says Aria as she, Gwyn, Cora, and Jade follow behind her.
	" Have we found out who the next element is?" asks Gwyn.
	" Nope." says Aria. " The crystal still won't give us anything."
	Gwyn and Jade sit on the couch and play-fight over the remote. Since Gwyn gave her that makeover, they've been best friends. Not as good as the sisters, of course, but close. At school the day after, no one had recognized Jade and guys had drooled all down the hall. She actually got asked out by three guys in four periods. The changes were amazing.
	" I don't understand why that crystal won't work anymore." says Gwyn.
	" The next person probably just hasn't come yet." says Aria.
	" Lets try again." says Cora.
	Aria takes out her crystal and throws it up in the air. This time it works and two girls appear in the picture. They look exactly alike except for hair and eye color. One girl has shoulder length silvery-white hair and light blue eyes and the other has shoulder length silvery-blue hair and dark blue eyes. They are both about 5'5 and about 130 lbs. The white haired one has a light blue crystal and the blue haired one has a dark blue crystal.
	" Oh good." says Willow. " Two at once."
	" Makes it a little easier." says Gwyn.
	They take one more look at the picture and then Aria returns the crystal to her pocket.

	The next day they decide to go to the movies and see that new chick-flick. They walk into the theater, get their tickets and popcorn, and find a seat. The movie is great and they all have tears in their eyes.
	" If only life was really like that." says Cora.
	" Yeah." says Willow. " That would be great."
	" Excuse me." comes a snotty voice from behind them. " Could you please shut-up? We're trying to watch the movie."
	" Oh shove it you..." starts Jade turning around. She stops seeing who it is. She gasps.
	" It's them." says Gwyn in a whisper.
	" What are you talking about?" says one of them. " Freaks."
	" Oh you..." starts Jade. " I don't care who you are. Say anything else and I'll punch you out."
	" Don't Jade." says Willow.
	" Oooo... Jade." says the blue haired one. " What kind of name is that? Sounds like one of those stripper names."
	The two laugh and Jade gets ready to fight. The others pull her back and drag her out of the theater.
	" I can't believe those bitches are one of us." says Jade.
	" It makes me sick to even think about it." says Gwyn. " Can't we just skip them or something?"
	" No we can't skip them." says Aria. " They can't be that bad. They just need to ........ I don't know. We'll take care of it."
	" We better." says Cora. " Cause I'm not doing anything with them like that."
	They wait outside the movie theater for the two twins and when they come out they stop them.
	" What the hell do you people want?" asks the white haired one.
	" Your the next elements." says Willow.
	" Whatever." says the blue haired one walking away.
	" Stop." says Aria. " Your one of us."
	" A freak?" says the white haired one. " In your dreams."
	" Oh shove it." says Jade. " Just listen to us."
	" Fine." they say. " Whatever."
	Aria explains everything and the two twins look at each other.
	" They really are freaks." says the white haired one." Lets go."
	Before they can walk away, Aria throws the crystal up. They stop and their choker-chains appear. They look at them and smile.
	" Cool." says the blue haired one.
	" Welcome to the group, Water and Ice." says Gwyn.
	" What group?" asks Ice, the white haired one.
	" Our group." says Willow.
	" Ha!" shouts Water, the blue haired one. " We don't need you guys. We can use these powers on our own."
	" No you can't." says Jade.
	" Give it up." says Ice. " Like we're ever gonna join freaks like you."
	They walk away and Willow goes to stop them, but is stopped herself by Aria.
	" Let them go." she says. " We'll get them later."
	Jade calms down and they leave the theater, wondering how they're gonna convince those girls to join them.

