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Javascripting by Josh Jones

Profile Background Resumé
(Age, Hobbies) (Education, Projects) (Skills, Contact)

(Email me!)


     Me and my wife
     Full Name:  Joshua David Jones
     Birthdate:  09-19-81
     Height:  5'11"
     History:  Eagle Scout, one year at BYU and one at UVSC, Served LDS Mission in Tokyo South, Japan, married to Alex on June 15th of 2002 :)
     Hobbies:  Computers, maintaining homepage, program, sketching, 
               video games, playing piano, dancing, biking, and writing short fiction.
     Goals:  Finish college, hold a steady job to support myself and my marriage.

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High School: Wenatchee High School 1101 Millerdale St. Wenatchee, WA 98801 Course: G.E. Classes

Skills Center: Course: Computer Technology An optional high school program designed to teach beyond the normal classroom environment. Spent three periods each school day on a computer, completing self-oriented projects; was graded on products, attendance, and quizzes.

College: Junior at UVSC Major: Computer Science 3.76 grade average - learned Java and C++ programming languages

Work Experience:

Web Intern
Employed June 30th, 2000 - September 15th, 2000
Candesa Interactive
251 River Park Drive
Ste 150
Provo, UT 84604
Temp. Full-Time, $10/hr.
Worked as an Associate Web Developer, created, maintained, or updated about 7 websites (30 webpages), and developed skills in JavaScript and DHTML.

In1 Intern
Employed Feb 2002 - Present
InShift Technologies
1881 W 820 N Suite #1
Provo, UT 84601
Full-Time, $10.50/hr. 40 hrs/wk
Worked as an Internet Developer, created, maintained, or updated about 6 websites (each with database connectivity through the in1 platform), and developed skills in JavaScript and SQL.

Personal Projects: Japanese animation club homepage(deprecated) , Cisco Online Networking course, Htmlgoodies Online Javascripting course, sqlcourse and sqlcourse2 online SQL courses

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     *Skills:    h                      
                  ftp                General computer applications & troubleshooting
                   m                                            eo         
                   l                                SQL         tm   
                    JavaScriPt              p                   we   
                              h           o                     o    
                                o       h                       r     
        Mac & PC                  t   s                         k     
                                    o        Java and C++       i        

Currently webmaster for:

      *Contact:                ->       Email: 

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