	" What are we going to do?" asks Gwyn as everyone sits down in the sister's living room.
	" And even if we convince them to join it'll be reluctantly." says Willow.  " They won't want to be there. And that won't help us at all."
	" There has to be a way." says Aria. " Boy, I wish Orion was here."
	" You called?" comes Orion's voice in their heads.
	" I thought you couldn't help us anymore." says Gwyn.
	" I can't physically be there for you." says Orion. " But I'm here in your minds. I will always be here if you need me."
	" We do need you." says Willow.
	Cora and Jade have a look of surprise on there face, because they realize they're telepathic, and also that Orion is real and talking to them. They never really could quite believe that part of the story but they do now.
	" I see you are surprised." says Orion. " I am Orion, former Goddess of the Elements. It's good to meet you, Wind and Earth."
	" Same here." they say back with a smile.
	" Now what is your problem?" asks Orion.
	" Water and Ice won't.." starts Willow.
	" Join you?" finishes Orion. " I know. I watched the whole thing. I'm really not quite sure what to do either. The Gods assured me that you would all get along. Sometimes disagree of course, but never like that."
	" Can't you ask those Gods of yours what to do?" asks Cora.
	" No, I wish I could." says Orion with a telepathic sigh. " When they gave me the crystal they told me that this was my last chance. If I tell them it
can't be done I'll be banished for sure. And then I will be of no help at all to you."
	" Then what are we supposed to do?" asks Aria.
	" The Gods have never been wrong." says Orion. " If they say you will all get along, you will. I suspect there may be something deeper that's affecting there behavior."
	" Or maybe the power was just reborn in horrible people." says Jade.
	" No Jade." says Orion. " You were the chosen. Goddess powers know who they pick. Sometimes they are very specific. I can't explain it, you'll never understand. But I can tell you for a fact that power cannot be possessed by anything that is even remotely evil. Or horrible."
	" I just say give it time." Orion continues. " Find out about these girls and you will find an answer to your problem. But never give up. I know you can do it girls. Good luck."
	With that, she disappears from their minds. They all sigh and look at each other. And the hard part hasn't even come yet.

	" So what did you find?" Willow asks Gwyn as they walk down the street. 
	They are on the block where the two twins live, trying to find information about them.
	" A few things that may help." says Gwyn. " Ice is named Sera and Water is named Mira. They moved here from Illinois. They live with their dad, their mom died a few years ago in a car wreck. They don't have many
friends. They're always together, do everything together, and never let anyone join them. The lady next door says the won't hang out with other kids because
they don't want to get to close. She says she thinks they're afraid of losing them if they get close."
	" Their dad doesn't work anymore." she continues. " He keeps himself locked up in the house and only comes out if he has to. They're rich though, so they don't have any money problems. The girls take care of the house, their dad and themselves. Oh, and their last name is Belle."
	" You are amazing!" cries Willow. " How do you do that?"
	" What?" asks Gwyn. 
	" Just go up to people, ask them these questions, and get so much information." says Willow.
	" I just go up to people, ask them questions, and they give me the 'so much' information." says Gwyn with a giggle. " It's my charm and beauty."
	" Whatever it is, " says Willow. " I'm glad you have it. Lets go tell the rest."

	" Gwyn, you're so great!" cries Aria.
	" So I've been told." says Gwyn with a smirk.
	They are all sitting around Cora's living room eating dinner.
	" Well, that explains the attitude." says Jade. " But what are we gonna do about it?"
	" We have to make them realize that not everyone will leave them." says Cora.
	" And how do you plan to do that?" asks Willow.
	" We need to try and get close to them." says Aria. " And never stop trying."
	The rest nod and finish eating.
	" Excuse me?" shouts Cora from down the street. " Would you two like to join us?"
	" In what?" asks Mira.
	" We're playing touch football and need two more players." says Cora. " Hey, your the guys from the movies! No hard feelings huh? We shouldn't have been talking. Sorry about that. So, you want to join us?"
	" Fine, whatever." says Sera.
	They follow Cora to the nearby park and join up with the rest. 
	" Hi!" shouts Gwyn.
	" Hi." says Mira.
	" Thanks for playing with us." says Aria. " It's hard to play with only two people on a team."
	" Sure." says Sera.
	" Do you guys mind playing on opposite teams?" asks Willow.
	" Kinda, yeah." says Sera.
	" Where's that bitchy Jade girl?" asks Mira.
	" She couldn't make it." says Gwyn. " And she's not bitchy. She was just having family problems. You know what that's like, when something happens you just don't feel like being nice to anybody?"
	" Yeah, I guess." says Sera. 
	" So you said you wouldn't play on opposite teams?" asks Aria.
	" No, we will." says Mira.
	" We will?" asks Sera.
	" Yeah." says Mira.
	" Great!" says Aria.
	They make up the teams and start to play. They are all having a great time, including the twins. The score is tied and it's up to Mira to make the touchdown. She gets the ball and maneuvers past Cora and Willow and faces off against her sister. She pushes her down and makes a touchdown.
	" WooHoo!!!!" she shouts. " All right!"
	She slams the ball down and hugs everybody on her team.
	" That was great!" shouts Aria. " Great play!"
	" You cheated." says Sera walking up to her.
	" No I didn't." says Mira.
	" Yeah you did." says Sera. " It's touch football. I touched you."
	" So." says Mira.
	" Why are we fighting?" asks Sera.
	" I don't know." says Mira. " It's these people. Let's go."
	They walk off, leaving the rest looking shocked.

	The next day there's a knock on the Belle's door. Sera answers it.
	" Hello?" she says.
	" Hi." says Aria. " I just want to talk to you and your sister for a minute."
	" Go away." says Sera and she goes to slam the door.
	Aria pushes it open and walks in.
	" Listen to me." says Aria.
	Mira walks in and stands next to Sera.
	" I'm sorry about your mom, I really am." says Aria. " But there's nothing anybody can do about that. Right now the entire world is in danger and without you two, it'll be destroyed. We can't do anything without you. You need to stop thinking about yourselves and start thinking about everyone else. The past is gone and if you don't stop secluding yourselves we might as well forget about the future. Why do you do this to yourselves? I know your not happy so take a chance. Open up."
	Mira and Sera's expressions haven't changed at all and Aria decides it's hopeless.
	" Fine." she says with a sigh. " Stay here and be unhappy and depressed. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you like being isolated. Maybe if you did join us it wouldn't help any. I can't tell you. All I know is
that, if it were me, I would at least give it a try. I wouldn't end up any worse off." 
	"Oh well, you can come find me if you change your minds. If not, I pity you. I don't know how anyone could live their life without friends. I couldn't."
	Aria turns and walks out, leaving the twins alone again in their house.

	" Well?" asks Willow.   
	Aria joins the rest in Jade's back yard.
	" I don't know." says Aria. " I left them with my offer but it doesn't seem too promising. They really need to see a psychiatrist or something. I'm, sorry for them too. It must be horrible to have the feeling that you can't trust anyone."
	" What are we going to do then?" asks Gwyn. " We can't do anything without Water or Ice."
	" We'll think of something." says Cora.
	They all look at each other with frightful faces. What if the twins don't come? What will happen. It seems hopeless.
	" Excuse me?" comes a soft voice from the back door. " Mind if we join you?"
	They look up and see Mira and Sera. They cheer and with huge smiles they welcome the two to the group.

	" Let's see who the next one is." says Jade.
	It had been a week since the whole twin dilemma and they decided to let the two settle into the idea before scouting again. The girls had actually fit in easily once they opened up. Now they were just like the rest, wilder even, making up for their years of isolation. 
	Aria takes out her crystal and tosses it into the air. It shows a picture of a girl, about 5'6 or 5'7 with dark red hair and dark red eyes. The crystal
around her neck is also red. The picture fades and the crystal returns to Aria.
	" Fire." says Cora. " Cool."

	" It's been three days and we haven't found her yet." says Willow with a frown.
	The girls are walking down the street on their way to Cora's house. They've gone out everyday but haven't found the next element.
	" The rest came the next day." says Gwyn.
	" We'll find her." says Jade. " Keep your panties on."
	They turn down Cora's block and her a loud crash. They turn and run to the sound. A bike is turned over and newspapers are spread all over the place.
	" I'm so sorry." says a girl who starts picking up the papers.
	" Don't help Kyra." says the newspaper boy. " You'll just make another mess."
	" I'm really sorry Jerad." says Kyra. " I'll make it up to you."
	" Please don't." says Jerad as he continues to pick up the papers.
	" Can we help you?" asks Sera as the group runs down the street to the accident.
	" Fire!" cries Mira recognizing the girl from the crystal's image.
	" Where?" shouts Kyra. " I didn't do it this time I swear."
	" No there's no fire." says Willow flashing a look at Mira.
	" Oh phew." says Kyra.
	" It wouldn't surprise me." says Jerad placing the rest of the papers in the basket. " When Kyra's around anything can happen."
	" I really am sorry Jerad." says Kyra as he pedals away. She sits down on the ground with a frown. " I am so clumsy. He's right. It wouldn't be surprising if there was a fire. All I do is mess things up. I try I really do. But I just...."
	She stands up and waves her arms around, frustrated.
	" Fire!" cries Mira.
	" Mira we get it." says Sera.
	" No a real fire!" cries Mira. " In that tree!"
	" Put it out!" yells Jade.
	" Oh yeah." says Mira. " Water!"
	From her hand comes a blast of water that drenches the tree, extinguishing the fire. Kyra looks at Mira with shock and takes a step back. " How...who...?" she stammers.
	" I think we have some explaining to do." says Aria and she starts telling Kyra the story of the Elements and of her destiny.
	" Well, I...." says Kyra sitting back down. " You mean I made that fire?"
	" Yeah." says Gwyn.
	" God, I am clumsy!!!!!" cries Kyra covering her face.
	" No." says Willow. " You didn't even know. You had no control over it."
	" Exactly!" says Kyra. " I have no control over anything! I would be of no help to any of you."
	" Yes you will, lots of help." says Aria.
	" I'm just warning you ahead of time." says Kyra.
	" We're warned." says Jade.
	Aria throws up the crystal and Kyra receives her red crystal. She stands up and examines it.
	" Come on." says Cora. " I have to get home. My turn to cook dinner." 
	They all follow her to her house, Kyra tagging behind. She's so interested in her crystal that she trips over the curb and falls onto the sidewalk. She quickly gets up and runs to catch up with the rest. The other girls just look at each other and roll their eyes.

	" You are clumsy." says Sera after Kyra knocks over the magazine rack at the supermarket.
	Kyra gives a small smile and starts picking up.
	" I think we need to work on that." says Willow.
	They pay for the food and head for the Cambell house. At the house, Aria puts the groceries away and the rest sit down into the living room. Aria comes in with a big, flat book and hands it to Kyra.
	" I want to see you balance this on your head as you walk across the room." she says.
	" Yeah right." says Kyra but she takes it anyway.
	The fifth try she manages to keep it balanced.
	" I'm doing it!" she cries and, looking up at the book, she stubs her toe on the coffee table. " Owww!!!!!"
	The book falls and Kyra sets herself down next to it.
	" It's useless." she says.
	" You just need to learn to pay attention." says Cora. " Your not clumsy, your absent minded."
	" Same thing." says Kyra.
	" Not really." says Willow. " You should join my dance class. Then you can practice balance and focus and stuff like that."
	" That's a good idea." says Gwyn.
	" Okay." says Kyra, still not convinced.
	" I'll take you there tomorrow." says Cora.

	" It's amazing." says Jerad from the audience of the classes weekly recital. " She hasn't fallen yet."
	" She's good." says Willow.
	Kyra was very good. The classes had been a great idea and since her first day the girls had seen improvement. She still tripped and ran into walls but not as often and she had learned to focus her attention on something, keeping her from being distracted too much.
	After the recital, they meet up with Cora and Kyra, congratulating them. Kyra's glowing with excitement and happiness.
	" I didn't mess up once!" she cries.
	" You were great." says Jerad. 
	" Thanks." says Kyra, blushing. 
	They all laugh and talk about the recital as they walk home.

	" Well, we might as well see who's next." says Cora. " It's been almost two weeks."
	" Yeah." says Willow.
	Aria again throws up her crystal and it, again, projects an image. The girl is 5'6. She has white hair like Willow's, up in a high ponytail reaching her knees, and bright light green eyes. Her crystal is light green to match her eyes. The white crystal fades and returns to Aria.
	" How many more of these elements do we have left?" asks Gwyn.
	" I don't know." says Cora. " We should just concentrate on this one right now."
	" Well, it's early." says Jade. " Let's go walking. Maybe we'll meet her today."
	" Okay." says Willow. " I need to buy a dress for that wedding."	
	" Aunt Cassia's wedding!" cries Gwyn. " And I haven't even started shopping yet!" 
	The rest laugh. Aria grabs the keys to her mom's car and Mira hops in her dads. With the three sisters and Cora in one car and the twins and the others in the next, they head out to the mall.

	" This dress is pretty." says Sera.
	" I can't wear that." says Gwyn. " I'm too fat."
	" Yeah right." says Willow. " If you're fat then what am I?"
	" Skinnier than me." says Gwyn with a frown.
	" Just try it on." says Sera throwing the dress at her.	
	Gwyn takes the dress and rushes into the dressing room. She comes out twirls around and looks in the mirror.
	" That looks great!" shouts Jade. " I love it. You have to get it."
	" I might." says Gwyn. " It's a possibility."
	There's a crash from down the hall and they look out the display window. From the pet store runs a few bunnies and a dog and cat and chasing after them is the store manager. The girls go running toward the shop,
including Gwyn with the dress still on, setting off the alarm.
	" Hey stop!" cries the clerk. " You didn't pay for that! Hey girl...!"
	They continue to run down the hall and into the pet store.
	" I'm really sorry." says a girl helping an employee pick up the mess. " I didn't mean it."
	" It looks like something I would do." says Kyra with a small laugh.
	The girl turns and the rest gasp.
	" It's her." they say in unison.
	" Yeah, it's me." she says. " I did it."
	" That's not really what we meant." says Mira.
	" Yeah, I'm sure." says the girl.
	" I think you should just leave." says the manager, running back. " And I want to pay for those lost animals."	
	" How about I just get them back for you." says the girl and she puts her fingers to her mouth, whistling.
	The animals scurry back and are intercepted by the shop attendants.
	" How.....?" stutters the manager.
	Before he can ask the girl runs out. The rest chase her down the hallway. They are all chased by the clothing stores clerk and two mall police. They race down the mall, dodging people, trying to keep up with one another. The next element turns a corner and the girls follow. Kyra is grabbed by the shirt just before the cops can see them and they pass right by.
	" This girl better be worth it!" cries Gwyn. " I'm a wanted criminal now!!!!" 
	" Worth what?" asks the new girl stepping out from the shadow. " Who are you? What do want?"
	Aria throws up her white crystal and the new girl receives her light green crystal. When the crystal returns, the new girl walks up to them.
	" I'm Ivy." she says.
	" Welcome to the Elements, Nature." says Aria and they all introduce each other.
	Before anyone can give Ivy an explanation, their crystal all begin to glow. The crystal Orion gave them flies into the center of their newly formed circle. It projects Orion above it and all their colors go into the center crystal.
	" I am so proud of you girls." she says telepathically. " You have finally joined together all the Elements and are now ready to start training. The evil is not far away and soon it will attack. It drains energy from people, gaining power for it's worldwide takeover. You must stop it before it can reach that point, no matter what it takes. I believe in all of you and wish you luck. Train everyday and grow as strong as possible before fighting. Battle will make you stronger but you need to have an edge to start on. Good Luck
girls! I will always be here your minds for support."
	With that she's gone. The crystal returns to Aria and their separate gems fade. Ivy looks around in shock but Aria doesn't think she'll have to be too persuasive in her explanation. At that moment the police come running around the corner and grab Gwyn. She's taken to the store, given her clothes back, and exiled from that shop forever.

	" Well that explains a lot." says Ivy as she sits down on the Cambell's living room floor.
	" What do you mean?" asks Cora.
	" Ever since I was little.." starts Ivy. " I've been able to talk to animals. Like Dr. Dolittle sort of. Except animals don't really talk like that. They don't
understand words made by humans. I don't know, It's confusing. But I can talk to them and always have."
	" That's cool." says Mira.
	" Yeah, but it's gotten me in a lot of trouble." says Ivy. " My dad hates me and wants to kick me out. He thinks I'm crazy. I've been to so many shrinks I lost count. I'm not alone to be around any animals or have any pets. He says it's dangerous to my mental health or some crap like that. Whatever. I hardly come home anymore anyway."
	" That's sad." says Gwyn. " I doubt he hates you."
	" He does." says Ivy. " Doesn't matter. I hate him too."
	" No you don't." says Aria.
	" And he's probably just scared that your different." says Sera. " Parents are always like that."
	" I don't think so." says Ivy. " You don't know him."
	" I think he cares about you." says Willow. " Or he wouldn't want to help your ' problem '. Or what he thinks is a problem."
	 " Maybe your right." says Ivy.
	" You should talk to him about it." says Jade.
	" I will." says Ivy. " Thanks. Oh, would you guys mind coming with me?"
	" Of course not." says Mira. " We'll all come."
	" Thanks." says Ivy.
	They all follow her out of the house toward hers.
	" Yes?" comes a voice as a man opens the door.
	" Hi dad." says Ivy.
	" Ivy?" he says. " What are you doing here? Have you stopped 'talking' to animals?"
	" No dad." says Ivy. " I wanted to..."
	" Well then you don't belong here." says her dad.
	" I just want to talk about..." says Ivy.
	" There's nothing to talk about Ivy." says her dad cutting in again. " You have to realize that you are imagining these 'voices' and I don't want some crazy person in my house."
	He slams the door in her face before she can answer and she bursts into tears.
	" I told you." she says quietly. " He hates me."
	" We'll try again tomorrow." says Aria. " You can stay at our house in the meantime."
	" Really?" asks Ivy.
	" Of course." says Willow and Gwyn nods.
	" Thanks." says Ivy wiping her eyes.
	They all head back to the Cambell's house comforting Ivy on the way.

	" I don't want to try again." says Ivy. " It's no use."	
	" You can't give up." says Sera. " It doesn't help. I know."
	" All right." says Ivy.
	They start down Ivy's block to her house. Walking towards them is Aria's English teacher, Mrs. Mayfield.
	" Hi Mrs. Mayfield!" shouts Willow.
	She looks at them but says nothing. She looks almost possessed. Then she just passes by and continues down the street.
	" I knew she was cold but I at least thought she'd make fun of me or something." says Willow.
	" There's something weird about her." says Aria. " Oh, I don't know."
	They shrug it off and walk to Ivy's front lawn. Her dad is outside mowing the lawn.
	" I thought I told you that I don't want to talk." he says to Ivy.
	" Please dad, I..." she starts.
	" No." he says. 
	He leaves the lawn mower and walks into the back yard. Ivy goes to follow but changes her mind.
	" Go on girl." says Jade. " Go after him."
	Before Ivy can take a step they hear a shout from the backyard. They all race behind the house and gasp. Mrs. Mayfield has lifted Ivy's father above her head and is slowly draining his energy.
	" Willow!" cries Aria and Willow's hands fly outward. Mrs. Mayfield is froze and so is Ivy's father.
	Ivy runs over and frees her dad. She lays him to the ground as Aria flings her teacher into a nearby tree. The time spell ends and she rises to her feet. Ivy turns and points her palm at the tree. The branches bend down and grasp Mayfield in them. She screams but quickly beaks free.
	" She's strong!" cries Cora. " Wind!" 
	Cora sends a blast of wind to the teacher but she walks, slowly, through it. 
	" Earth!" yells Jade causing the earth to rise up infront of her. Mayfield trips but quickly gets up and continues.
	" Water!" shouts Mira and she drenches Mayfield.
	" Ice!" shouts Sera and she freezes the water on her.
	The teacher breaks free of that also and Willow sends out her hands. Her time spell is ineffective.
	" Fire!" shouts Kyra, sending a blast of fire to Mrs. Mayfield. She is scorched but manages past that try too.
	" What do we do?" cries Kyra.
	The teacher advances to Ivy and her father. The father, who had been watching the whole thing, cowers away. Ivy stand up and points at the teacher.
	" Attack!" she yells and every bird, dog, cat, squirrel, chipmunk, and animal of any kind in the neighborhood comes running into the back yard. They jump onto her and she screams, engulfed in creatures. The girls run out of the yard and Ivy drags her father with her.
	" Well, I know she isn't normally like that!" says Aria when the group finally reaches a safe distance.
	" Are you okay dad?" asks Ivy.
	" You, you saved me!" he says in shock. " You really can talk to animals."
	" I've tried to tell you." says Ivy.
	" I know." says her father. " I didn't want to listen. It was too scary and instead of facing the fact I ran away. I'm sorry."
	" I forgive you." says Ivy.
	They embrace and the others just watch, tears forming.
	" Well, so much for training before hand." says Cora. " And we need to. We suck."
	" No we don't." says Gwyn. " We just have never used our power before. Well, most of us haven't."
	" Gwyn's right." says Aria. " Now that we've all had a chance to use our power we know what to expect. Now we can know how to control it."
	" So how are we going to find Mrs. Mayfield or..... whoever or whatever she is?" asks Jade.
	" I have a feeling she'll find us." says Aria. " We just need to keep watch."